What is it like to work with a crystal ball? Well, I can only speak to working with my partner, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz. When I was 4 I was going to be a cowgirl. Then a writer (still am, thank goodness some things don’t change). Some months after my spirit guides told me […]

What Pushes Your Intuitive Energetic Boundaries?
If I ever doubted the need for firm energetic boundaries, the last month would have clinched it. I watched clients deal with trauma, I developed […]

A Video on Demystifying One Crystal Ball
What is it like to work with a crystal ball? Well, I can only speak to working with my partner, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz. […]

Are You Springing Into Love … or Fear? How One Young Man Chose Love.
Are you springing into love or fear? Are you grabbing opportunities and celebrating life, or hiding behind your fear that something is, or will […]

When the Dead Insist …Animal Communication and Mediumship
This spring I was privileged to attend the death of a dear friend’s beloved cat, Sachi, who had terminal cancer and had reached the end […]

My Favorite Crystals: Aquamarine
June 2014. I chose this month’s crystal, aquamarine, because I love this piece and wear it everywhere, especially when I’m writing and doing intuitive sessions. This […]

Lemurian Crystals and Energy Clearing
By Robyn 4 Comments

Out and About: Robyn and Fallon

Connecting to Other: Meeting Fallon
When people come to meet me and Fallon, they want to know what he is. Fair enough. Fallon is a Citrine Lemurian Quartz. He’s ancient: I remember carving him out of the crystal caves at his direction thousands of years ago. We worked together for lifetimes, got separated, and were finally reunited in 2009. Woo-wooey […]

How Fallon and I Meet the World
Being out in the world with a crystal ball is fascinating. My partner, Fallon, is a Citrine Lemurian Quartz, a rare planetary and dimensional energy. What does that mean? I’m discovering that every day. Fallon is a healer, an advisor, a warm, compassionate being. He’s not human. He’s a crystal, which means he has eons […]

Fallon: The Citrine Lemurian Quartz
By Robyn 2 Comments
Fallon is a citrine Lemurian quartz sphere. He is one of the amazing beings who has come back into the world at a time of growth and change. He says he is a gift from the earth to its people. And, I am proud and honored to say that he is my partner. Robyn’s Story […]

When the Dead Insist …Animal Communication and Mediumship
This spring I was privileged to attend the death of a dear friend’s beloved cat, Sachi, who had terminal cancer and had reached the end of what she could tolerate. My friend, Reiki master and massage therapist Mary Van de Ven, had done everything possible to help Sachi, but the cancer was relentless. Sachi was […]

Don’t Stop Believing that Spaying and Neutering Your Animals Early (or at all ) Is Wrong
Nearly every week for the last two years I’ve received emails thanking me for the article I wrote about taking my beloved Murphy to the veterinary surgeon to discuss treating the cancer that would inevitably kill her. Most of these emails are private; many are also here on the blog site. Today I am remembering Murphy, […]

What To Do When Your Vet Is Haunted
Even though I talk with the dead, both people and animals, I never once thought about my vet being haunted. I guess because I’m usually there on personal business, meaning one of my animals is ill, and practicality rules: I’m interested in dealing with the illness, not in looking for dead things. So I was […]

Profiling Ted Kerasote’s Book Pukka’s Promise
Sept. 20, 2013 I am re-posting this review of Kerasote’s book largely because it covers the complex issue of early spay-neuter, which is beginning to be discussed on forums and, thankfully, between families and their veterinarians. I will continue to post on this topic: if you live with animals, you have a moral responsibility to […]
Talking with All Life

My Favorite Crystals: Aquamarine
June 2014. I chose this month’s crystal, aquamarine, because I love this piece and wear it everywhere, especially when I’m writing and doing intuitive sessions. This lovely piece is shiny and transparent almost like beach glass; it’s slightly green/blue, but other pieces are light blue. I also chose it because my young cousin/nephew, who’s only about […]

Sun Dog in Seattle, 6-11-14
Sometimes Seattle is even more beautiful when you look up. This looks more like a halo to me, but research indicates it is a sun dog. It appeared in the Seattle skies on June 11, 2014. I found it poignant, as my crystal partner, Fallon, and I had just finished a mediumship session with a […]

My Favorite Crystals: Arfvedsonite
This black crystal, arfvedsonite, is a great choice to support you in becoming your best self by partnering with your past lives and your hopes and dreams. It’s a great stone for grounding and balancing as it helps you take charge of your life through deep insight and direction. Let go of preconceptions and see clearly […]

My Favorite Crystals: Columbite
This is our columbite crystal, which calls itself Columbite. I believe this type of crystal is the strongest protection and grounding crystal there is. Clients are always trying to buy it from me (no, I do not sell family members, and even if I wanted to, Fallon would have a fit, but I have a […]

My Favorite Crystals: Kyanite
Kyanite is the best clearing crystal I know. I met this large blue/white raw piece in the same workshop in which I met my crystal partner, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz, back in spring 2009. I had actually been “seeing” this piece of kyanite for two days, and when I held it I asked it how […]

Sunset, Alki Beach, Seattle, 6-22-13
The perfect ending to a perfect day: enjoying sunset at Alki Beach in Seattle with my dog, Alki.

Nature Checks In – Really!
Sometimes you just have to take that picture! Here is nature checking in on solstice, June 2013.

Red tide in Seattle, June 17, 2013

Sun Dog in Seattle, June 15, 2013

Low Tide at Alki Beach, Seattle, 5-28-13
Low tide at Alki Beach! Even a simple digital camera can capture the magic!

Are You Springing Into Love … or Fear? How One Young Man Chose Love.
Are you springing into love or fear? Are you grabbing opportunities and celebrating life, or hiding behind your fear that something is, or will be, wrong?This has certainly been an issue this year as Alki and I continue to recuperate from being mauled by a neighbor’s loose dog on Jan. 8. For example, people […]

Five Reasons Not to Exercise
You see people out running, biking, chasing their dogs, skateboarding, and you just have to wonder. Why are they doing that? Don’t they know there are five good reasons not to exercise? The weather is … weather. It’s rainy, sunny, cloudy, dark, windy, snowy, hot, cold or just right. Exercising indoors? You have to go […]

TRIUNE AMERICA: Female, Left-handed, Handicapped
I was female right out of the box, indubitably, irrevocably. Never wanted to be anything else. Ever. Still don’t. Could do without the boobs, but there you go. They didn’t figure out I was left-handed until about fourth grade. I was a girl in rural Catholic America, and they didn’t pay any attention to us […]