In my space clearing practice I am sometimes reminded that people don’t always ‘get’ what it is all about. So let me clear that up for you (okay, small pun intended).
First: we all want and need the same thing: a way to get an edge in our lives, to create the best personal, professional, and creative lives possible.
Here’s the surprise: start with space clearing, with getting the spaces you live and work in healthy, so the ground beneath your feet is as supportive as possible.
You start with getting a baseline on your space, as discussed in an earlier article. Then you define your goals for that space. But let’s back up a bit and explain space clearing.
What Space Clearing Is
Space clearing is a practical, holistic, intuitive technique that clears, or re-invigorates, the vibrations of the spaces we live and work in, much like vacuuming and dusting keep the physical space clean, and de-cluttering keeps it (reasonably) neat.
It doesn’t matter what the space is: whether you live in a tiny apartment or busy estate, or your business space is a cubicle, a bustling retail shop, or corporate or medical office, clearing the space will revive it, helping create healthy, balanced environments.
Space clearing involves vibrational, or energetic, clearing. Our ancestors did it, so it’s nothing new, it’s just something our modern culture is once again remembering.
When You Know You Need Space Clearing
How can you tell a space needs clearing? If you feel comfortable, invited, and intrigued by your spaces, they are healthy and clear. If you are tired, unfocused, and notice clients and staff are lackluster, your spaces need to be vibrationally cleared. If you just think a space needs to be clear, pay attention, because it probably does (that’s most likely your intuition talking, not your imagination).
The thing we tend to forget is that nothing stays clear without assistance. That’s why we’re always cleaning house and organizing our desks. Vibrational clearing is actually more intense, because both people and spaces (and the objects in them) are alive and have feelings, and bits of these emotions and thoughts spin off and mingle in a space, and inevitably clash.
That’s when you know you need clearing. And no, it’s not your fault. It’s life.
We sometimes mistakenly assume we need a space clearing because we must have done something wrong. This could happen when a sudden disruption brings us up short and reminds us that, yes, you had a professional clearing some years ago, and then got busy. The answer here: no, you didn’t do anything wrong; yes, regular clearings help; and yes, sudden disruptions happen.
At other times, life events occur, and space clearing seems like a good fit. That is true. Whether it is a sad event like an illness, divorce, or death, or a happy one like an anniversary, birthday, or graduation, acknowledging the change that occurs in the space and clearing it helps keep everyone at their best, including the space. Well done, a space clearing can include a ritual that adds both depth and beauty to an event.
Sometimes people are offended at the suggestion of a space clearing. This isn’t because some people consider it woo-wooey (although some do), but because they think clearing space implies that something is wrong with it, and, by extension, them.
It does not mean that. It simply acknowledges reality: that everything needs refreshing. It also can be a beautiful and uplifting ceremony all by itself, and is done to acknowledge and celebrate change.
Yes, space clearing can be done just to have fun with your spaces.
Hiring a Professional, and Determining Your Needs and Wants
Of course, you can clear your spaces yourself, and I recommend that you develop a regular practice of doing so. It will help you develop rituals that connect you with your spaces and the rhythms of life, especially if you do it monthly or seasonally. It will also help you stay attuned to what your spaces need to be their best, which helps you be your best (honest).
There are also many reasons why you’d want a professional to clear your space. These are times when you need a neutral, objective outsider. They include:
- Real estate issues: buy/sell, remodel, new construction
- Business issues: new or ongoing vibrational maintenance to keep spaces and staff vibrant and productive
- Life issues: acknowledging life’s milestones, or support on your journey
- Sudden or ongoing disruption: trauma, unexplained disturbances, ‘ghosts”
- Training to do your own in-depth clearing
Now, if you are considering my Space Cooperating space clearing method, you and your space will be sharing mutual needs and wants:
- You will be asking what space needs and wants.
- You will be sharing what you need and want.
So, the first thing you do is establish your baseline for clearing, as detailed earlier. You employed all your senses to discover how your space appears to you: sight, sound, taste, touch, hearing, and intuition. That gave you some clues, some insights into things you might want to deal with.
Now, knowing that you can approach a clearing without feeling the weight of some karmic guilt (or benign neglect) as outlined above, you can consider your goals for a clearing.
Begin with a general intent:
What would you like to accomplish with the clearing? Peace of mind? Relaxation? Creative spark? An inviting business space? A celebration?
Then list 3-4 specific things you need and want from a space:
How could the space cooperate with you? Yes, what specific things would you like the space to help you with? Sometimes these are difficult, as you must sell a home. For example, I’ve had clients say goodbye and get a real firm idea of the kind of family life the space would want, information that helped their realtors sell faster.
Ask the space what it needs and wants:
Yes, this is a big reason why I’m out there doing Space Cooperating. Stunning things happen when people ask their spaces what they need and want. They learn the space’s personality quirks and interests, they hear its thoughts on their work, and they get unusual support for their creativity. I had one small houseboat volunteer its walls, ceiling, and floors as a canvas for its new owner’s art. The closeness that developed between them still makes me smile.
Very often asking a space what it thinks helps spur your own development, from expanding your personal and professional life to a soaring creative one. Spaces are our intimate partners, and the relationship and team-building that comes from sharing insights and desires creates a closeness that nurtures both sides.
It matters. You matter. Your spaces matter. Tell them what you need and want. Ask them what they need and want. Great things happen.
Spaces get clear. And so do you.
© 2013 Robyn M Fritz
Interesting stuff! I agree that space clearing is vital in order for you to get the rest of your life in order. I wish this were more mainstream and embraced by corporations – some workplaces have such horrible, negative, stale energy. Being able to clear your own home, but it’s more difficult to do so for workplaces.
And speaking of that Robyn, I was wondering whether in your work you do actually get clients who own more “mainstream” companies and want you to clear their workplaces for them?
Karin recently posted..Orgonite for Healers
Karin, thanks for your comments. Orgonite, had not heard of that. Fascinating website! Yes, I, too, wish space clearing was more mainstream. I do get clients with ‘mainstream’ businesses who understand the importance of vibrational clearing. Often it’s a surprise and comes up in intuitive sessions, and I find workshops help. The people and businesses open to feng shui are open to it, and the more they experience the more open they are. I do actually work quite a bit for people and businesses who are experimenting with getting their own edge in life and business. I think the more they experience cleared spaces the more it will become an accepted and sought after service. What helps is that my workshops are quite matter-of-fact, and that makes people stop and think. I do have a lot of fun with business owners. Once they experience it, they’re hooked. I suppose the city you live in matters. Here in the Northwest people are curious, and that helps. What is your experience?
Thanks for complimenting my website
Well I’m glad that there are mainstream businesses that are open to space clearing! As for my experience, well it’s hard to say. I live in London and although I know a lot of people who are curious, I can’t really imagine it being a part of corporate culture, even a small part. But then, my experience is limited.
One of my friends is a healer and she was thinking of trying to get businesses to hire her for their employees (e.g. healing sessions for the back and neck since sitting by a computer all day can lead to back problems). Wouldn’t it be great if every company had a resident healer and space clearer 😉
Karin recently posted..Use Orgonite to Help Your Plants Grow!
Karin, this is an interesting discussion. Yes we are both wishing that things like space clearing and healing can be more mainstream. I bet you would find that in London, it can be a progressive city! I am in Seattle, Washington, and we have a world-renowned university for naturopathic care (Bastyr) and many mainstream medical professionals who are beginning to incorporate alternatives, including energy healing. I just continue to plug away at introducing space clearing as a holistic help to the business. Perhaps we need to keep presenting it as a way to add to the bottom line. There are a number of businesses that are using feng shui, though, so if that can catch on, so can we! Here’s hoping! How did you find my website? All the best from stormy Seattle!