February 24, 2025

Healing with Hurricanes: and Rose Quartz

hurricane francesHurricanes are massive cleansing forces created to cleanse the land and water they move over. Today we are offering love and healing energy to our fellow Americans as they recover from the after-effects of Hurricane Harvey and to everyone who is enduring storms and hurricanes around the globe.

Here’s the story of how I learned to communicate with hurricanes, and how they shared their job of planetary cleansing. It includes how hurricanes are working to keep the Gulf Stream moving, because it is slowing down and if it stops the planet will freeze.

Plus the power of the crystal, rose quartz.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

An Intuitive Moment: How Clair Knowing Can Save Your Life

trust-440224_640What would happen if you learned to trust your intuition? In this Intuitive Moment, I discuss what clair knowing is, the intuitive ability that defies logic and empirical evidence, yet accurately warns us of something we need to know about. Plus I discuss the role of Preseli Bluestones, the foundation stone of Stonehenge, in enhancing trust and clarity.

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© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

Meditation: Replacing Fear with Love. Preseli Bluestones

Fallon sitting on the Big Guy in the WoodsIn a time where fear dominates, this meditation will find where fear resides in our bodies, clear it out, and fill it up with the healthy energy of love. Plus: a look at Preseli Bluestones, the foundation stone of Stonehenge.

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© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World

The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real WorldLINKS TO INDIVIDUAL SHOWS BELOW! Join me weekly for my radio show at OMTimes.com. OM Times is a dynamic, ever-growing community of conscious, compassionate, spiritually minded listeners. The OM Times Experts offer radio shows, Facebook Live events, live and archived webinars, all to support the growth of consciousness.

Please join my weekly radio show, The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World.

PodBean will take you right to it!

June 5, 2017: Debut.

June 12, 2017. What’s Up with Spirit Guides? With sponsor Rosie Gremmert of ICanDoHeartThings.com

June 19, 2017. How Do We Live with Animals as Families? With sponsor Terri Kent of Amberstone Pets.

June 26, 2017. How Can We Boost Our Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Health? With sponsor Aubrey Wallace, ND, naturopath and medical intuitive.

July 3, 2017. What Does Citizenship Mean for Intuitives and Healers?  Growing in love and service to ourselves and our families, countries, the planet.

July 10, 2017. What Is Planetary Citizenship? A Conversation with Mount St. HelensWhat does it take to be a citizen of the planet, how can it boost our daily lives, and what do volcanoes do, anyway?

July 17, 2017. Soul Progression Clearing: Intuitive Insight, Essential Oils, and Energy HealingA clearing and balancing technique that combines intuitive insight, shamanic modalities, the assistance of spirit guides and divinities, and energy healing. With sponsor Rosie Gremmert, Certified Essential Oil Therapist, on oils that support clients and healers.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

FB Live: On Soul Progression Clearing, the crystal Columbite (7-18-17)

columbiteSoul Progression Clearing is a technique I developed after extensive training in intuitive, shamanic, and energy healing techniques, including Reiki. It can assist in clearing blockages and issues that go back earlier in this life or in past lives and clear attachments from entities to thoughtforms.

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Learn why you might consider a session, and what it means.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

FB Live: Ghosts or Time Travelers?

DSC01838There’s so much to learn about the afterlife that sometimes we just stumble onto things we didn’t suspect.

Here’s the story of a space clearing I did back in 2011. A tiny old miner’s cabin in the northern California mountains was being haunted. Except the ghost thought the person living there was a ghost. And that I was, too.

Then it turned out the ghost I was trying to clear from the place was, well, not a ghost. Not yet.

Here’s what happened next.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

FB Live: Intuition, Healing, and Spirit Guides

Courtesy Unsplash, Nicole Mason

Courtesy Unsplash, Nicole Mason

How do we become the best intuitives and healers we can be? One way is to learn to use our intuition and healing skills in partnership with our spiritual team, or spirit guides.

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In partnership with OM Times media and OM Times Magazine on Facebook, a weekly Facebook Live gathering, Tuesdays, 11 am PST.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

Living and Working with Crystals: Creativity Crystals, Part 4

creediteOne of the most exciting use of crystals is for enhancing your creativity. Find out how this works in Part 4 of a series.

Living and Working with Crystals: Creativity Crystals


Crystals for Clearing and Healing, Part 3

kyaniteIn Part 3 of a series on working and healing with crystals I explore crystals for healing and clearing. This article was first published at The Wellness Universe.


Living and Working with Crystals Part 3

Grounding and Protection Crystals: Living and Working with Crystals, Part 2

columbiteCrystals aren’t tools, they are partners in our lives and our work. That means we have to be very careful when choosing our partners to work with. While it’s useful to begin by just experiencing a crystal at a trusted store or mineral show, it also helps to know a bit about them.

In this article on grounding and protection crystals, I discuss some of my personal crystals, including my favorite grounding and protection crystal, columbite.

For the article first published in The Wellness Universe, see Living and Working with Crystals, Part 2.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz