- (c) Gary R. Jones
If life were easy we wouldn’t get stuck. Or laugh. It’s all in our perspective.
Which reminds me of the bald eagles who share our beach with us. I love these birds, and I sometimes think it would fun to be one. And then I think: “raw fish.” Eww.
Yes, it’s definitely about perspective.
Do we learn from whatever comes at us, and enjoy life, or do we overwhelm ourselves with resentment and ‘what if’s’?
Perspective: Ever had an eagle yell at you? One morning about 6 I was out with my dogs, waiting for them to do their “stuff.” An adult bald eagle was perched in a nearby Madrona tree. It peered close at us, glared at my dogs, and then cocked its head to glare at me! And screech! Really, I clean up, but that day I did it facing that screechy bird! I giggled all day, and got some great work done. Does the mundane ever become hilarious? And an inspiration to shine at your work? If not, how can it be?
- (c) Gary R. Jones
Watch your back: Eagles don’t always get along. They’re quite clear about what works for them, and what doesn’t. They get things done.
Do you work out misunderstandings? How? Do you stand your ground when you need to, honoring your commitment to your clients? To yourself? Your family?
Keep your eyes on the prize: Eagles are always watching. Something.
If you don’t reach for the moon, the stars, and everything in between, how do you become great? Be fully present in the moment. Be aware of your surroundings. Be grateful.
Live in the moment: Last spring I saw a bald eagle soaring above I-5 in downtown Seattle, catching the air currents, skillful, unconcerned, uninterested in all the humans stuck in traffic below it. That eagle was free and wild, not impeded by lane changes.
Are you? What inspires you to fly free? What gets you unstuck? What makes you laugh?
I’m willing to learn from my nonhuman mentors. Are you?
© 2012 Robyn M Fritz
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