February 23, 2025

Saying Goodbye to Our Dead, Plus Live Readings

Photo courtesy Sasha Freemind at Unsplash

Photo courtesy Sasha Freemind at Unsplash

No matter how long ago we lost a beloved human or animal, it’s still important to say goodbye to them. Sometimes we forget, even at funerals! But saying goodbye helps both sides begin to heal grief and to move on, which is critical. The dead need to move to the afterlife, and saying goodbye will help them do that. The living have to learn to live without their beloveds. Saying goodbye helps both sides cherish the bond. Plus petrified wood as the crystal of the week.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz


Choosing Your Yes

saying yesWhat makes us commit to doing something? Choosing your yes means that you deliberately choose to take time off from doing too much and even just take 15 minutes to just be. We fill the void that doing too much creates by taking time to tune into ourselves, body mind and soul. Don’t feel lost in the shuffle of life–take some time to reflect on what that means, and to just sit and ‘be’ in the moment.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Fill Your Heart, Marshmallow Spine

FuchsiaGetting grounded and balanced, and staying that way, can be challenging. Try these two exercises to let your intuition guide you to staying grounded and balanced and allowing your spine to soften.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Worldview, Compassion, Intuition

hands-1926414_1920We don’t always realize we’re living our worldview daily, because we let science and “rules” dictate what we think and how we behave. In this story of the death of a baby seal I talk about a worldview where we are all equal, and how compassion guided by intuition can help us reach out to help another being in trouble. If we can do that, how hard is it to learn to make peace with humans of different religions, genders, and countries?

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Keeping Promises to Yourself

spring garden in the northwestA promise to ourselves is intentional, deliberate, and serious. We need to weigh what is best for ourselves in mind, body, and spirit and how and if we need to compromise. Say we promise ourselves we won’t be bullied. Do we walk away from people we think are bullying us? To decide, figure out if the conflict is minor or a pattern, if compromise works to honor everywhere, and what it takes to create a healthy life for ourselves and a model for others. Above all we must honor our promises to ourselves because we are here to grow our souls and make our unique contribution to the world, to be the light we all must be in the world. The more your honor your promise to yourself the better off you are, the better off family and friends are, and the better off the world is because you’re in a better position to make your unique contribution to the world. Remember: we are all here to grow our souls. Plus grounding and balancing with Fallon and bloodstone, the crystal of the week.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

The Practical Intuitive: An Interview

Robyn and FallonThis is an interview about me and my work with OMTimes Media in support of their radio show hosts. Enjoy!

Robyn M Fritz: The Practical Intuitive

© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

What Is Intentional?

intentionBeing intentional means to create a deliberate, focused response to a need. Doesn’t have to be metaphysical, but it does have to be precise. It will help in making good life decisions, large or small.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz


Having Fun Is Spiritual

having funHaving fun renews us energetically, mind body and spirit. Fun helps us relax, renew, and get over and being tired and always “on call.” Spirituality doesn’t have to be always serious, intense, or even confined to one thing.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz


What’s Right with You?

enoughWe’re used to hearing, and thinking, that there’s something wrong with us. Instead, list what is right with you. You are important to the world. Thrive by starting and ending the day telling yourself that you’re good enough, you’re taking care of yourself, and believe it.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz

Feed Your Spirit

ChakraInstead of saying “what’s wrong with me” feed your spirit by saying “what’s right with me.” Start the day with a positive mantra: I’m good enough, I’m looking forward to a good day, and end it with stating you were good enough. When things go wrong, evaluate what happened and work on making it better next time. We are always growing, moving forward. Call on your spiritual team to support you.

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© 2019 Robyn M Fritz