February 22, 2025

What Are We Doing, Really?

Our Mother, our beloved planet, is asking us to be who we are meant to be: equals with all life. As I re-start my radio show at OMTimes.com, I’m telling stories and talking about how we can all be ambassadors to the planet.

Oct. 3, 2022 show. What Are We Doing, Really? On Intuition, Life, and Our Mother. What is really going on in the world? Are we messed up, evolving—or both? How does mass PTSD disconnect us from each other—and even ourselves? What does Our Mother, our beloved, conscious, evolving planet, say about this? We’ll explore tapping intuition, common sense, and beliefs to connect with each other and with all life. We’ll learn about choosing love, healing our collective trauma, and creating a worldview that embraces the world, Our Mother, and our best selves. Stories!

How Space Clearing Helps People and Places Thrive

Throughout history, we have tried to be comfortable in our spaces at home and at work, using rituals and techniques like space clearing. A new way of space clearing consults with both people and their spaces to mesh the needs and wants of both sides. In this article, I discuss how space clearing works and why this new way matters.

If you’re interested in creating the healthiest, most balanced spaces to live and work in, consider space clearing. The energetic, or the vibrational, equivalent of dusting and vacuuming, space clearing will improve your spaces’ energetic flow by removing blocks that keep them, and us, from thriving.

Space clearing becomes even more powerful when people tap their innate intuitive and healing abilities to actually consult with their spaces to mesh the needs and wants of both sides. This is a new modality called Space Cooperating, which I pioneered in Seattle, Washington.

Stuck Energy and Our Spaces

Everything on the planet, human and otherwise, has distinct energy, or ‘vibration.’ When the vibrations are balanced, people and spaces feel comfortable and healthy. When vibrations are unbalanced, problems arise.

What gets vibrations out of balance? Daily life, from our emotions and activities to the world around us, including our animals, possessions, other people—and our spaces. That is, as we go about our day, little bits and pieces of our personal vibrations spin-off and are left behind in the places we visit, where they mingle with bits from everyone else’s vibration, including the spaces themselves. That means we and our spaces are constantly bombarded by stuck energy, which keeps us, and them, from being our best.

What do we do about stuck energy? We clear it, which helps the vibrations get balanced.

How Space Clearing Works

Space clearing involves rituals, tools, and techniques to shift the vibrations of space, depending on the practitioner.

Energy workers who use Reiki and other energetic modalities will forcefully shift the energy of space, so it feels good to them. However, this imposes the energy worker’s idea of balance on a space. While it can provide temporary relief to people weighed down by hectic schedules, it can create a dense barrier like sensory deprivation and block the healthy flow of energy.

Space Cooperating: Bringing People and Spaces Together

Space Cooperating is space clearing that partners with both people and their spaces to mesh the needs and wants of both sides.

It begins with the clients defining their goals. That could include design/build, remodel, buy/sell, launching a business, improving team productivity and performance, soothing emotionally charged spaces like medical and care facilities, acknowledging change (marriages, divorces, graduations, deaths), clearing EMFs, removing stuck energy from previous tenants or owners, and resolving paranormal activities.

The next step is where Space Cooperating is unique: the practitioner has an intuitive conversation with space itself, telling it what its humans need and want and asking what it needs and wants in return. The spaces are often delighted to share their feelings and opinions.

Then comes the actual clearing session, where the client and space negotiate change, and the actual energy clearing occurs. The result? Both sides are heard, and changes are rapid and effective.

I know you’re probably thinking: Wait, we can communicate with our spaces? Yes, because, like everything else, spaces are alive. They have souls, emotions, responsibilities, and free choice. Supporting their soul growth, and having them support ours, is why we’re sharing the planet. We humans just haven’t thought of it like that in centuries.

What happens? In short, the energy that is stuck in space moves. Creativity and production increase. Homes that have been on the market for a long time suddenly start calling a new family to them—and sell. Businesses find new ways to come together to promote both the company and its employees.

In one memorable case, I was working with a single, childless homeowner who had just purchased the home of her dreams. The stickler? The home wanted to experience a human family. To compromise, the house asked for a cat, and the owner offered boxers, a dog breed she fostered. They agreed on the dogs, so happily ever after, right? Yes, but with a twist: within a few months, the owner became the neighborhood babysitter, something she never would have considered before knowing the house’s desire for children. They both enjoyed their new roles—and a bond deepened by understanding.

Originally published in OMTimes.com magazine: How Space Clearing Helps Places and People Thrive – OMTimes

About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt hosts the OM Times radio show, “The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World.” An intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist, she is an award-winning author whose next book is “The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side.” Find her at RobynFritz.com.

Being Practical and Present as an Intuitive

To develop our innate intuitive and healing abilities we need to be as practical and present as we are in our daily lives.

 To develop our innate intuitive and healing abilities we need to be as practical and present as we are in our daily lives. It helps by surrounding ourselves with things that remind us that we are making these abilities, or skillsets, part of our lives.

Most of us want to learn to use our innate intuitive and healing abilities, but we find it hard to incorporate them into our busy lives. The bad news is that we have to practice these abilities, or skillsets, before they become routine, just like any useful habit or ability. After all, we learn to drive a car by driving, not by gawking. The good news is that it’s easier than we think, especially if we make these abilities real and present in our daily lives.

Finding Concrete Ways to Be Intuitive

We make them practical and concrete by surrounding ourselves with physical reminders that we are part of a living, aware universe in which these abilities are natural, real, and useful. These reminders assure us that we can plug into these abilities and become our best selves while reminding us that we are all valuable and necessary to the world.

We can find these reminders by simply walking our neighborhoods, looking online, or examining books and objects that intrigue and inspire us. As we evaluate our response to them, we choose what most attracts us; these things help us keep healthy energy flowing around us.

For example, as you walk by the ocean, you breathe in the clearing energy of sea salt. As you roam the neighborhood, you may see a flower and enjoy its fragrance, or a gnarly tree that intrigues you. As you shop, you may find rocks, crystals, statues, or other objects that attract and inspire you — seeing the pattern? As you find things that deepen your connection to the world, you connect more deeply to yourself, in particular to the intuitive and healing abilities that will enhance your life.

Choosing Physical Reminders to Connect to the World—and Yourself

You may find things like rocks or feathers or fallen tree branches in your wanderings, or you may buy things, but you don’t have to make huge purchases. Find simple things that please you and boost you up. Here are some suggestions.

Lavender is a traditional clearing flower that is also great for peace and calm. You can grow it or buy fresh lavender in season and put it in bowls around the house to dry and keep year round. You can get sachets or eye pillows and culinary lavender to put in food or to make tea. The lavender essential oil can also be used in aromatherapy (be careful with essential oil around cats) or purchased as incense.

Rose is a high vibration flower; its essential oil is highly prized and extremely expensive. Like lavender, you can find it in many products, including soaps, sprays, and incense, or you dry it in the summer and keep year round.

Living plants can help clear the air and remind you that nature isn’t far away—and is always waiting for you to play. Be careful of plants that are toxic to house pets, and find easy ones to care for if you’re a newbie.

Candles come in many forms. Experiment to see what works for you, from votives to elaborate tapers or decorated jars.

Himalayan salt lamps are carved from ancient sea salt in ancient mountains; they are great for clearing energy and cast welcoming, warm light in a room. You can find traditional amber lamps, but also purple, white, and grey, depending on where they are mined. They come in many forms, from carved chunks to bowls, geometric shapes, and even small USBs to insert in computers.

Crystals are lovely reminders of the beauty of the natural world and its power to support us. Shop in stores where the owners are sensitive to the well-being of their crystals, as the mining and storing processes can damage them energetically. Find ones that attract you by reading books with great photographs and descriptions of their properties.

Amethyst flower is a particular crystal that inspires respect for nature and helps you maintain your connection to it. These crystals are nature’s art, reminding us that there is more to the world than we suspect, and we can explore it.

Photographs, pictures, artwork, even (or especially) children’s artwork can be lovely reminders of the ties to family and the planet. Play with a camera or visit a museum: the possibilities are as big as your imagination!

Ready to start finding objects to support you as you develop your intuitive and healing skills? You’ll be astonished—and grateful—at how much help it is to surround yourself with these practical reminders that boost body, mind, and spirit.

 Originally published in OMTimes.com Magazine: Being Practical and Present as Intuitive – OMTimes Magazine

About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt hosts the OM Times radio show, “The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World.” An intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist, she is an award-winning author whose next book is “The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side.”Find her at RobynFritz.com.

Clearing Clutter with “Clutter”

Clearing Clutter with “Clutter”

We think of clutter as something holding us back, as being in the way of a better life. But what if clutter had its own job to do and a soul to grow?

Does Clutter Have Function in Our Lives?

What is clutter, really? Mementos we can’t let go of, even when tripping over them? Stuff we think that weighs us down in body, mind, and spirit?

But what if it’s something that’s doing its soul work with us? How would that affect our lives—and our so-called “clutter”?

Stuck Energy and Clutter

To understand clutter, we need to understand energy. That is, everyone and everything experiences change, including whatever we decide is “clutter.” Everything is also alive and has a distinct vibration, or “energy.” Healthy and balanced energy flows smoothly. However, change disrupts life on a practical, emotional, and even spiritual level; we then say energy can get “stuck.” We most commonly experience stuck energy as discomfort or a feeling that something is “off.” Which sounds like “clutter,” right?

What It Really Is

The solution to any feeling of discomfort, including clutter, is to clear it. That will help energy move freely. Sure, getting rid of things we don’t need or want seems like a good idea. But if our clutter has a purpose, how should we deal with it? Because sometimes, as the following story shows, our clutter may be up to something.

Working through grief is a lonely business. After the loss of my beloved dog, Murphy, I turned to mind-numbing things like cleaning out a kitchen drawer that mysteriously held dozens of washed deli lids but no deli cartons. As I started to drop a handful into a garbage bag, I asked myself why I’d kept them.

“We’ve been holding space for you in your grief,” they announced.

Shocked, I stopped and stared at them. I saw an image of the lids literally rising up and “putting a lid” on my condo, working to contain my grief. I was astounded. Even though I knew everything was alive and had a job to do, it had never occurred to me to wonder what deli lids were doing or might want to contribute to my home.

I was touched, but I’m also human. I wanted to clean out my “clutter,” and the deli lids qualified—until they told me they’d been hard at work! “Now I’m gonna have to build a shrine to deli lids,” I groused.

The deli lids laughed at me. “Oh, our work is done. Please throw us away so we can die and choose a new experience.”

Wow! Who knew? Truth is, we should all know: everything has a soul, and souls pick the bodies they need to do their work. The deli lids were asking me to help with their soul journey, so I promptly threw them away.

The moral? Everything has a soul and a purpose. Be prepared to be surprised, touched, humbled, and even amused by what you can learn from the things around you—and to look at “clutter” differently. If it’s something that’s trying to help you in its own unique way, the key to “clutter clearing” is choice—yours and what you’re trying to get rid of.

How to Clear Your “Clutter”

Here’s a simple way to clear your clutter. First, examine what you think is clutter—especially things you’re not sure you can or want, to keep. Clothes? Knick-knacks? Family things? Touch or hold your hands over them.

Next, ask whatever those things are what they want to do. Remember, they have jobs that we probably (okay, definitely) know nothing about. It’s not just okay to ask. It’s necessary. It’s how you help those things, and yourself, move on.

What is their soul purpose right then and there? How does that affect you—and them? Are they ready to go, or do they need to stay? Why? How can you help?

If you’re in a hurry and just want it over, or if the things involved have sentimental value and you’re torn, simply ask them if they’re ready to go. Your intuition will get the answer.

This simple method of finding out what your “clutter” thinks and wants is amazingly useful. You’ll discover you can clear out years of “stuff” in minutes. When you’re done, thank those things for their service and invite them to go on and choose another experience. It’s really that easy. Finally, bless them on their way. And yourself, too.

Remember, “clutter” isn’t what you make of it. It’s what it makes of itself. Respecting it as an equal soul in the world helps it, and us, stay balanced and healthy, which keeps energy moving.

Originally published in OMTimes.com magazine:  Clearing Clutter with “Clutter” – OMTimes Magazine

About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt is an intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist. An award-winning author, she’s currently writing a book on clearing space. Find her book, “The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side,” on Amazon. Find her at RobynFritz.com.

The Key to Intuition

Intuition is like a muscle.  If you want it to be stronger, you need to exercise it.  The best way to become more intuitive is to live intuitively.

Many people are curious about intuition; others are skeptical about it, still more think it’s a gift reserved for a select group of people that doesn’t include them. It’s no wonder so many people are just not using their intuition, at least they don’t think they are.

Living Intuitively – How Energy Healing Boosts Our Intuition

The truth is, we’re all using our intuition every day, all day long. However, we’re often not using it correctly because we don’t understand how our particular intuitive ability works. That means we’re missing out on an innate skill that can make our lives easier, even safer.

The key to learning how our intuition works is to tap it properly. An easy, natural way is by developing a daily practice of hands-on energy healing. Yes, energy healing. While we can all learn energy healing modalities, from Reiki to Healing Touch, energy healing is an innate skill we all have, just like intuition. It’s simple and quick to use, so we can easily incorporate it into everyday life.

We can start using energy by recognizing what it is. Energy is the stuff of life itself, the building block of everything we see and don’t see. If we think of our bodies as energy in a physical form, we can understand that working with energy is as simple as breathing.

Living Intuitively – Making Energy Healing a Daily Routine

The trick, then, is to make working with energy a normal daily practice that acknowledges we have innate healing abilities as we intentionally use them. One simple way to do that is to start and end the day with an energy healing ritual. That could be as simple as crossing our hands over our hearts while inviting ourselves to consciously breathe in healthy energy for a few minutes, blessing ourselves, then thanking ourselves for taking the time to do this routine. As we deepen this practice, we notice that we are paying more attention to details in our life that we overlooked or ignored in our hectic schedules, including our intuition. We may even move on to doing this simple practice in a free moment during the day, or when we are stressed.

The result is that over time, this simple ritual becomes part of our daily life. It reminds us that there is more to the world than we can see and that we can be open to it by simply being present, conscious of the healing moments, and then paying attention to what we notice because in these quiet moments our intuition presents itself. This isn’t meditation, nor is it a timeout from life. Instead, it’s a few conscious moments where we acknowledge our sacred souls, the bodies we’ve chosen to live in, and our connection to the wider world around us by inviting healthy energy to support and inform us.

As most energy healers will tell you, even a simple ritual like this has the happy side effect of boosting our intuition. Why? Because intuition and energy are intimately connected, and paying attention to our energy a few times a day also opens us up to our intuition, like putting the key in a car’s ignition and turning it on. Energy is our foundation, and intuition is one of the building blocks of our lives, but it’s often a quiet skill that gets pushed aside in our loud, busy lives. An energy ritual easily helps us normalize both our intuitive and healing skills.

It is why energy healers will often say how much more intuitive they are. It isn’t because they are working on their intuition, although they may (and should) be; it’s because they’ve allowed themselves to tap into their intuitive abilities with an energy healing practice.

For additional help, consider keeping a crystal-like selenite, a form of quartz, with you as you do your energy healing ritual. Selenite’s properties include helping us clear confusion and stuck energies while boosting our ability to set intentions and enhancing clarity.

Try this simple energy healing ritual, throw in a bit of selenite, and see how it boosts your intuition.

Originally published in OMTimes.com Magazine: Living Intuitively: The Key to Intuition – OMTimes Magazine

 About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt hosts the OM Times radio show, “The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World.” An intuitive and spiritual consultant and certified past life regression specialist, she is an award-winning author whose next book is “The Afterlife Is a Party: What People and Animals Teach Us About Love, Reincarnation, and the Other Side.” Find her at RobynFritz.com.

Boost Your Intuition by Managing Your Energy Boundaries

Do you know how to work with your energy boundaries?

We are all intuitives: intuition is an innate skill we are all born with. The problem is we don’t know how to use it, so we’re less than we could be, at home and at work. We can change that by learning to manage our energy boundaries.

Not what you thought, right? You’re thinking we learn intuition by working on it, but that’s really the second step. The first step is to understand energy and our energy bodies.

Here’s the thing. Intuition is a fuzzy concept. We either think it’s limited to the occasional hit or to a professional intuitive, or we’re leery because for many people “intuition” is spelled “woo-woo,” and life is hard enough. But the truth is, intuition is real and always at work, so we need to support it. We do that by understanding that our intuition, and, really, our entire lives are affected by our energy body. When that gets knocked off balance, which often happens, we’re lucky to avoid a messy downward spiral.

To stay healthy and balanced, to be our best selves, to easily tap our intuition (and our healing abilities), we need to first understand energy and our energy bodies.

Understanding Energy

So what is energy? Simply put, everything we see and don’t see is energy. The Empire State Building? Yes. The words “Reiki” and “democracy”? Yes. Our bodies and our minds? Yes.

We can understand energy by thinking of it as vibration, or frequency: for example, you tune into radio station 92.5 FM or TV channel 5. Or think of energy as the beam of a flashlight. If you wave your fingers in front of the beam to make bunny ears, you’re having fun, yes, but you’re blocking energy (the beam of light). Intriguing and easy to understand, right?

Energy flows freely until it is blocked. What blocks it? Pretty much everything! Our experiences. Our thoughts. Our beliefs, especially religious and cultural ones, and the most important: our belief that we just might be (or are) unworthy of love.

When we’re blocked, things don’t work as well, at home or at work. We’re tired and stressed, even uncomfortable in crowds. We give ourselves away, so there’s nothing left for us. The world, our friends and family, our jobs, all run rough-shod over us, which isn’t always intentional, but often happens because our energy boundaries aren’t strong enough to prevent it.

Exploring Our Energy Boundaries

What are these boundaries? Our energy boundary, or body, is really an unseen additional layer that surrounds our physical body and filters our experiences, helping attract things to us and keep out unwanted influences. The catch is we don’t know much about them, if anything, so we can’t effectively manage them.

It helps to think of our energy boundaries in two ways. First as us, inside our energy body, looking out at and exploring the world. Second, as the world looking back at us, exploring how to get in.

When our energy boundaries are healthy, this give and take is fairly simple, because it really is a natural process. When we’re feeling and acting great is a perfect time to learn how our boundaries work and fine-tune them. Because that’s their job—and ours.

The problem is when things are tough we’re triggered, and we realize we could be handling life better. That’s when it’s critical to learn, or even re-learn, how to manage our energy boundaries because when they’re not functioning properly we aren’t our best. We can feel it—and so can the world around us, from our friends and family to those who, well, aren’t. Sadly, that can be used against us.

So what can we do to manage our energy boundaries? Experiment with them when we’re out and about to learn how they react. We can also learn to put ourselves first, which is surviving and thriving, not egotistical. That can include creating rituals for daily activities, going on walks in nature, taking a coffee (or chocolate) break when we need to, and balancing work with play.

Ready to dig deep and learn how your energy boundaries work and how to bolster them? Want tips and techniques that will help you at home and at work?

Our energy boundaries are our superpower. Understanding how to manage them is critical to everything we do, including learning to use our intuition as easily and naturally as we breathe. Once we do that, we become our best selves, empowering ourselves to create dynamic personal and business lives. Because we deserve it. So does the world: you are needed.

 Originally published in OMTimes.com Magazine: Use Your Energy Boundaries to Boost Your Intuition – OMTimes Magazine

About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt is an OM Times Expert and hosts the OM Times radio show, The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World. She offers personal and business intuition, mediumship, animal communication, soul regression hypnotherapy, soul progression clearing, shamanic modalities, and energy healing. An award-winning author, she offers webinars, workshops, and talks on intuitive and healing topics. Find her at RobynFritz.com.

Why Intuition Fails You and What To Do About It

Intuition may fail us because we don’t know how to access it or we think it’s “divine” or just for “special” people. It is, however, is a practical skill we all have. It answers specific questions in nonlinear and non-empirical ways. Once we learn how intuition gives us information, simple tips can help us begin to tap its power in our lives, from determining what intuitive abilities are to tracking practical, intuitive experiments.

What Is Intuition?

Guess what? Intuition isn’t divine, isn’t limited to “special” people, and isn’t always right. What is it exactly? It’s our innate ability to gather information that answers a specific question in nonlinear and non-empirical ways. When we use it, we are not following Steps A to B to C in the scientific method because the objective measurement is not intuitive.

Why Doesn’t Intuition Work?

Our firm belief in an empirical scientific method is precisely why most of us fail to tap our intuition. Intuitive information often doesn’t make sense to us the way we’ve been told to access the world, so we give up trying. Or we’re taught that it is somehow divine, just because sometimes we use our intuition to connect with spiritual teams, angels, or soul purpose, and the “divine” isn’t the first thing we turn to for practical decision-making.

If we get past those blocks, we’re stymied because it looks like intuition is limited to “special” people, the psychics who tune in and get guidance for us. But we are all born intuitive, because intuition is a real sense just like our ability to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. It doesn’t work because we talk ourselves out of it by insisting we can’t do it or “that isn’t how things are done” (i.e., the “rational” scientific method).

Once we’re past our blocks and actually accessing our intuition we have another problem: intuition isn’t always right.

Nothing is, but it’s usually because we aren’t accessing it correctly. We mistake a gut-ache for an intuitive hit, or we get information that isn’t relevant to the question we’re asking (because we’ve tapped into somebody else’s answers, or don’t know how to analyze what we get). We’ve been brainwashed to think it’s too hard or esoteric, so we’ve lost touch with the simple, intuitive ways that came naturally to our ancestors. That means we now have to look at it as a foreign language and find a way to learn it.

How Intuition Works

To tap our intuition, we first have to let go of our judgment and the logical, linear way we’ve been taught to think. Intuition is only new to us because we’ve been ignoring it for generations. If we think about it as a practical skill we can re-learn, we’re releasing the blocks to learning. That is, if we don’t think we can do something, we can’t—not because of skill or ability, but because we end up not bothering.

Finding out how our particular intuitive ability works are key. Just as some people taste foods as too salty or sweet, each person’s natural skill is uniquely theirs.

There are four necessary intuitive abilities:

Seeing. People see pictures, auras, even nonphysical beings like the dead or angels. Their visual sense is heightened or sharpened.

Hearing. Yes, people will hear things and other people talking to them—in their heads. Since everything has a soul and is alive, that could mean our homes and businesses, animals, and even rain clouds are connecting with us. Really.

Feeling. Commonly mistaken as empathy, intuitive sense means people experience the feelings and emotions of others around them, including humans, animals, and so on.

Knowing. Intuitive knowing is the toughest because it means recognizing something when there is no physical evidence. These people are great in emergencies because they seem to know what is coming or react to a situation “one step ahead.”

Simple Tips to Access Intuition

Understanding and accessing our intuition takes a while. However, here are simple tips to start locating it right away. Yes, “homework.”

Practice each intuitive ability. We are all a combination of those four primary intuitive skills, and they combine differently on any given day. It takes practice to identify our most active ability, and more training until the others click in. What “hits” are common sense, emotional, factual, experiential … and intuitive?

Practice random hits. Intuition kept our ancestors alive, alerting them to predators sneaking up on them. We can make intuition practical by tuning into our environment. During the day randomly ask what time it is, and then find out. Eventually, you will be spot on—because your intuition is working with you for environmental awareness.

Hit the supermarket. Walk into a grocery’s produce section and grab the first fruit that appeals to you and the first one that doesn’t. Buy them. Take them home and examine and eat them, using all your physical senses and your intuition.

Keep a journal. Record intuitive experiments, from what worked to what didn’t, including how the body felt at the time, how information arrived, what happened next. Over time patterns emerge. Remember, intuition is always giving us the information we need to survive.

These simple first steps will help develop your intuition. Save the life-changing decisions for later, when it becomes second nature.

Remember, intuition is our birthright. Work it. Record experiments. Notice patterns. It’s telling you what you need to know.

Originally published in OMTimes.com Magazine: Why Intuition Fails You and What to Do About It – OMTimes Magazine

About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt is an OM Times Expert and hosts the OM Times radio show, The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World. She offers personal and business intuition, mediumship, animal communication, soul regression hypnotherapy, and shamanic modalities. An award-winning author, she provides webinars, workshops, and talks on intuitive development. Find her at RobynFritz.com.

Working and Healing with Crystals

Perfect Crystals and the Right Mindset

Curious about working with crystals but don’t know where to start? I have good news! It can be easy for even a ‘crystal newbie’ to collaborate with crystals. In fact, they are useful for so many things that many people miss out by not exploring how to work and heal with them. It all begins with the right crystal and the right mindset.

Most people think of crystals as tools, which is treating them like servants. Instead, collaborate with them as partners. Like all things, they are alive—they have souls, consciousness, rights, responsibilities, free choice, and opinions. Treating a crystal as a partner, just like we would humans, put us on the practical and spiritual path of doing great things together as we each grow as souls.

How we regard crystals affects how we choose to work with them—and how they choose to work with us. Crystals are ancient beings we have partnered with for eons to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. There is a perfect crystal for any need we have, and often more than one.

How to Purchase the Right Crystal

Mining, transporting, and storing crystals can be shocking and toxic to the crystals and the energies they hold. So, when purchasing, choose quality over quantity and price. Buy from merchants who are reputable and kind to their crystals; this will be evident. Damaged crystals may never function properly to help themselves, let alone us. They can take months to recover if they ever do. Even the most damaged crystal may look pretty, but it will not be able to partner with our work fully.

Begin searching by doing research with a good book on crystals, like Judy Hall’s Crystal Bible series. This helps to determine the types of crystal we need for its intended purpose. For instance, if grounding and protection are the goals, research the given properties and uses of different crystals, look at pictures, then examine them intuitively, either in person or online. There may be a large variety to choose from, but some crystals have even more refined uses. It would help, for example, to know wulfenite is good for energy, while apophyllite helps vision.

Clearing the Crystal, or Preparing for Use

It is good practice to clear our crystals first after purchase, then after each use. Energy clings to crystals in much the same way it clings to us. So, clean or clear the crystal to prepare it for use. Check them regularly to monitor the health of your crystals, and get to know the crystal’s physical properties.

Methods of clearing the crystals include rinsing them in cold water or setting them in the sun, or in sea salt. Do this only if you are sure they will not melt or be damaged. Incense, clearing sprays, and energy healing can also work—using kyanite, a clearing crystal, rapidly clears anything and anyone.

Intention and Working with Your Crystal

In researching, you may uncover directions or advice on how to program your crystal. There can be elaborate ways to do this, but crystals carry their own opinions. It is easiest and most effective to set an intention to create an effective and respectful partnership, and go from there, much the same process as its purchase.

When there is alignment between our intuition and the crystal, we intend to use, simply pick it up or sit next to it and invite it to join in whatever the intention is. Yes, it is really that easy—assuming, of course, that have full awareness of how your intuition works. Some of us intuitively “know” how to work with a crystal and what it would like to do. We sense its energies, see mental pictures, or feel its power. Experiment a bit; a healthy crystal will help indicate how best to use it.

Crystals for Grounding and Protection

Continued use of crystals often draws us to the ones we need to use most. Grounding and protection are two needs most of us have. Everyone and everything on Earth has a need to be solidly in our bodies, so we are clear-minded and healthy.

When we are scattered, anxious, ill, or otherwise ungrounded, we do not feel or act well and can make mistakes. Frustrations, like getting stuck in traffic or having a tough day at work can affect us negatively. Counteract difficult situations by carrying or wearing grounding and protection crystals.

Columbite: Columbite is one of the most powerful grounding and protection stones available, and is sometimes hard to find. It is an ore and heavy for its size. Columbite rapidly clears chakras, clearly convincing us what “grounded” means. It also protects us from unfriendly energies and entities.

White Quartz with Tourmaline Wands: White quartz is a grounding and clearing stone enhanced by naturally occurring black tourmaline wands. White and clear quartz are obtained easily. These may be some of the first pieces to buy because they are effective, all-around helpers.

Crystals for Clearing and Healing

Clearing and healing crystals work in mind, body, and spirit, sometimes all at once. This includes emotional and mental health, from setting boundaries to self-esteem; physical health, from eye issues to arthritis or chronic disease; and spiritual health, from clearing attachments and negativity to advancing on your spiritual path, including past life regression and spiritual purpose.

Carnelian: Since most crystals have multiple uses, experiment to discover their unique abilities. For example, carnelian is an orange-red stone traditionally considered to be a root chakra stone. Yet, it also works largely as a heart chakra stone

Auralite: Many people adore amethyst for its ties to the heart and love, but it is often too sensitive to support deep, healing work. It is an emotional stone and shatters easily. Consider auralite instead, which is a type of amethyst mined in Canada and contains as many as 23 different minerals. Auralite often includes strong grounding crystals, like hematite, so it is tough and facilitates deep healing.

Kyanite: Raw pieces of Kyanite are gorgeous, and co-workers will admire their beauty and may not realize they are being cleared— bonus! Consider buying small tumbled pieces to carry with you. Everyone should have kyanite to keep themselves, crystals, possessions, and spaces cleared. It quickly sweeps away stuck energy.

Crystals are fascinating and useful partners in the business of living. In my webinar, Working, and Healing with Crystals, we explore much more and explain how to work with them. I guide participants through a working session with a chosen crystal.

Originally published in OMTimes.com Magazine: Working and Healing with Crystals – OMTimes Magazine

About the Author

Robyn M. Fritz, MA MBA CHt, is a tested and certified intuitive and spiritual consultant and past life regression specialist with an international practice based in Seattle, Washington. An OM Times Expert and award-winning author, teacher, and speaker, she hosts “The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World” each Monday at 2 pm PST/5 EST on OM Times Radio. http://www.robynfritz.com

What’s Up with Spirit Guides?

What’s Up with Spirit Guides?


Are you familiar with your spirit guides?

Who do you turn to for spiritual guidance? When? Why?

One constant throughout human history is our need and desire for spiritual guidance. Yes, we often turn to fellow humans for that, from friends to counselors and spiritual advisors, but we also yearn for the presumed authority, skill, and 24/7 protection of ethereal or nonphysical advisors, from guardian angels to modern spirituality’s spiritual team, or spirit guides.

Since we’re asking these beings for help, it’s a good thing they’re real, then, isn’t it? The problem is, many people know very little about their spiritual team, or, as I’ll call them from this point, spirit guides, so we can’t work well with them and don’t benefit from their support as much as we could.

What’s the solution? Like most things in life, being proactive. Instead of sitting around and waiting for our spirit guides to pop in and explain the universe to us, we should invite them in to work with us and treat them as respectfully as we would treat any guest.

Intuition and Spirit Guides

We can start to connect with our spirit guides by first learning how our intuition works. While everyone is eventually a combination of the four main “clairs” (intuitive seeing, hearing, feeling, and knowing), most of us have a dominant intuitive ability. Experimenting with our intuition and documenting our findings will help fine-tune it. Many people think intuition alone solves a problem, but in fact, it needs to be combined with what our belief, intellect, emotions, and experience tell us. That includes believing in our spirit guides, learning what is known about them, understanding our emotional response to them, and experimenting until (eureka!) we connect.

What Spirit Guides Do

Does everyone have a spirit guide? Yes, every single one of us has at least one spirit guide to be with us and support us in our personal lives as we grow our souls, which is why we take bodies in the first place. However, we also do many things throughout the day and our lifetime, and that determines how many guides we have and their jobs. For example, writers and other creatives have guides who are also called muses; so when people say their muse inspired them, that’s literally true. Other spirit guides support health, relationships, self-esteem, and motivation. While some of these issues might be the job of our main guide, sometimes people can have a guide for a particular issue or special life circumstance; for example, the death of a loved one can result in a guide showing up to simply hold us in our grief.

We can also have different spirit guides for different times in our lives. For example, spirit guides “train up” to different jobs, so children often have less experienced guides who are “learning the ropes,” so to speak, because children don’t usually face the variety of issues that adults do. When they do, they’ll often require more seasoned guides.

Here’s an example: I’ve seen children as young as seven and eight who are what I call “mediums by default,” children who are talking with or seeing dead people who come to them for help, not realizing (or caring) how young they are. The children and their parents are rightfully perplexed, even frightened. Because the children’s spirit guides are clearly not up to mediumship, I have replaced them with more experienced ones who can actively protect the children and more directly interact with them. But please note: “firing” or replacing a guide is a sensitive issue, one best handled by an experienced professional intuitive who is also a healer.

Adults may also need new guides when our lives or careers dramatically change. Guides usually sort themselves out with little input from us, which is generally a good thing, since we aren’t always as aware of what we need as we should or could be. A guide’s help can be simple daily things like an intuitive nudge to try something different to deep contemplation that can give insights on new directions for personal or professional growth.

Beyond our personal spirit guides, there are specialist guides. These include gardening guides and advanced medical guides who can advise on health care and even step into a direct role in surgeries.

Working with Spirit Guides

The key to working with spirit guides is to actively engage them. We have to ask for help, we can’t be passive observers in the spirit guide experience. We also need to monitor them to make sure they are on the ball and doing the job they committed to, which is supporting us. We must be aware of what they are doing, ask for help when we need it, and actively work to create a useful and inspiring partnership.

Just like us, spirit guides can and do make mistakes, so the best partnership is a give-and-take one that allows both sides to learn and grow together. As in real life, sometimes the partnership needs to end, and the best person to know that is you. Being respectful, curious, open, thoughtful, and precise about our needs allows us to help our guides help us. Which is why we have them in the first place.

My webinar “What’s Up with Spirit Guides?” covers how they work and how to create the best partnership with them, including what to do when things go wrong. Participants will join in a guided meditation to meet the spirit guide who assists in their daily life and will leave having established a solid working relationship with their guide.

Originally published in OMTimes.com Magazine: What’s Up with Spirit Guides? – OMTimes Magazine

About the Author

Robyn M Fritz MA MBA CHt is a tested and certified intuitive and spiritual consultant and past life regression specialist with an international practice based in Seattle, Washington. An OM Times Expert and award-winning author, teacher, and speaker, she hosts “The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World” each Monday at 2 pm PST/5 EST on OMTimes Radio.

Clearing “Clutter” By Chatting with It

we are hopeWhat is clutter, really? In this article published in OMTimes Magazine I discuss how clutter may be doing something to help us. In clearing what you consider “clutter,” ask it what it is doing. You may be surprised.

Clearing Clutter with “Clutter”