This is where the Duwamish River Clearing Project starts. Where the real cleanup of the watershed draining into Puget Sound in Seattle starts. The river tells me it could take 300 years, from Mount Rainier to the sea. For more on this story, please go to my website for stories on my intuitive consultations.
Becoming Our Best Selves
“What am I supposed to do?” is a question I hear a lot in my intuitive practice.
A more challenging question is: “How do I become my best self?” This melds the search for identity and meaning with the practical, emotional, mystical, and, yes, fun aspects of our personal and professional lives.
The best thing? Both questions have the same answer: Get out of your way and get love.
Okay, fine, you say, but how do you do that?
You connect — with yourself, others and the community of all life. Yes, it’s hard work, but it will forever change how you look at the world and your role in it.
Ready? Here are five tips to get you started.
1. Change your mindset. As humans we’re trapped in a mindset we created: it says that we are at the “top of the food chain,” and so in charge. The problem is, the human paradigm of the world is wrong. From my intuitive practice of speaking and working with all life, whether animals, homes, businesses or nature, I know that everything is alive, has a soul, consciousness, responsibility and free choice. Most important: we are equals with all beings. This is the earth paradigm, and it is absolutely the way the planet really works — the only ones who don’t seem to know it are humans.
Meeting all life as equals is liberating: freed from the burden and ego-lock of being in charge, we can discover how the world really works, and how we can work with it. Everything changes — science, technology, medicine, art, politics, religion, culture, our daily lives. How do you live in a world where everything, from our chairs to animals to a volcano, has a job to do — and an attitude?
We can better find our way in the world when we understand the path that other beings take, and how the patterns weave together. It’s easy enough to do: sit down and talk to other beings. For example, ask your home how you can make it more comfortable in its work. When we expand into wonder, awe, respect and collaboration, we learn how our unique talents and abilities mesh with those of all beings, and how we each contribute to the welfare of our living, conscious planet. If we’re open to experience life as it really exists, we’re open to the mystery of the universe itself. Fun happens. Great choices (and conversations) abound.
2. Tap your intuition. Tapping our intuition is no more (or less) a spiritual practice than tapping our other senses. We are incomplete without our intuition. Dig deep to discover your strongest intuitive skill: knowing, seeing, feeling or hearing. Practice with simple things, like choosing dessert or buying a new shirt. As you intuitively learn to make better daily choices, you will enhance your ability to make life-changing ones, from where to live to what work to do. Intuition is our birthright: learning to use it means you’re taking the blinkers off being fully human, enriching your life and all others.
3. Claim your power. Never give your power away. The power sappers can be subtle: “synchronicity” and “what’s meant to be” can be two of them. It’s inspiring to get signs that offer both insight and connection, but sometimes things just happen. Learn from them, but never surrender deeply informed personal choice. Be resourceful, thoughtful, inventive. When you seek outside human opinions, accept only what resonates with your deeper, intuitive self. What is your truth? You, and only you, are the leader of yourself.
4. Get practical. Keep your day job. Taking care of the basics will help you get firmly grounded and balanced in the everyday world. Practicality informs inspiration.
5. Get creative — take time off. Taking a break is not only okay, it’s necessary. Taking time to laugh, play, and explore the world around you refreshes and enlightens you. Honest.
These five tips will help you become your own best self. Of course, they all come down to one: get connected.
While we all want and need to find meaning in our lives, our deepest yearning is for connection to the mystery of life itself. We find it in a healthy, balanced, collaborative relationship with the community of all life. We find it in love.
We start by creating our best selves. By changing our mindset to recognize the equality of all life, fine-tuning our intuition, and becoming strong and practical and creative, we shake off the “should” and free ourselves to love. Love connects us to our essential worthiness: we need to love and be loved, we are worthy of love, and we achieve that by loving ourselves first.
How we carry that into creating fulfilling lives is the mystery we’re here to explore. Have fun with it!
© 2012 Robyn M Fritz
Thank you to New Connexion: Pacific Northwest’s Journal of Conscious Living, for publishing this article on Sept. 17, 2012
Demystiying Intuition: How to Be a Survivor
- (c) 2011 Danny L. McMillin
We are all intuitive. I teach this by explaining that there were once two branches of humans: one was intuitive, and the other got eaten.
So relax, you are a survivor.
Or, at least, you’re descended from survivors. Improve your odds of staying that way by learning to tap your intuition, which will also help you create a more graceful, vibrant, successful life.
I teach people how to tap into their own plain, ordinary, everyday intuition by exploring what some people call the woo-wooey: yep, when I teach my classes or work privately, our special guests include Mount St. Helens, dragons, goddesses and guides, animals, gardens, a car, a condo, a business, and, of course, my partner, Fallon the Citrine Lemurian Quartz.
Why? Because it’s fun, which is my first rule of life.
Because it’s intriguing, and gets people to use their intuition as a practical sense, just like hearing, seeing, feeling, touching, and tasting.
Because it’s real and commonsense: talking with beings we’re not used to experiencing, or talking with, as equals creates a humbling appreciation of how fascinating and complete our lives can be once we get past the burden of humans being ‘in charge.’ Once we treat all life as equals.
And, yes, because learning to trust your intuition—your gut sense—can save a life.
Years ago my dad was ill and hospitalized for gall bladder surgery the next morning. When my mom called me, she told me not to bother coming: I lived in Seattle, four hours from Salem. When I hung up I was hit so hard by the strong sense that I had to be there that I was on the road in 30 minutes.
Five minutes after I walked into my dad’s hospital room, the surgeon walked in to chat about the surgery. He asked if my dad was allergic to anything, and my parents said “No.”
The same gut sense knowing that pulled me out of my chair in Seattle to drive to Salem hit me again. I blurted out, “Wait a minute, aren’t you allergic to that dye they use for X-rays?”
Startled, the doctor looked at me and then my parents. “Is that true?” he asked.
My parents stared at me in surprise and nodded, perplexed.
The doctor nodded at me in satisfaction and said, “I guess that’s why you’re here today. We would have used that dye before surgery tomorrow. You probably just saved your dad’s life.”
On two other occasions I saved my own life by reacting promptly to that same gut instinct. Ironically, in one of those instances the police called me a ‘survivor.’
Dramatic, yes, and all before I really understood what intuition was, how to use it, and how to teach it.
Now when I teach people how to tap their intuition I help them find what their strongest intuitive ability is: whether they see, hear, feel, or know something beyond what we think we experience daily. People are able to take that knowledge to live more comfortably and completely. To claim their power.
That day at the hospital my intuition saved my dad’s life. Why? Because I listened to the nonlinear, this-doesn’t-make-sense-but-I-know-it’s-right feeling.
How do you learn it?
Well, I think it’s fun to learn it by inviting other beings to come talk with us. Yes, goddesses and dragons, animals and weather, a car, a house, a business, a garden. It’s also astonishingly successful: when people relax and open up to talking with other beings they really learn which intuitive ability works best for them, without the pressure of conforming to what we’re supposed to think or how we’re expected to act.
By taking a full leap into the big wide world that we never think to intimately explore. A world where we are equal with all life.
It’s enlightening. Humbling. Fun.
Come to one of my classes on tapping your intuition, on how to talk with all life. Find out for yourself.
© 2012 Robyn M Fritz
Why You Need to Tap Your Intuition
Helping people tap into their own plain, ordinary, everyday intuitive awareness is central to my work: how to live graceful, vibrant, successful lives by tapping our intuition.
I teach this by jumping right into what some people call the woo-wooey: yep, when I teach my classes or work privately, we have goddesses and guides, deceased family and animals, Mount St. Helens, dragons, and, of course, my partner, Fallon the Citrine Lemurian Quartz. I am, after all, an MBA with a crystal ball.
To intrigue people to take a leap and experience their intuition as a practical sense, just like hearing, seeing, feeling, touching, and tasting, I use a common-sense, fun method which includes many beings we’re not used to experiencing, or talking with, at all, let alone as equals: Mount St. Helens, dragons, furniture, animals, the dead, trees, condos, weather, businesses. You walk away astounded at how easy it is to talk with things and with a new appreciation of how fascinating and complete our lives can be once we get past the burden of humans being ‘in charge.’
We are all intuitive: personally, I believe humans once came in two varieties: one was intuitive, and the other one got eaten. So you’re a survivor, and you’re intuitive. Get over the woo-wooey thoughts and be grateful. Your ancestors listened to their intuition. They were smart enough to know what was sneaking up on them, and they survived.
So follow in their footsteps. Learning to use your intuition can make your life better. It can even save it.
Here’s an example: years ago my dad was hospitalized, and my mom called to say he was having gall bladder surgery the next morning. Now, they insisted I stay home, but I suddenly knew I had to be there. That certainty hit me so hard in my gut I doubled over. Then I went through the house at high speed. Within 30 minutes I was driving to Salem, about 4 hours from Seattle.
Five minutes after I walked into my dad’s hospital room, the surgeon came to chat about the surgery. He noted my sudden arrival from Seattle and asked my parents if my dad was allergic to anything. They said, “No.”
The same ‘gut sense knowing’ that pulled me out of my chair in Seattle to drive to Salem hit me again. It made me blurt out, “Wait a minute, aren’t you allergic to that dye they inject for X-rays?”
The doctor looked at me and my parents. “Is that true?” he asked.
My parents stared at me in surprise and nodded, perplexed.
The doctor looked at me and said, “That’s why you’re here today. We would have used that dye before surgery tomorrow. You probably just saved your dad’s life.”
That was long before I recognized intuition as a real ability we can learn and use, in things as simple as choosing our daily food. Or saving someone’s life.
That’s why I teach people how to tap their intuition: you will find where your intuition sits in you, and you can work with it to live more comfortably and completely.
That day my intuition saved my dad’s life. Why? Because I listened to the nonlinear, this-doesn’t-make-sense-but-I-know-it’s-right feeling.
Find out how to make it work for you. Learn to sharpen your innate intuitive ability.
Contact me for private sessions or classes on learning intuition.
The life you save may be your own.
I did that once, too.
(c) 2012 Robyn M Fritz
Connecting to Other: Meeting Fallon
When people come to meet me and Fallon, they want to know what he is. Fair enough.
Fallon is a Citrine Lemurian Quartz. He’s ancient: I remember carving him out of the crystal caves at his direction thousands of years ago. We worked together for lifetimes, got separated, and were finally reunited in 2009.
Woo-wooey enough for you?
Wait until you actually experience him.
Fallon is a rare planetary energy, a dimensional energy. That means he is of the earth and can connect to different earth dimensions as well as those in time and space. There are lots of crystals out there, but none like Fallon.
That is why we are out there in the world.
He is a healer and truth bringer. I am the bridge who can help you explore the insights you receive from him as you work with us—because when you experience him, hands-on in a session, or in a group meditation, you tap into the power of ‘other’ to transform your life, to find and claim your power.
In our sessions I’ve seen newbies with crystals go astral traveling. Parents resolve issues with their children. The grieving speak with deceased family, friends, and animals, and begin to heal from their loss. Smart, accomplished business people discover new direction and inspiration for their work. People ready for transformation discover their strongest intuitive ability and build comfortable ‘shields’ or ‘skins’ that empower them. Curious, open individuals meet guides, deities, messengers, and, yes, dragons.
Fallon is alive, as all life is alive. He’s conscious, sentient, equal. He’s my partner, not my tool. He’s not a being in a crystal: he IS the crystal. He’s been in that body for eons, while we’ve been in ours for, well, a few short years.
He has a lot to share with all of us. All you have to do is come.
What Happens in an Intuitive Consultation
In an intuitive consultation with me and Fallon you work with a rare human-crystal partnership.
A truth bringer and healer, Fallon offers compassionate insight as a crystalline being of ancient Lemuria. When you put your hands on Fallon he taps into your own healing quality, and you receive your own visions and information.
I am a bridge between you and Fallon and the insights for you that day. I can tell you what I see, hear, feel, and know from that connection, through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. Information can be practical, mystical, inspiring, and fun, but it’s always yours in that moment.
People explore their mysteries with us as we help them:
- Tap individual intuitive abilities to access personal truth
- Achieve balance and healing
- Gain clarity on personal, home, and business issues
- Talk with animals, homes, businesses, and land
- Meet guides, deities, and messengers, including deceased family and animals
- Clear homes or businesses with our unique Space CooperatingSM service
- Explore alchemical energy
We offer a unique opportunity to tap your personal truth and claim your power. Come see us!
(c) 2012 Robyn M Fritz
How Fallon and I Meet the World
Being out in the world with a crystal ball is fascinating. My partner, Fallon, is a Citrine Lemurian Quartz, a rare planetary and dimensional energy.
What does that mean? I’m discovering that every day. Fallon is a healer, an advisor, a warm, compassionate being. He’s not human. He’s a crystal, which means he has eons of experience just ready for people to tap. With him I have gone to new depths as an intuitive and a consultant, I’ve learned to listen without taking it in, to participate without being drained. Together we’re a team, acutely aware that we’re doing something new in the world, and that it isn’t always an easy path.
Because of preconceptions.
There are the crystal skull people. Some of them scorn us. Don’t know why, don’t care too much. Some of them are cool and welcome all beings to a cooperative life.
There are my friends. Some of them laugh, some have left, most have stuck around, if for nothing more than humor value. Robyn and a crystal ball, how funny is that? Not so much, as it turns out, if there’s business on the line. A lot, though, if they need to talk, even if they don’t want anyone to know they’ve consulted a woman with a crystal ball as a partner. Whatever. Helping one mind to shift could make a difference, although when is another thing. Fallon will live that long, but will I?
There are clients, people who want an intuitive consultation, or their house cleared, or a ghost busted, or the unique personal or business insight that intuition provides—especially if one of the intuitive partners has, literally, seen it all (and a crystal sure has, hasn’t it?). These people like us, and they come back to Alchemy West for more.
There are potential clients. They have no idea what having an intuitive session with a human-crystal partnership is like, and they are surprised when they see us. Because we “don’t look like that.”
Honest, I used to ask what they mean by “look like that,” but it got a little old. It was always the same thing: “You don’t look like a gypsy.”
The same thing that, ironically, made some people tell me that my new Alchemy West branding made them “cringe.” Why? Because there we are in the banner, on the business cards, out there for all the world to puzzle at: a woman and a crystal ball.
It’s modern, it’s sleek and professional, it’s bold and daring. There is no question that we are out there, and proud of it.
But some people can’t get past the “crystal ball” and what their oddball cultural notions tell them is “gypsy,” which equates to “something unsavory or at least cornball.”
I’d be offended if it wasn’t hilarious. When they look at me and Fallon they see something they’ve made up: their preconceptions, which are culturally ingrained, and clearly irrelevant and limiting.
The first time someone said I didn’t look like a gypsy I was flabbergasted.
What do gypsies look like? And why, oh why, is a woman with a crystal ball a gypsy? I wasn’t insulted, I was discombobulated. And what about real gypsies? I should think they’d be insulted to be compared to someone who isn’t one. Or at least be annoyed. And, possibly, hurt. The gypsy culture is ancient and respectable. The parallels with that to me and Fallon are just plain mean and thoughtless.
It wasn’t funny anymore when someone took a leap and decided crystal balls were evil.
It was clear it was time to challenge stereotypes. Especially the ones that get stuck in our heads because we don’t stop to unstick them. The ones that mess us up and keep the world from becoming a healthier place to be. The things that have become government and religious stereotypes.
I’m quite clear about my branding: about how I appear in the world, how Fallon and I appear together. I’m clear that we’re different, because I know we are, and it matters.
When I’m out with Fallon I make a point of dressing conservatively, because people come to us for serious reasons, and they don’t need distractions (plus, truth is, I’m lazy and prefer to blend into my surroundings, like normal prey animals). I usually wear black clothes and my turquoise and aquamarine necklaces, with my new dragon pendant. And severe black glasses. So I don’t look like the stereotypes (again, my apologies to gypsies), but, then, I never did.
Truth is, that’s my dressed up look. You’ll usually find me in seasonal fleece and jeans. With a sense of humor and a couple of sidekick dogs for accessories.
But here’s the thing.
It’s easy to dismiss the challenges in life by calling them names that allow you to mock. It’s not so easy to dismiss the challenges that ask you to step outside the norm and challenge your preconceptions—because you just might have to change your life, and then where would you be?
Fallon and I are living outside the norm, so you don’t have to. Yet. The time is coming.
And that’s what Fallon and I are doing in the world: we are challenging the norms. We do intuitive consultations, but they aren’t spiritual: we teach people how to use their intuition to find their personal truth. We cooperatively clear space: we don’t force energy to change, like some energy workers or shaman types. We use a form of ancient energy that is new in the world, and it is stunning. We are a partnership: Fallon is not my tool, nor am I his, because we are equal partners.
Are we making a difference? Slowly. Are we building a business? Yes. Do we have a sense of humor? Always.
How else do you respond when you’re introduced as Robyn, and the person looks blank until they’re told, “You know, she’s with Fallon,” and the light dawns.
They know Fallon. He knows them.
Nope, our partnership isn’t an easy path, but it’s a fun one.
And, yes, it’s worth it.
© 2012 Robyn M Fritz
What It Means to Talk with All Life
We can all talk with all life, from our food to our cars, animals to plants, businesses to homes, volcanoes to weather systems. Everything you can imagine—and many things you can’t—can speak with us. In fact, they are all already speaking to each other. In fact, the only ones who are not participating in an active, open dialogue with all life are humans. We are, so to speak, behind the curve, and have been for centuries.
Oh, Great, Another Spacey New Ager
I am not an airy fairy woo-wooey person. I am a cynic and a skeptic. I sometimes wonder why I am one of the people who can talk with other beings most of us had no idea could, or wanted, to talk with us. And were scary besides (like earthquakes and hurricanes). I think it’s because I also believe in the equality of all life, and am interested and respectful enough to have an open conversation with whatever wants to speak with me. I think it’s time for this ability to be taken seriously and shared with other humans, so we can regain an ability we’ve repressed for eons.
I believe that intuition and the ability to intuitively communicate is a practical, relevant ability that kept our ancestors alive. Like the abilities to see, hear, taste, touch, and smell, their intuition kept them alive when large prey animals were sneaking up on them: they ‘knew’ when they were about to become lunch. Humans that didn’t have that ability, well, got eaten, and their lack of intuitive ability got wiped out of the gene pool with them.
I am, essentially, a translator. I tell the stories of the beings who speak with me. I help other people speak with them, whether the beings are our businesses and homes, our cars, gardens or animals. I also speak with wild/domestic land and weather systems. That means I speak with beings like volcanoes and hurricanes. We can do this, and, in fact, we do when we are angry because a hurricane is coming, frightened of an earthquake, and awestruck by a steam explosion at Mount St. Helens.
The key is to speak as equals, to hear and to share what we hear.
That’s what I do.
Why Are People Just Now Speaking to All Life?
People like me are pioneers, like it or not. We have our work cut out for us: helping people understand that everything out there is alive and has an attitude to share with us, and that we can share with them, is daunting. We can do this work because of the wonderful, brave people who became animal communicators 30 years ago. They went public about speaking with the beings we are most intimate with: our animal companions. It was strange, then, to talk with an animal, but thanks to these people it is increasingly accepted. And many people are doing it.
Animal communicators paved the way for people like me to talk with other beings and not get locked up for it. They helped open a space that humans had forgotten about. Now that some of us are hearing and talking with these other beings, we’re stepping up to tell their stories and to help other people talk with them.
Is it strange? Yes, but if enough of us keep at it, it will become commonplace. Which it should be.
Yes, people do think I’m crazy. I keep going, because I’m not.
When people read my stories, work with me, or come to an event to meet me and my crystal partner, Fallon, they are just like me: skeptical, cynical, analytical, and curious. Sometimes they are reverential, because they’ve had their own amazing experiences with other beings, especially crystals. And they leave believing that it’s all possible and real because of the calm, respectful, interested, and matter-of-fact way we go about our work at Alchemy West.
Every time someone makes their own connection through us, every time we hear about their experiences, I know that risking going public with who I am and what I do is worth it.
So, now, what do you think?
(c) 2011 Robyn M Fritz
Talking with Our Businesses: The First Principle
I was surprised when I first spoke intuitively with a business. It just hadn’t occurred to me, even though I knew that everything is alive. Literally. A tricky part is how that reverberates in our lives, or, perhaps, whether we will allow it to.
For people the concept that other beings have something to say to us, the right to say it, and often need to, challenges the basic mindset that we’re the apex of civilization. We have different brains than animals, true, and someone once said to me that a home or a business doesn’t have a brain, so we’re better. I think it’s more like the human brain is designed to help our bodies survive and thrive as humans. Other beings don’t need that particular device, or need it in the same way we do. It makes them different, not inferior. Biology is destiny? Weirdly, sort of.
People often get hung up on the simple fact that we invented our cars, our homes, our businesses, and much of what surrounds us (like peanut butter cookies with chocolate chips or computers). Sometimes I’ll look at my Cavaliers and my cat and realize we invented them, too (and, of course, they invented themselves, especially cats!). People are good at winging it, and then imposing rules on what they end up with.
Because we invent things we think we’ve created them, in something approaching ‘divine’ fashion. This presumes, and assumes, inequality. But, birds build nests, ants build anthills, so why is a car or house any different? They are things we’ve decided we need to survive. So they come and help us do that. It really is that simple.
In the current state of the world we depend on our businesses to acquire the money to buy the things we need to survive, from food to shelter. Whether we work for someone else, or go out on our own as I do, we need our businesses.
And our businesses need us.
How My Business Was Born
It took me a long time to decide to combine my writing, editing, and intuitive work into one business. I wasn’t quite sure how it would come together; all I knew is that I needed to be patient, which is not my strength. (I believe meditation should take about 10 seconds, and I tend to do my intuitive work while doing other things—multi-tasking to the extreme!)
Eventually I created two separate websites under one corporation that needed to represent the earth paradigm, the reality that all life actively cooperates to create a healthy future for our evolving planet. If we invited all life to participate with us equally, we would learn how to honor a hurricane and a weed, our homes and our food, our animals and our communities. Each of us holds the fate of the world in our choice—for humans, it’s our choice to be stuck-up humans or equal citizens on the planet.
Fine, but what was my corporation’s name? How could I describe transforming our culture and re-connecting people and the planet in terms that aren’t tied to the past? How could it be modern yet linked to the traditions it came from—our human past? I didn’t know, but I finally realized that my business would know, so I asked it what its name was. And back it came: Alchemy West. Of course. People are afraid of alchemy, because they think of dark occult weirdnesses, but alchemy is change, transformation, and this kind of alchemy is new, which my business thinks of as ‘west,’ and because we’re in Seattle, which is almost as far west as you can go before you fall off the continent.
My next step was to create websites when I have stubbornly refused to have a relationship with my computer (yes, I’m human and I goof up like everybody else). It took me months to settle on what I needed, sit down and do it, and find the right people to help me. In the process I became much clearer about what I needed out of business: community. I support other people and their businesses, but they don’t always support me. It’s a lesson I will continue to learn, because I’m optimistic and often too trusting for my own good.
What I didn’t realize was that my business had its own ideas about how it wanted to work, and that the many other beings I work with actually expected to be a part of the decision-making process. When I tried to do things strictly my way, for all the usual reasons, like giving business to friends to support their businesses as well, it didn’t always work. In fact, several times the failures were so huge that everything collapsed around me. Including what I thought were friendships.
Part of the reason was that the beings I worked with, especially the business itself, absolutely refused to cooperate with some people, and there was no getting past that. Plus, most of the beings who are part of my community and the Alchemy West Committee are not human: they are animals, volcanoes, beaches, my home, my desk, guides, crystals, salt lamps, the list goes on (and, yes, my computer)! Try to get all those beings to agree on a logo or the words on a page!
We had our goofs, but we finally did it. It took over a year for Alchemy West to gel and for me to get brave enough to combine all my work into one website, and then to launch our online magazine, Bridging the Paradigms.
More on that in upcoming posts.
How Do We Talk with Our Businesses?
I help people talk with their businesses. Conversations include business direction, mutual concerns, shared growth. The focus is on how they grow and learn together.
No, I do not tell people how to make millions of dollars or handle marketing or organizational development. Yes, I have formal business training, including an MBA, but this is about building a new relationship, one that assumes you and your business are equal partners, even though you may very well have different agendas. It’s a new mindset.
And that’s how you start, with thinking about your business as an equal partner. What first comes to mind when you consider that?
(c) 2011 Robyn M Fritz
Space Clearing or Space Cooperating: The Difference Is Mindset
Many wonderful, capable, intuitive people offer space clearing.
I don’t. At least not the way I hear it described by others.
Space cooperating is, for now, the most accurate description for what I do together with my partner, the crystal Fallon.
The difference is mindset. I do my best to operate from the earth paradigm, where all life is equal. Many people operate from the human paradigm, which assumes that humans know best. Regardless.
From my intuitive work I know that everything is alive. Everything. Whether we’re human, animal, plant, volcano, hurricane, oil, ocean—whatever we are—we all have this in common: we are alive.
We are not one with all life. But we are all alive together.
And all life, whatever its physical form, has a separate and distinct soul and personality, consciousness, equality, rights, responsibility, and free choice to do its work. Together, all life can collaboratively build a healthy world.
Starting simply, with our homes, our businesses, and the land around us. Cooperatively.
Is It Cleared Space or Cowed Space?
Humans are used to taking charge. We’ve done some wonderful things, but we could improve (including me).
One place where this is obvious is in what a lot of people call space clearing. Yes, we can manipulate energy, but should we? Under what circumstances? And who has a say in what takes place?
I sometimes see spaces that have been ‘cleared’ and in which people claim to feel great. These spaces are often quite dense and heavy. I’m not sure why they feel great, because the space’s vibrancy has been blanketed, essentially cowed into submission, empty. I suspect that’s partly why many people like them: because our lives are so busy and stressful we somehow feel that being in an empty, blank space is a gigantic ‘time out.’
But the space isn’t vibrant. Which means the ‘time out’ isn’t helping people—or their homes.
I see it on all levels, from people dabbling in clearing their own space to energy workers with years of experience. They don’t mean to harm a space or hinder its development. They simply do the normal human thing that comes from living in a human paradigm: they act as if only human intention mattered.
Still, these people do wonderful work because they do care and they are acting to make a difference in the world, in their lives and in the lives of the people they do clearing work for. Most of them treat the space and their work with great care and love, and I honor them for it, and the beings they work with. They’ve made great contributions to their communities and the planet with their work, from feng shui to clearing to soul coaching, and we’re all better off because of them.
It’s just not the work that I do. That’s why I use the words space cooperating to describe it.
How My Work Is Different
Accepting that everything is alive also accepts that everything has attitude. Opinions. Concerns. Rights.
We all need to be heard. Especially the beings we attempt to clear without directly and equally involving them in the process. Generally they are quite surprised to be asked their opinion and permission to work with them, and the results are memorable—and productive.
In space cooperating I open a dialogue with the space and its people, giving them the opportunity to express their needs and wants and figure out how to co-exist, if possible. Sometimes a sale or move is necessary, and my job is to ease the transition and help all parties search out a new relationship, to separate, grieve, balance, and heal. Each session is different, presenting its own challenges and opportunities.
We then proceed to clear the space, in cooperation with it, using whatever has stepped forth to work that day: certainly my crystal partner, Fallon, other crystals, incense, bells, my Fallon Lavender-Salt mixture, music. Each session is different.
The key is that it all starts with choosing a mindset that accepts every being as an equal.
What Kinds of Spaces Need Clearing?
All the spaces we live and work in need to be clean. And balanced. Just like we do. Here are some reasons why you’d want a space cooperating session:
- Create and maintain a harmonious environment to live and work in
- Establish a new relationship with your space or alter one
- Seasonal changes
- Real estate sales, moves
- Remodeling or rearranging space
- New business or re-direction
- Changes in life or business, from illness to new family members to new purpose
So are you interested in space clearing or space cooperating? Which mindset do you choose, and why?
What Do Animal Communicators Really Do?
There are so many people doing animal communication that they’ve begun to specialize. I don’t do animal communication exclusively. I communicate with all life, from animals to businesses, homes, and nature, including wild/domestic land and weather systems.
Essentially, animal communicators help us telepathically connect with animals, by hearing or seeing them, experiencing their feelings, or knowing intuitively through a felt, ‘gut’ sense.
I utilize whatever telepathic line works for a particular family or animal, including intuition.
Working with Families
I work with families to deepen their relationships with animals by creating multi-species families with them. And I work with wild animals as well, because two of the beings who work with me at Alchemy West are deceased wild animals. Family conversations cover the gamut, from fun and inspiring family harmony sessions to easing transitions.
Looking at Medical and Behavior Issues
I’ve certainly learned a lot about animal health and behavioral issues over the years. I can intuitively help people look at these issues and give them some ideas to take to your vet for further exploration. I also recommend reading a lot and working closely with a trusted vet and animal behaviorist. I listen closely to both animals and people. Because we don’t always hear our animals as clearly as we would like, I tend to address what the animal would like its family to know.
For example, if you think your cat is peeing in the house, clean it up and consider things like cleanliness and medical issues that require veterinary care. You might want me to ask the cat about why it’s peeing, but your cat may really want to discuss something else. I will focus on what the cat has to say. Why? Because I can hear it, and that’s really why you came to me in the first place. Or to anyone who works as an animal communicator.
Helping Lost Animals Find Home
I also help find lost animals, which does not always mean they come home like we would wish. Sometimes they move on to other families, by choice or by accident. Sometimes they die. Sometimes we never find out.
One time it took me six days to get a lost dog to decide whether she was going to submit to animal control and come home. She had bitten an animal control officer and had run off. It was the officer’s fault, not hers, and it took me a long time to get her to understand, and believe, that she was not in trouble. But we had another complication: she was lost in deep snow and her life was at stake.
She wouldn’t talk with me but I knew she could hear me. So I told her how to stay safe while she decided whether to come home. I could also see and describe the place she was hiding, so I also told her I was telling the searchers where to look, because she was loved, wanted, and literally too upset to think straight. I don’t generally interfere in an animal’s choice like that; in this case, I knew she was listening and wanted to come home but wasn’t sure if she could, or would. So I pushed the issue a bit. I told her what I was doing, and assured her that if she really did not want to go back to her home I would still help her, but unless she clearly objected, I was helping people narrow the search for her. What I always got back from her in those sessions was that she was listening—and waiting.
The searchers did find her hiding spot exactly as I saw it, but she ran when they saw her, even though she listened to me when I told her to show herself, and where.
By this time I had no doubts that we had a frightened dog who wanted to come home but was too afraid to go to the people who were trying to help her. What else could I do?
The weather made up my mind for me. Another snowstorm moved into the area, one I knew she had little chance of surviving. Even though it had been six days and she had not spoken to me, I told her it was “do or die,” she simply had to choose. Come home or die.
Her response? “I want chicken,” she declared. “Chicken McNuggets.”
When you hear something bizarre like that, you have to know you actually did hear it. What a unique idea for a McDonald’s’ ad!
“I don’t bargain,” I said, trying not to laugh. “But I will tell your people that you want Chicken McNuggets.”
Shortly after that she quietly surrendered to animal control. And, sure enough, there was a McDonald’s nearby. The lost dog was happily reunited with her family. And on the way home they loaded up on Chicken McNuggets.
The thing I take away from this is that we all need to be patient and persistent. And to listen to what our animals have to say. We compromise to be in families. That’s just how it is. In working with families and lost animals, the discussion of what is going on and why is often a part of it.
Whether you’re convinced that animal communication is real or not, what one question would you ask a favorite animal? And what do you think it would say?