Patterns by Mary Van De Ven
I will listen to anyone who has something to say to me—as long as they have a healthy interest in me and in building community. That’s actually a big crowd, because most of us are genuinely interested in building a better world, and actively seeking ways to do it.
But most of us forget that it isn’t just humans who are interested in us, so we miss a lot. We miss opportunities to connect and to grow, which makes us, and the world, a bit less than it could be.
I have been talking with nonhumans since I was a kid, from my banty chicken companions to trees, buildings, and the land around me. I didn’t always understand this; I only understood that I saw things differently than other people, that a strictly human perspective didn’t include the world I knew that was full of other beings who were eager to chime in—and routinely ignored.
To be clear, I was ignored, too. What saved me was that I was a girl in a small Oregon town that didn’t think girls were relevant, a dismissal that allowed my parents to humor me within a culture that had no frame of reference for someone like me. I survived because I was very bright, worked hard, and learned to block what everybody else was blocking.
I don’t do that anymore, and neither should you. We all need to quit blocking what the rest of the world needs to share with us. Because we need to be our best selves, and that’s the only way we can.
That means bridging paradigms, moving from a human worldview to an earth worldview. Simply put, it means changing mindset.
We’re used to operating from a human mindset—a paradigm that implies that humans are in control and the world revolves around us. It operates through cultural, religious, and governmental constraints. It’s not fun—and it’s not working.
The earth mindset is true, accurate, and works. It is the world as it really exists, acknowledging that everything is alive, has a soul, responsibility, free choice, a point of view—and is equal to us.
Everything—from our animals to our homes and businesses and the land around us.
Okay, so you’re thinking that you have enough to do without wondering what your car or house or business think.
Truth is, this worldview makes things easier, and that makes you better. To create healthy, vibrant, prosperous lives, we need rock solid ground beneath us. That means space clearing that really works: the modality we teach that we call Space Cooperating.That means intuitive communication that respects differences—so that we can all grow from them, communication that we call Mindset Alchemy.
Imagine the environment we can create by finding out what the land and water think, what our buildings need and want, what they can contribute to what we need and want. (Check out some of our intuitive stories at our website.)
Imagine the possibilities for growth, creativity, and just plain fun that occur when we broaden our perspective and respect the world and everything in it as an equal.
Humans only know a small part of the world—usually just what we think up. It limits us. Want to know the truth about global warming? Ask the hurricanes. Want to know how your home would like to nourish you, or what your business might suggest for attracting new clients? Want to know how to find a new home, or direct a remodel? Want insight you can’t get anywhere else—something that could change your life?
Ask the nonhuman beings in your life. But first, change your mindset. Instead of being a boss with only some of the information, you’ll be a partner with access to much more.
I teach this mindset in classes and in one-on-one sessions. It works. Your life will change. I’d say ‘trust me,’ but don’t. Trust yourself, and the beings who are waiting to share with you.
©2013 Robyn M Fritz