February 23, 2025

Believe, Relax, Talk with Your Animals

Kerys 4-18Relax and believe you can communicate with your animals–it helps to overcome doubt and the anxiety of trying to connect with them. It’s harder to talk with your own animals. So learn how your intuition works, practice with things you know they’ll enjoy (like favorite foods), and don’t forget they are already communicating with us. And we’re already listening–after all, we know when they’re hungry, ready to play, or not feeling well, and communicating with them more deeply is just part of that.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Intuition and Feeding Our Dogs

Image by Antranias on Pixabay

Image by Antranias on Pixabay

We can use intuition to find out what our animals like to eat–and what’s healthy for them. This will also boost your animal communication skills. You can also use this to learn what you and friends like to eat, and what’s healthy for you.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Signs and Symbols from Our Deceased Animals

AlkiSometimes we get signs from our deceased animals, helping us know they’re okay. Believe in them, but don’t worry if you don’t notice one.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Because We Loved Each Other

AlkiAfter my dog Alki died in 2014, we talked about missing each other. He said to me that we were a team, and that “because we loved each other, there is more love in the world.”

What a privilege it is to live with animals! Treat them as family, and respect them as animals and as family. Love blossoms in the world.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Saying Goodbye to Our Animals

Grace the CatIt’s hard to say goodbye to a beloved animal. Here I share a story about a dog who thought he had accidentally killed himself, when he was really dying of cancer. It’s important to tell your dying animals why they are dying, if you have time. It matters.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Magnetizing a Reincarnated Animal

IOliver babyn this FB Live I talk about how I magnetized my reincarnating dog, Oliver, and how another dog popped in and asked why I didn’t want him. It’s a lesson to us in making sure, as best we can, that the animals we are bringing into our lives want to be with us, so we can help them achieve their soul purpose.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Four Tips for Successful Animal Communication, Part 1

Ollie and Kerys 8-17We are all intuitives and healers. We can all learn basic animal communication tips to help us deepen the human-animal bond, to become more responsive members of our multi-species families.

In Part 1 of a 2-part article from The Wellness Universe I discuss the first two tips for successful animal communication: mindset and intuition.

© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

How My Dog and I Learned Energy Boundaries

MurphyMy dog, Murphy Brown, and I learned energy boundaries the hard way. I developed symptoms similar to her beginning UTI, and finally realized it wasn’t me, it was her. This is a hard way to learn about energy boundaries! The human-animal bond in action!

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

How Crisis Affects Our Sacred Work

Grace the CatHow does a crisis affect our sacred work? How a woman losing her dog chose to honor the human-animal bond, even in crisis. She also honored her sacred work.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Our Animals and Spirituality

Murphy 7-16-1998 - 3-8-2012We can and should consider living with animals as a spiritual matter. But remember, our bodies need to have fun as we learn and grow together, which is what the human-animal bond is all about.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz