Spread Your Wings
I am constantly blessed to witness the love of art and artistic genius in the world, especially when it’s literally in my back yard.And to bring it to the world as best I can. It is all part of building community.
My neighbor and friend, Danny L. McMillin, is an athlete, a computer expert, a proud REI employee, a friend of terriers, currently Airedales (and cats, and my own beloved Cavaliers), and the husband of my good friend, Ellen.
Danny is also an artist whose photography never fails to stun and delight me and all of us who see it and are lucky enough to own a piece. Danny has freely offered me wonderful photographs for Bridging the Paradigms, and is in fact the artist behind the stunning photograph of Alki Beach that is the foundation of my branding and my websites’ banners. I am so proud of this amazing artist!

Taking Flight
Danny recently sent me pictures of a bald eagle launching itself from the dying Madrona tree above our West Seattle neighborhood.
Here’s the sequence, with Danny’s permission. Please note they are (c) 2011 Danny L. McMillin. And please share them with everyone you know: our bald eagles are precious to us, as are the artists like Danny who photograph them.
If you’d like to contact Danny about purchasing one of his pictures, from eagles to nature shots, please contact me and I’ll make sure he can find you.

Enjoy the eagles, and thank you, Danny!
(c) 2011 Robyn M Fritz
Anyone know what happen to the Salty’s eagles? There hasn’t been any activity there for weeks.
I saw the Salty’s eagles a few weeks ago. Asked someone today and he said they think they moved to another nest, that the eagles switch nests every few years. Eagle house cleaning! See a lot of eagles around here, not sure which are which.