February 24, 2025

Magic Is Mystery

Magic Days 6-10It’s an ordinary summer day and then you look up, and it’s magical. What do you find magical?

© 2015 Robyn M Fritz



Gratitude Becomes Magic: Days 2-5

2015 Gratitude Days 2-5 MagicIn 2015 we are celebrating magic—in life, in work, in nature, wherever we find it. And we are grateful for it. Where do you find magic? On a dark winter day on Puget Sound, when then sun shines like the moon on the water, I’m grateful to witness it. Life is magical. © 2015 Robyn M Fritz

2015 Gratitude Days

Resilience wa2015 Gratitude Day 1   RESILIENCEs necessary to get through a grueling year in 2014.

This Monterey pine in Carmel, California, lives resilience. Through fog, sand, and loss, it carries on. Resilience makes it beautiful.


© 2015 Robyn M Fritz


The “Ave Maria” sung by my grandma, opera singer Bertha

My grandma Bertha was an opera singer who championed the rights of women long before it was fashionable. In particular, she supported me, always encouraging me to do what I wanted in the world. And I did.

Barely five feet tall, she could fill a church with her beautiful music. This is the only recording she did: her version of “Ave Maria,” recorded in the 1960s. Enjoy!




Why Do You Bother? Choosing Love No Matter What

Seattle sun dog, 6-11-14Life changes are coming. Spiritual changes. Emotional changes.

Are you ready? Great! What’s your plan?

I know, you’re struggling with what you are “supposed to do” or what you “signed up for.” Guess what? Your worry and angst are fuel. Use them to keep moving, even if you don’t yet know what that looks like. Start by asking yourself: Why do I bother?

Here are my answers. I bother because:

  • My tough year is ending, I have a book well underway and new friends: perseverance matters.
  • I had to let go of beloved friends this year who couldn’t or wouldn’t release fear and love themselves, but I discovered who I really needed in my life: love matters.
  • My dog, Alki, is dying, I can’t stop it, but I’m helping him live the end of his life with grace, dignity, and fun: compassion matters.
  • The things I’ve learned, the ideas I have, are not mainstream, but they matter and will make a difference… someday: truth matters.

Why do you bother? Everything and everyone matters. Yes, that includes you. Never for a second think the universe doesn’t see you. It does. The question is, do you see yourself? Do you know, deep down inside, that you matter?

This is the work you were called to do: Learn to love. Show up. No matter what. You matter.

Be bold. Be creative. Banish fear and choose love. Banish the naysayers and choose yourself.

This is, again, the thing I learned this year, through trial by fire, through fear that cleansed, through perseverance. We bother because love is all there is. No matter what.

What is your plan? What will your life hold?

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

My Favorite Crystals: Aquamarine

aquamarine pendantJune 2014. I chose this month’s crystal, aquamarine, because I love this piece and wear it everywhere, especially when I’m writing and doing intuitive sessions. This lovely piece is shiny and transparent almost like beach glass; it’s slightly green/blue, but other pieces are light blue. I also chose it because my young cousin/nephew, who’s only about 7, fell in love with it when I was in California early in June, and reminded me a week later that he wanted his own piece.

Aquamarine is a truth stone; it supports the throat chakra, which centers on clear communication and speaking the truth while promoting closure and self-expression; it is good for public speakers, writers, businesspeople, and anyone who is sensitive and needs support to deal with stress (pretty much all of us, isn’t it?). It’s good for courage, too, and supports intuitive development and the chakras. Sailors once carried it to protect against drowning because it is strongly connected to water. If water is an important element to you, I’d suggest you check out aquamarine.

Good aquamarine is expensive and well worth it. I periodically place my necklace on my kyanite to clear it, but Fallon really keeps the entire house clear.

How do you find your own crystal? Go to a good crystal dealer or shop and just look. I found this piece by accident (my favorite way, it’s how I was reunited with Fallon, too). I was helping put jewelry out for a crystal show, and as my eyes fell on it I knew it was mine. Sold, right on the spot!

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

Sun Dog in Seattle, 6-11-14

Alki Beach, Seattle, 6-11-14 sharpened

Sometimes Seattle is even more beautiful when you look up. This looks more like a halo to me, but research indicates it is a sun dog. It appeared in the Seattle skies on June 11, 2014.

I found it poignant, as my crystal partner, Fallon, and I had just finished a mediumship session with a client. My father acts as an intermediary in these sessions, as he runs what I call a Way Station for Dead Things on the Other Side. That means he receives the dead as they transition to their afterlives, and takes care of them at his cabin in a mountain meadow, surrounded by fir trees.

sun and water, 6-11-14nature matches technology 6-11-14

June 11, 2014 would have been my parents’ 68th wedding anniversary. Earlier that morning dad and I had been talking about being married, and how you have to work for things you want. He died June 30, 1994, and my mom died ten months later, on April 26, 1995.

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

Are You Springing Into Love … or Fear? How One Young Man Chose Love.


(c) Gary R. Jones

(c) Gary R. Jones

Are you springing into love or fear? Are you grabbing opportunities and celebrating life, or hiding behind your fear that something is, or will be, wrong?This has certainly been an issue this year as Alki and I continue to recuperate from being mauled by a neighbor’s loose dog on Jan. 8. For example, people have asked me what the lesson was in that attack (and in the second one that occurred a few weeks ago, yes, same dog).

A lesson, really? New age poppycock! There is never a lesson: you’re born, shit happens, fun happens, you die. It’s what you do between birth and death that matters. Will you choose the victim role or will you take charge?

I chose to give birth to Warrior Robyn in January. I am caring for Alki, who now has severe heart disease and is essentially incapacitated (yet still my sunny boy). I am advocating for better dog laws in the city of Seattle. I have ended old relationships that I had valued but had really been victimizing me. I revamped my business: more people are coming to our office for appointments, space clearings require someone to go with us, I am developing courses for September and beyond, and in June I am going on a writer’s retreat to Carmel, California, to whip three books into shape.

In short, I have recommitted to love, despite everything, which means I’ve walked away from everything, and everyone, who chooses fear instead of love. Painful? Yes, some of it, but it was necessary.

Now spring is here, and with it this wonderful story about what happens when you choose love.

Sacred Play: How a Young Man Chose Love

Fallon and I call our work soul-level coaching, so I was curious to read an interview with Joan Borysenko in which she calls her work ‘soul care, because people needed a place to talk about meaning.’ She was talking about people reclaiming their lives after illness, but her comments really connect us to how we find meaning in our lives, and what we do about it. (For the full article please see SuperConsciousness online at http://www.superconsciousness.com/topics/health/reclaiming-health-about-changing-our-lives.)

Borysenko dismisses as ‘new age guilt’ the mindset that something happens to us because ‘we brought it on ourselves because of our thinking.’ To which I say, thank you, somebody else is insisting that things happen to us because things just happen!

 Too many times we refuse to take responsibility for what happens, choosing to accept it as ‘god’s will,’ or ‘synchronicity,’ or ‘law of attraction,’ or something that gives away our power. Give it up, it’s not true. What is true is choice.

The Rainbow Boys Spirit Guides will tell you that. They are the guides that accompanied a young man who spent a month of Saturday mornings  about 1-1/2 years ago looking at his life and career options with me and Fallon. He had a great but difficult job driving a truck for a lumber mill, and was so highly regarded he had a good chance of advancing into management in the small Oregon town he grew up in, with friends and family nearby. He had also been hurt in a car accident and was fighting his way back to good health. He had two good reasons to stay put, but he was thinking of something else: should he invest his entire savings and almost 1-1/2 years in his dream of being a golf pro?

Seems quixotic, doesn’t it? But he was clear about it: he loved golf and how wonderful people were on the golf course (having fun). We were in the midst of a difficult economy, and this young man dreamed of helping people play. He was searching for meaning in his life, and we helped him explore it with soul-level coaching.

Every time we talked the Rainbow Boys would show up. These guides are hysterical: all young men, all dressed in rainbow-colored outfits: long-sleeved silky jerseys with matching pants that ended at the knees. They watched, they listened, they smiled, and they juggled balls: baseballs, basketballs, golf balls, tennis balls, whatever.

Even now they continue to show up for other clients who are struggling with meaning and life choices, and they always have the same message: believe in sacred play. If you love your work, or choose to love your work, it is sacred play, and that means your soul is claiming its own unique greatness. While golf is play, so is music—Beethoven, for example, was hearing his soul singing, and in listening to it he created music that was his sacred play.

Sacred play is how your soul finds its work, find meaning, as long as you are willing to let go and experience it.

Of course, Practical Robyn was concerned about this young man’s dream: how did people become golf pros, could they ever make a living (especially in a troubled economy), or was golf pro school like so many of these online marketing gurus, a way for the gurus to make money at the expense of the dreamers? But I didn’t say that (I wouldn’t, although I did ask plenty of gentle, practical questions, because the MBA and entrepreneur in me knew those had to be answered). For the most part, Fallon and Intuitive Robyn let him talk as we asked the questions that arose from his soul—and from the Rainbow Boys Spirit Guides.

Each week this remarkable young man came back with his assignments completed (yes, we give homework), and we listened to his thoughtful responses to what his body and soul were saying to him, and celebrated the lifestyle and mindset changes he made (if a crystal ball could leap in joy, Fallon would have, but I try not to give him ideas). At the end of it this young man found his purpose, his meaning—and left Oregon for golf pro school in San Diego.

On April 26—this week!—he will be graduating at the top of his class and going off to his first job at the leading golf resort in the country (ironically, in Oregon). Is he proud of himself? You bet he is! He worked hard at his dream; he let sacred play loose in his life, and he won. I was thrilled to hear the self-confidence, determination, and sheer joy in his voice.

I asked him if Fallon and I had helped. Absolutely, he said. We helped him work through the issues and find himself, and while we were happy to hear that, make no mistake, he did all of the heavy lifting. He took his life, and his dreams, seriously. He faced his fears, made a choice, and worked hard to give it life. And he won!

Poignantly, his graduation is on the anniversary of the death of another woman who cherished him and cheered him on, even though he was quite young when she died—his grandmother, my mother.

So a public congratulations to my godson and nephew, for so bravely choosing love, for letting the concept of sacred play take root in his life. He faced some tough obstacles, and met them with grace and determination.

Are you ready to do the same—to let sacred play loose to help you choose love? Go for it! Remember, you matter, and that includes the things that have meaning for you.

And Fallon and I are here to support you.

 © 2014 Robyn M Fritz










My Favorite Crystals: Arfvedsonite

arfvedsoniteThis black crystal, arfvedsonite, is a great choice to support you in becoming your best self by partnering with your past lives and your hopes and dreams. It’s a great stone for grounding and balancing as it helps you take charge of your life through deep insight and direction.

Let go of preconceptions and see clearly with this stone. Use it to deepen your intuition, speak your truth, dig deep to explore your beautiful, awesome self, and stay safe on your psychic journeys. Be strong, be aware, be connected to all that truly matters with arfvedsonite.

Yep, I can’t pronounce it either, but it doesn’t seem to care. This is our arfvedsonite, purchased at Earthlight Rock and Gems in Kirkland, WA. It is quite opinionated and sleeps next to us at night, promoting safe astral journeys and a sense of humor.

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

My Favorite Crystals: Columbite

columbiteThis is our columbite crystal, which calls itself Columbite. I believe this type of crystal is the strongest protection and grounding crystal there is. Clients are always trying to buy it from me (no, I do not sell family members, and even if I wanted to, Fallon would have a fit, but I have a larger piece available for a bargain price of $200, and a few small pieces for around $30).

High grade columbite like this is expensive. It is a heavy crystal, immediately ‘thunking’ you back to the planet, providing firm and clear-cut grounding. It also offers protection, so if you do serious energetic or intuitive work, you should consider it. I find it gentler than obsidian or jet, and stronger than all of the protection crystals, including black tourmaline.

If you’re lazy like me, or even if you’re not, columbite also rapidly clears chakras. No muss, no fuss, and all in a flash. What’s not to like about that?

If you’re serious about using crystals for grounding and protection, consider columbite. I believe it is one of the most important crystals you can have in your collection. However, some people find it too strong for them, so try before you buy.

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz