February 24, 2025

Diversity, Choice, and Tough Times

motivationWe’ve all been through tough times, at home and at work. Here are mind, body, spirit tips for taking charge and boosting ourselves up when life is hard. They include bringing in a spiritual team for support, even intervening in medical issues. Plus the crystal hematite, great for grounding and balancing, to boost focus.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Finding Comfort

spiritualityOverwhelmed by life, from chores to overwork? Stressed? Sometimes it helps to observe nature, and learn from others who inhabit the planet with us. In observing squirrels and flickers trying to raise families on the same telephone pole, I was reminded that life goes on, we do our best, and making the effort to keep going is helping us grow our souls. And enjoy life.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Bearing Witness, from Notre Dame Cathedral to Nature

notre-dameWhether it is an ancient cathedral, the after-effects of an earthquake or other earth event, or simple a change in the world around us, humans are always called to witness. We mourn loss and change, honor the souls involved, and celebrate a new beginning. It is always a reminder of our connection to nature and the world around us.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Believe, Relax, Talk with Your Animals

Kerys 4-18Relax and believe you can communicate with your animals–it helps to overcome doubt and the anxiety of trying to connect with them. It’s harder to talk with your own animals. So learn how your intuition works, practice with things you know they’ll enjoy (like favorite foods), and don’t forget they are already communicating with us. And we’re already listening–after all, we know when they’re hungry, ready to play, or not feeling well, and communicating with them more deeply is just part of that.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Take YOU Back

being YOUWe take ourselves back when we learn to be “good enough” even when we’re told by our culture that we’re not. We evaluate our strengths and weaknesses, values, needs for body mind and spirit, what our soul needs, and whether our energy is blocked or free-flowing. The world needs each of us to know who we are without limitations, to do our best, acknowledge mistakes, and always love ourselves.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Spring, Eco-Consciousness, Intuition, and Nature

FuchsiaPay attention to your gardening. Learn to connect with nature: it’s as simple as getting a small houseplant, a plant for a deck garden, even a large yard. Use your intuition to find out what the plant needs, and how together you can create a healthy spot on the planet, be eco-conscious for spring. Story about weed mats and how they block the energy of the sun and rain.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Speaking Our Truth, and Throat Chakra

truthOur throat chakra supports us in speaking our truth, which helps us not just be powerful as we explore what we believe and why, but helps us hear what others’ say and feel, thus building a better world. What is true to you? What are you beliefs and expectations? What does culture and religion tell us that we may need to be discerning about? By loving ourselves we learn to be open and honest and let our integrity help us hear what the world needs. You know you need work on your throat chakra if you are beset by negative thinking or self-doubt. We combat that by seeing the world as it really is, and being part of it. Decide what you believe in and why, speak your truth while supporting others to speak theirs, use salt cleanses and daily self-love and energy healing practices to support yourself.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Using Intuition to Connect with Your Home

basketOur homes have souls, are alive, and are created to nurture and support us. We can help them by sharing what we need and want from our homes and ask what we can do to meet their needs and wants. This form of space clearing I call Space Cooperating. Use your intuition to help you find the right help to clear your home, from sea salt to incense to music, flowers, candles.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Experiencing Awe, Enlightenment, Becoming

tulipsA wonderful NBC news story talked about how experiencing awe can help us be our best selves, plus be healthier. “Awe” is a great word to describe being connected to the world around us, appreciating everything from a sea shell to our family, and learning that we have a place in the world, that we matter, and a brief moment of appreciating the world can help us become our best selves.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Intuition and Feeding Our Dogs

Image by Antranias on Pixabay

Image by Antranias on Pixabay

We can use intuition to find out what our animals like to eat–and what’s healthy for them. This will also boost your animal communication skills. You can also use this to learn what you and friends like to eat, and what’s healthy for you.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz