an orb trio–it’s a clear space!
People think that because the real estate industry is picking up again, they don’t need any extra help selling a property. Maybe ‘move them on through’ is the American way, or maybe people just don’t realize what a benefit a clear space is to both sellers and buyers.
First, doesn’t everyone want to get the best deal they can when they’re selling (or buying) property? Of course, because it’s one of the biggest financial decisions we ever make. And we all like money.
But it’s more than that. Having a clear space to live in makes you healthier, because it soothes and nourishes you. That helps you get through the day better. That adds to the bottom line, regardless.
In addition, more people these days are sensitive to the unseen energies that are always around us, which means it’s harder to maintain your privacy. Yes, as odd as it may seem, when you sell a space, particularly a home, bits of your energy get left behind. That means sensitive people can learn things about you, whether they, or you, like it or not.
There’s enough about us on the Internet. Why complicate it by leaving bits of our energy signatures behind us?
So, you’re saying, what?
Here’s the thing. Everything is made of energy, and energy leaks. So as we go about our day, bits and pieces of what we’re thinking, feeling, and experiencing get left behind in the spaces we visit. Plus, the spaces themselves have feelings, and bits of those go with us. See how complicated life really is at the energetic level?
Well, it’s even more complicated at home, because we spend intimate time there, and because our homes are emotional beings who are very protective of us. Their jobs are to nurture us, and most of them take that seriously.
So, more on this in upcoming articles. For today, let’s explore a space clearing I did for a young man who was selling his condo in Bellevue, Washington. Here’s his testimonial, followed by more details:
Robyn worked with my home this fall and completely changed the vibe of the entire house. When I purchased this home in Bellevue about 3 years ago as a foreclosure I noticed some definite negative energy in the place. My partner and many of my friends got a spooky feeling when they were around the stairs or in the upstairs hallway. This led to an overall uneasiness for guests when they would come over. Now I’m trying to sell the home but that negative energy seems to be keeping people away. Robyn came over and walked through the home room by room and cleared all of the negative energy. There was a very noticeable change in the home when I came back next and my friends and Real Estate Agent completely felt it too: they were blown away. If I had known about this when I first purchased my home Robyn would have been hired on day 1. The home is more pleasant to be in and I’ve gotten 3 offers on the home within 2 months of hiring her. I also feel much better now that I know I’ll be providing a warm and inviting place to live for the next owner. — Zack in Seattle
Now, this man loved his condo, but had decided to leave his job in the high tech industry and move to Seattle, so he needed to sell it. At the time I cleared it, he had two young men renting it.
The problem was, it wouldn’t sell. He had purchased it as a foreclosure during the recession. The previous owner had literally disappeared, leaving several properties behind.
Now, I work by first discovering what the owner of a property needs and wants in a clearing (it can be anything from selling a property to creating a more vibrant space to live and work in).
Then I actually speak to the property itself, to find out what it needs and wants. In the case of a sale, it’s sometimes sad, as the property doesn’t always want its people to leave. Then it becomes a matter of gently explaining what has to happen (it’s an imperfect world, and none of us always gets what we want) and helping the space to call a new owner in.
This process includes vibrational, or energy clearing.
Much as dusting and vacuuming clear the physical space, space clearing clears the vibrations.
I call my modality Space CooperatingSM because I get the humans and the space to cooperate. It goes beyond traditional space clearing, way beyond feng shui.
With this condo, I insisted on going through it only with the owner, because clearings tend to be emotional events and privacy is key to both the owner and the space.
After I arrived, the owner and I talked about what I learned from the space: that it wanted him to stay, it was prepared for a new owner, and the previous owner seemed to have experienced violence of some sort there. I became more concerned about that as we went through the space. No wonder people were having trouble living there, and the young man was having trouble selling it! As he explains in the testimonial above, people noticed something off about the place, no matter how wonderful the young owner was: I noticed that the previous owner had left a lot of chaotic, violent energy behind.
A deep cleansing was in order. We cleared out the previous owner’s trauma, and the condo’s trauma around that. Then we cleared the current energies. I used incense (copal works great for deep cleansings) and did alchemical energy clearing with my crystal partner, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz, moving from room to room. The owner, the condo, and I talked and used alchemical energy to release negativity and heal the space.
At the end of a clearing I always go back through the space with my small (and trusty) Tibetan singing bowl; when I hit a space where the tone wobbles, I do more clearing work.
That’s how we uncovered the owner’s deep feelings for a broken relationship—a reason why I ask real estate agents to stay away from clearings. Deep emotions surface and are energetically cleansed, and healing can take place, here for the owner and the space. Without other people around, we can dig deep and help owners and their spaces resolve conflicts and move on, as was necessary here.
Did it work?
I asked the owner to have the real estate agent come back and take new pictures of the condo. When she did she said to me, “I do energy work, too, but this is different. What did you do?”
I cleared the space with my partner, Fallon, in cooperation with the owner and the space itself. Beyond that, I can’t explain it (just like science can’t always explain how things work). It only matters that it works, and no one is harmed by the process.
The condo sold. Everyone was happy. My work was done.
Here are pictures before the clearing:
Here are pictures after the clearing:
So how do you know what you want in a space clearing? Check out my article on finding a baseline for space clearing.
Also explore how to determine what you want in a space clearing.
Want a video? Here’s a video on Space Cooperating space clearing.
What have you experienced in a space clearing?
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Would you like to explore a space clearing session with me? Click here for contact and fees.
© 2013 Robyn M Fritz
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