February 24, 2025

Living and Working with Crystals: High-Vibration Crystals, Part 1

Murphy communicating with the Big Guy in the WoodsIn this four-part series on living and working with crystals, I discuss and show crystals that are useful for grounding and protection, healing, and creativity. But first, I discuss high-vibration crystals—what they are, how you might work with them, and what that can mean for you at home and at work.

You can find the original series at The Wellness Universe. Part 1 on high-vibration crystals discusses these powerful crystals.

The crystal shown here is a Lemurian crystal I call the Big Guy in the Woods. This is my dog, Murphy, experiencing a healing with the crystal.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

How Past Life Regression Can Support Your Planning

alki-beach-ebb-flowsmLisa was interested in training as an energy healer, but was hesitating because she didn’t understand how energy worked, and prospective teachers weren’t satisfying her. She also wanted to have a past life regression session, so when she sat down to do that with me and we talked options, I suggested she might want to focus on a past life that directly connected to a current passion.

“Oh,” she said. “I’d like to know what I knew about energy.”

With that focus, I used hypnotherapy and intuitive insight to help her tap the lifetime where she was an expert in energy healing and could learn the most about it. That turned out to be a lifetime about 300 years ago when she was a happy, fulfilled mother who used dance to weave energy through her community to support a contented, connected village life.

The bonus? Lisa actually talked with this woman, who wasn’t at all surprised about chatting with herself (and me) three hundred years in the future, but readily explained and demonstrated energy techniques. Lisa went off to explore energy healing in more depth with the knowledge she gained from the most adept teacher she’d met—herself in an earlier incarnation.

This is one example of the personal power you can tap in a session with a certified past life regression specialist.

While most people usually think of using past life regression services to resolve traumas, fears, and phobias, a skillful session can support your personal and professional lives in many other ways, as Lisa’s case shows. That’s why I often encourage people to consider including a session as part of their planning for a new calendar or fiscal year.

Why? Because in every lifetime our principle job is to grow our soul. Sadly, we don’t always think about that in our hectic daily lives, so we risk losing out on the knowledge buried deep inside our subconscious mind that can help us live the best lives possible. That means we lose a personal and competitive edge, which could mean we fail to accomplish our goals, suffer boredom and distraction, feel unfulfilled, or waste time almost literally “reinventing the wheel.” And, as Lisa’s case so aptly demonstrates, we miss out on taking advantage of information we didn’t know we already had, the knowledge and skills mastered in previous lives.

Competition and Planning: from Practicalities to Inspiration

Human life has always been competitive: resources are limited, and throughout history we’ve banded together to survive, combining skills from husbandry to farming, carpentry, textiles—everything it takes to create a functioning community. These days those of us in “first world” countries take basic survival for granted, but we still have that age-old need to grow and achieve, to be both curious and content. That’s the drive that leads us to train for jobs and piques curiosity, something that, for Lisa, was rooted in a previous life, and tapped to enrich her current one.

Many of us look at a new calendar year as a time to plan what we’re going to do next, including vacations, education, exploration, career advancement, even retirement. We are necessarily analytical, but we should also spend time on “what if’s,” from how to achieve a personal dream to choosing a satisfying life.

We can tap those interests and grow our skills through workshops, courses, books, all kinds of training. We can also use meditation and protocols like past life regression, which you can explore through self-guided DVDs or recordings as well as with a certified professional.

Yes, past life regression can help you master physical or emotional issues that persist despite the use of other therapies, including psychological or wellness counseling. However, as Lisa’s case demonstrates, it’s also a healthy, positive way to tap your soul’s knowledge to explore and solve issues and to gain insight on new, potentially fruitful directions.

To explore a past life you need a healthy curiosity and a goal or interest. Whether what you turn up in a session is a past life or simply a metaphor, you are tapping deep information from your subconscious mind, that extraordinarily knowledgeable, uniquely personal asset that knows the most about us and has the most to share.

Exploring what comes up in a session can certainly help heal physical, emotional, and spiritual issues that have been holding us back from writing that book, taking that workshop, changing an unhealthy habit, or simply from fully participating in the one life your soul is experiencing right now—yours! We take mind, body, and spirit connection to a level once reserved for our spiritual elders when we stop to examine what we knew in a previous life and what it can mean to this one, both personally and professionally.

What happens when people add past life regression to their yearly planning? Like Lisa, they may find clues to a potential new career, or an interest that can add depth and satisfaction to their current lives. Like another client, Sally, it can lead to rejecting a lifelong feared health issue and experiencing renewed energy and optimism without the burden and distraction of worry. As people discover the triumphs and obstacles their souls faced in previous lifetimes they shed light on how to continue their personal growth, which benefits them at home, and at work.

So when you’re sitting down to dream of possibilities for the new year, to map out marketing options for your business, to think about what it is you want to do next and how you’ll do it, think about incorporating a past life regression session into your planning. It’s an opportunity to let your soul chime in with information it has, and for you to soar into the future transformed, balanced, and clear on your goals. That’s what planning is all about—and how spectacular growth begins.

Ready? I offer spiritual and intuitive consulting that includes past life regressions to support soul growth at home and at work. You’re welcome to contact me for a complimentary 15-minute exploration of how we could work together. Happy planning!

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

Standing Up for the Soul of America


Waving-American-Flag courtesy publicdomainspictures.net

One thing I haven’t seen covered or spoken about anywhere during the 2016 elections, and now in the tumultuous beginnings of 2017, is the soul of America. All beings have souls, including cities and countries. All beings are conscious, aware, have responsibilities, rights, opinions.

America has a soul. It has a living presence. What are you doing to support it?

While I have participated in elections in all the years I’ve been eligible to vote, 2016 disturbed me the most. The hatred and contempt for the candidates and their supporters from people I always thought were rational and kind, and of course those who always act up, so to speak, on any issue.

We are at a turning point in our civilization, one every civilization faces during its lifetime. We are deciding the future of the soul of America on a deeper level than it has faced in a very long time. Put aside your thoughts, positive or negative, take a deep breath, and reflect on the welfare of the soul of America.

Of course voting is important. But more important are your thoughts, compassion, inherent love, goodness, the state of your own soul— these are what we need to concentrate on now. What is it? What does it mean for you? Your community? Your state? America?

How can you lovingly support the soul of America? It matters. Because of who and what this soul is, it affects every soul on the planet. It matters.

Stand up. Be counted. Let your soul be counted. Let your heart be counted.

Let the soul of America know who you are. What you are. Why it matters.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

Becoming Your Best Self in the New Year

alki-beach-ebb-flowsmNo, this isn’t another piece on New Year’s resolutions. It’s on things to think about as you continue to build a wonderful life, to reflect on when the holidays are over and the darkest time of the year is upon us, deep winter.

We all want to live the best life possible, at home and at work. But what does that mean to you? What does it look like? I’ll offer a few thoughts here to get you started: try using a notebook or DVR for your thoughts.

In my work with clients I emphasize the importance of claiming your power. Power sappers are subtle: “synchronicity” and “it’s meant to be” are two of them. You give your power away when you simply accept what happens, without evaluating it and figuring out what went right, or wrong, and how to move on. So if you do nothing in the new year, determine to stand in your personal truth, to do what you believe is right, and keep track of what happens. Consider: what do you do when challenged? What do you think about afterwards? What approach best serves you in claiming your power?

While you’re being a powerful advocate for your own best interests, remember to also be discerning. We don’t always get our way in life: we do always need to know how and why events affect us, and how that reverberates in our community. We are our own community, first and foremost, complete within ourselves. Celebrate yourself. Practice gratitude: be grateful for each experience, because each one informs, enlightens, nourishes, and challenges you. Then create community in your family, with humans and with your animal companions, yes, but also with your spaces.

Expanding outward, create community and ritual within your larger network, from your neighborhood to your city, state, and country. How will you do all that this year? Where do you start? What resources are necessary? How do you measure success? Yes, idealism is sweet and even revolutionary, but don’t forget to be practical!

Claiming your power and creating community are tough acts. They require strong constitutions: life is brutal even as it’s fascinating and fun. Sure, eat right, sleep well, exercise, and play, but above all, monitor your energy. While the subject of “energy” is an article (or a book) in itself, the basic point is this: everything is made of energy, and energy is fluid. That means your energy can be affected by everyone (and everything) around you, so learn to manage your energy boundaries (or energy field), so you know when you are affecting your environment and when it is affecting you. Come home drained from work? Give too much away? Not good and completely inappropriate. I teach energy boundaries to professionals: it’s an important skill, and most people have no clue. Don’t be one of them: if you are, learn how to change. Now.

Finally, learn how to use your intuition. Yes, everybody’s intuitive, no exception. It’s just that some of us are better at using it than others, simply because it intrigued us and we learned it, just like others learn a foreign language or even how to cook! There are great books, classes, and teachers out there. Learn from them. And then turn around and teach them something new. Because you can.

Learning to become our best selves is really why we’re all here (okay, that and having fun). Growing our souls is how we do that, with practical skills, great ambition, and some klutziness along the way. As you sit and use these ideas to become even more remarkable next year, let your imagination soar! Winter is the time of year for new things to sleep and rest, to prepare for a fertile and productive spring. It’s a time to pause, reflect, plan, prepare. Dream big!

So go for it! And Happy New Year!

Now, what will you do? Share!

This article first appeared in NaturalPath blog on Dec. 12, 2016.

© 2016 Robyn M Fritz

How to Keep Clear (Energetically) and Vote

dsc01495We’re in the homestretch of the American 2016 election cycle and most of us are feeling tired, maybe exhausted, even downright sleazy and slugged. We’ve had enough, and yet we have one thing left to do.

We have to vote. So how do we do that and make it count? We keep ourselves energetically clear as we take the time to vote.

Voting is as much a business activity as any of our other duties as citizens and business professionals. To maintain successful practices, we need to do the things that keep us successful citizens, from obeying the law to expressing our opinion about how we want our government to serve us.

But in this campaign season many of us are simply appalled. We just want it to be over, and we may be tempted to steer clear of it by voting quickly, if at all.

But that won’t work for any of us because of how energy works. Let me explain.

Businesses only succeed if they cater to their clients. We know that as business professionals, but we seldom think of it in relation to our government. But the business of government is to serve its citizens. And it’s complicated.

Every time I mull over a ballot I’m amazed at how complex government is. I’m always worried that I’ll never know enough about either the issues or candidates to vote as wisely as I could if I had nothing else to do but attend to government. That’s impossible, so I do the best I can, and I expect government to do the rest. We all do.

That’s what every business does, if you think about it. I depend on the pet store to keep healthy food and fun toys on hand for my animal family, for my hairdresser to give me an acceptable haircut, for the electrician to know what he’s doing when the lights go out.

I depend on my government to make the laws and enforce them to the best of its ability.

The problem is, stuck energy gets in the way. As holistic care providers, we can all see this if we pull back and look at the overall situation. Or feel it, depending on how your intuition works. (While we’re all a combination of intuitive abilities, most of us are dominantly visual, audient, feeling, or knowing.)

Two Steps to Keeping Clear as Citizens

We’ve all heard that everything is energy, but what we forget is that we affect energy as it affects us. As we go about our day bits and pieces of our own energy field spin off and mingle in the spaces we visit and the people we meet, so we bring bits of our daily experience home with us. That includes what we see or hear on the news.

Sure, some people deal with this by ignoring the news, but that doesn’t solve the issue. Because the energy created by others, especially on the scale of a national election, is out there anyway, affecting us. And any time you see such divisiveness around you, you know that energy is stuck.

So here’s what you do.

Be aware of the flow of energy. When you think of the current campaign, do you feel as if you’re trying to breathe underwater, can’t hear well, can’t quite “see” the people and issues, or just know that things aren’t flowing well? These are all ways your intuition can be alerting you to stuck energy. To fine-tune your intuition, you have to work at understanding how your intuition works and informs you of what’s happening in your environment, so you can find ways to deal with it.

Stuck energy can feel dense, dirty, and heavy, or leave you feeling tired, bored, uneasy, or angry or disgusted. Sound like the 2016 campaign to you?

Clear yourself energetically before you vote. As you sit down to go over your voter pamphlet, try a ritual to clear yourself. Light a candle, close your eyes and take a deep cleansing breath, do whatever feels right to you in the moment to make yourself as clearheaded as possible.

An easy clearing technique is to sweep your hands across your body, left to right. As you do a sweep, shake your sweeping hand as if you’re flinging the stuck energy into a fire, where it can burn up and be harmless, or even into a small bowl of sea salt you have put out for that. If you actually use salt, remember to flush it down the sink afterwards, so all that energy flows out of your space.

One final suggestion: try a sure-fire technique to keep yourself and the world energetically clear.

The next few weeks are simply a microcosm of your daily life. All of us will always face stuck energy. And most of us will always want to help stuck energy clear, for ourselves and the world around us. After all, we’re all healers. So here’s a technique taught to me by a genuine, 100% real goddess, as in, yes, goddess (I know, I had a hard time believing it myself).

Clear yourself and the world with a simple intention and focus. Here you go:

  • Take a deep breath, and release it.
  • Set an intention, as in, “I am clearing stuck energy in myself and the world for the 2016 election.”
  • Cup your hands in front of your mouth, breathe into your hands (which breathes energy into them), and turn them palms out, offering the energy to the world (or the election process).
  • Again, cup your hands in front of your mouth, breathe into your hands, and then put your hands on your chest. This brings clear energy back into your body.

Feeling better? Now, go out and vote.

And let me know how these suggestions and techniques work for you.

© 2016 Robyn M Fritz, also printed in NatPath


Remembering Our Beloved Dead – NatPath.com

Originally published June 29, 2016 in The Natural Path blog.

To honor and remember our beloved family members is a cathartic experience, and can be an extremely beneficial for our mind and body. Remembering lost loved ones does not have to be an inherently sad experience. On the contrary, it can uplift you and even heal you. One of the best ways to do this is by establishing a ritual.

Rituals aren’t religion, so don’t panic. They aren’t even necessarily spiritual. Rituals are simply ways we choose to remember something. When we choose to remember.

For example, on April 26, I had a piece of chocolate cake and remembered my mom. It was the twenty-first anniversary of her death. Why did I do that? Because my family celebrated birthdays and anniversaries with chocolate cake topped with mom’s delicious caramel frosting (we always insisted that she double the recipe). I continue to celebrate family milestones even though most of my family has died. But I bought the piece of cake.

While I ate it I thought of the time we baked a Marionberry pie and, when we pulled it out of the oven and it overflowed onto the floor, we laughed so hard my dad rushed into the room to join in the fun. None of us could explain why it was so funny. On April 26 I also remembered the moment in March 1995 when mom asked me to stay in Salem, Oregon, a bit longer, because she “wasn’t going to be here much longer.” While I didn’t understand how intuition worked back then, I heard the truth of what she was saying—and left anyway. Yes, I still regret that decision.

This last weekend it was Father’s Day, so I stopped for a moment and celebrated my dad, who died June 30, 1995. I thought about how we used to work together in his store—he was a pharmacist and had a gift store, and I was a clerk from the seventh grade right through college. I laughed a bit at the memory of us working together, because on this Father’s Day we were working together again through ritual.

Good memories, sad memories, they’re all part of life. Would we do something different if given the chance for a do-over? Maybe. Maybe not. Life is about next times, and we live them the best we can.

I encourage you all to stop and set a time, even ten minutes, to create a ritual to honor your ancestors, those you knew before they died and those stretching back centuries. This time for a ritual will help establish a connection between you and your beloved dead. If you set a regular monthly time to do that, great, or choose an anniversary.


  • Set the place: arrange pictures and mementos, candles, flowers, a beach rock, even a piece of cake. Use items that mean something to you, and even to them, if you know what those are.
  • Invite your spirit guide to filter for you. (You do have a relationship with a strong spirit guide, don’t you? It’s critical.)
  • Get yourself grounded, balanced, and energetically shielded.
  • Invite your ancestor(s) to join you.
  • Relive the memories, good and bad.
  • Invite your deceased loved ones to comment.
  • When you feel the ceremony is complete, thank everyone for joining you and remove the “place setting” (this breaks the circle, allowing the energy to flow).
  • Cleanse yourself with salt, a clearing spray, a walk.

Cherish the memories. Let them help heal you. And connect with those we’ve lost.

Note that some people think that honoring the dead on the anniversary of their death is morbid, keeps the energy stuck, and otherwise isn’t healthy. I disagree. Create your ritual, your time to connect, on a day that means something to you, even a set time of the week or month. Our experiences shape us, and honoring our ancestors (including our animal family) on these days is sacred, uplifting, energizing, and healing. As we all know, there’s never too much of that.

© 2016 Robyn M Fritz

Remembering Our Beloved Dead

DSC02061Last night, April 26, I had a piece of chocolate cake and remembered my mom. It was the twenty-first anniversary of her death.

My family celebrated birthdays and anniversaries with chocolate cake topped with mom’s delicious caramel frosting (we always insisted that she double the recipe). I continue to celebrate family milestones even though most of my family has died. But I bought the piece of cake.

While I ate it I thought of the time we baked a marionberry pie and, when we pulled it out of the oven and it overflowed onto the floor, we laughed so hard my dad rushed into the room to join in the fun. None of us could explain why it was so funny. Last night I also remembered the moment in March 1995 when she asked me to stay in Salem, Oregon, a bit longer, because she “wasn’t going to be here much longer.” While I didn’t understand how intuition worked back then, I heard the truth of what she was saying—and left anyway.

Good memories, sad memories, they’re all part of life. Would we do something different if given the chance for a do-over? Maybe. Maybe not. Life is about next times, and we live them the best we can.

I encourage you all to stop and set a time, even ten minutes, to honor your ancestors, those you knew and those stretching back centuries. Here’s some tips on how to do that:

  • Set the place: arrange pictures and mementos, candles, flowers, even a piece of cake.
  • Invite your spirit guide to filter for you. (You do have a relationship with a strong spirit guide, don’t you? It’s critical.)
  • Get yourself grounded, balanced, shielded.
  • Invite your ancestor(s) to join you.
  • Relive the memories, good and bad.
  • Invite your deceased loved ones to comment.
  • Listen.
  • When you feel the ceremony is complete, thank everyone for joining you and remove the “place setting” (this breaks the circle, allowing the energy to flow).
  • Cleanse yourself with salt, a clearing spray, a walk.

Cherish the memories. Let them help heal you.

Note that some people think that honoring the dead on the anniversary of their death is morbid, keeps the energy stuck, and otherwise isn’t healthy. I disagree. Our experiences shape us, and honoring our ancestors (including our animal family) on these days is sacred, uplifting, energizing, and healing. As we all know, there’s never too much of that.

© Robyn M Fritz 2016

Saving Raymond: West Seattle Saves a Jade Tree

Raymond the Jade Tree started out as we all do—small. My dad, Ray J. Fritz, plopped a single jade leaf (if that’s what they’re called) into the dirt somewhere around 55 years ago. About 30 years ago he gave it to me, and that’s when Raymond (the tree) got messed up. I figured, well, a jade grows slowly, and the next thing I knew 9 years had sailed by, and Raymond had developed three massive arms (maybe trunks in plant speak). Rather than complain about his odd reach, I decided to take pride in what nature will do to thwart human laziness: grow big and gangly.

Over time Raymond got re-potted when he just grew too big, or, more recently (as in 3 years ago), too sick to go on in his current form. He needed to be pruned, meaning I literally cut off 15 pounds of diseased branches, even as I was determined to keep his three huge arm-trunks intact.

One thing I’ve noticed about Raymond over the years is he’s something of a bellwether for my family. When things are good, Raymond thrives; when things aren’t good, neither is he. The ultimate crisis Raymond faced occurred the summer of 2012, a few months after my beloved Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Murphy, died of cancer. I was depressed, grieving, and not paying attention, and Raymond got over-watered and one entire side was covered in mold before I noticed. Then, of course, I panicked. Raymond was one of the few things I had from my dad, who died in 1994, and I didn’t want to lose him. Plus I considered myself to be something of a green thumb, and I was so not proving my case. Raymond had to live. I just had to find the people who could make that happen.

It was Dolly Vinal, a West Seattle professional gardening expert, who clued me into the mold, and went so far as to visit West Seattle Nursery and find a pot she thought would work better than the one he was in (the ceramic glaze was holding water, not good if you’re a jade tree). Then the nursery’s staff jumped into the breach, arriving with pot, soil, know-how, and sheer guts, determined to help save Raymond (and brave enough to admit that might not be possible). After all, there may be plenty of old jade trees in pots around the country, but there’s only one Raymond in Seattle (or anywhere, except for the scads of Raymond cuttings, called Ray-lets, bursting out of office buildings and homes all over the Northwest).

As you’ll see from the photos, it was quite the job, benignly supervised by Grace the Cat.

Three years later, Raymond is thriving (and, due to my panic, doomed to live forever in our condo, since I bought a pot too large to fit through the door straight up!).

A couple of days ago my neighbor and I were shopping for her Christmas tree at the nursery when we ran into the woman who spearheaded Raymond’s recovery—Marcia, the nursery manager. I couldn’t believe she remembered Raymond, and I think she couldn’t believe that I thought anyone could forget him. I realized I’d never let them know how Raymond was doing, so here it is.

Our encounter reminded me that I never got around to writing this article. It also reminded me that we worry a lot about the state of the world, about neighbors not caring about each other, about ending up somewhere unpleasant in a handbasket, whatever that means. But the truth is, people care. They’ll go out of their way to help just because helping makes the world a better place, if only in our own neighborhoods. That’s a start. A pretty big one, actually.

I am grateful for Raymond, for the friends and nursery who cheerfully did something we weren’t sure could happen: Raymond lives!

©2015 Robyn M Fritz

Soul Progression and Clearing: From Past Lives to Current Crises

cover 15Our space clearings always include helping the people clear with their spaces. We also offer individual services to help people clear issues that may be so deep-seated they go into previous lives, or that involve attachments, from entities to thoughtforms.

Fallon and I have deepened our services. Our growing clientele seeks complicated clearings for their homes, from open portals to possession, and resolutions to spiritual or intuitive crises that can arise from deep-seated events, either in this life or previous ones.

Fallon is an ancient power crystal, with the ability to transcend time and dimensional boundaries. That calls in all kinds of extraordinary support. Combined with our previous lives together and my intuitive insight, specialized training, and difficult life experience we can help people who are looking for support in their lives, from business to personal issues. I am not nor will I ever be a hypnotherapist or psychologist, so please consult medical providers for mental or physical health issues. However, if you’d like to examine and even resolve issues that keep plaguing you, please contact us to chat briefly about how we can help.

In the last year I studied with Betsy Bergstrom in Seattle, who is known worldwide for her shamanic work called Curse Unraveling and Compassionate Depossession. I am not a shaman, but I have incorporated Betsy’s profound techniques into my work with Fallon. They are an extraordinary fit for us, another tool in our toolbox to support you in your journey.

I haven’t figured out what to call them yet: for now it’s Life Progression and Clearing. In the next month I’ll have it up on my website. For now just know that even one session can be an amazing support: when you see a lifetime of grief resolve in an hour, it’s, well, stunning and immensely satisfying. I’m grateful for Betsy, who cheerfully accepted an avowed “non-shaman” into her training, but also did a wonderful healing session on me and my beloved lost Alki last month.

Whatever this is, it works. It’s all a reminder that love is all that matters. Call us for your session.

© 2015 Robyn M Fritz

Meet the Crystal Larimar

Meet the neDSC01960west member of our crystal community: a larimar ring.

I bought it to support me through the end of my troubled year and in writing my book. Larimar is great for promoting peace and tranquility and removing spiritual constraints as it also facilitates multi-dimensional connections, whether with entities, the dead, or angels and guides.

I like larimar for its support in creativity and clarity, and in helping heal my grieving heart. Larimar is also great for connecting to the earth and for removing entities, so it will also support my work in space clearing, connecting with land and weather systems, and supporting individuals in their personal and professional growth. Fallon approves!

© 2015 Robyn M Fritz