- (c) 2011 Danny L. McMillin
The other day I saw a great bumper sticker. My best recollection is that it said: “If you’re not absolutely appalled you’re not paying attention.”
It’s absolutely the way I feel a lot of the time.
It’s the way we should all feel.
Because we all need to step up and speak up and quit putting up.
Before you think that’s negative, think again.
Feeling appalled is actually positive: it means we notice, we care, we have some basic standards, and we’re doing something about it.
Even if it’s only at the level of how we feel, because that’s where we have to start. We have to see what’s happening in the world and feel what it’s doing to us and speak up about it.
The problem is that too many of us are shutting down. Something awful makes us wince. Maybe. Usually we just turn away, look somewhere else, turn off the news, hide behind our dinner plates.
Remain silent.
If we’re even paying attention at all.
It’s time to quit ignoring what’s going on. We have to think about what we see and hear and figure out what is going on, and how we want to live in the world. We have to stop believing what everybody else is telling us is true and figure out what true is for ourselves. What life is and should be.
Here’s what I know:
- A month ago I lost my soulmate: my 13-1/2-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Murphy. She died of splenic cancer. How did she get it? The damn thing is linked to early spay/neuter. For years we’ve been told to do the right thing: neuter our animals and vaccinate their immune systems into oblivion. The animal shelter and rescue folks and veterinary community have been spouting this nonsense for years, and they know they are lying. My dog died of a cancer linked to early spay/neuter. Be appalled. What do you think? Speak up! Stop it now!
- The city of Seattle is talking about building a third sports arena downtown: the first one was vetoed by taxpayers and built anyway, and who knows how the second one got there, toxic sludge? This is abuse of democracy and entitlement of the rich. Be appalled. What do you think? Speak up! Stop it now!
- The Seattle City Council recently voted to ban plastic bags from city stores, even though taxpayers voted down the ban! It doesn’t matter if you supported the ban, the democracy we supposedly live in said ‘no ban.’ Big brother said otherwise. Be appalled. What do you think? Speak up! Stop it now!
- Last night I saw a Seattle police officer approach a stopped vehicle with her hand on her gun (and, yes, she was fiddling with the handle strap). What is the actual percentage of police officers threatened by drivers or pedestrians on routine stops? Considerably lower than those who are harmless and chagrined by being stopped, and those who become frightened of the police because of their aggressive behavior. What is so wrong in our society that the people who choose to be police officers feel threatened every time they encounter civilians? Or do we have the wrong people being officers? Be appalled. What do you think? Speak up! Stop it now!
What is true? We don’t always know. We absolutely have to find out, even if it means arguing it out. Politely. With facts.
What is right? Educating ourselves. Being thoughtful. Being kind. Being compassionate. Speaking up.
Pay attention: what is government doing with our money? What is religion doing with our souls? What is fear and aggression doing to our society? What is ignorance and complacency doing to us—and our planet?
Do you know?
Pay attention.
Be appalled by what you see that isn’t right.
Speak up. How does love, compassion, respect, concern speak through you?
Tell us. Let’s figure it out, out loud.
How? By paying attention. Being appalled.
It will work. It has to.
© 2012 Robyn M Fritz
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