- Alki and his get well card
Our animal families matter, and so do our kids. Here is Alki, recovering from a severe illness, if you ever recover from inflammatory bowel disease and pancreatitis, let alone long-term kidney disease. We remember that age doesn’t always bring illness, but when it does it also reminds us that we have lived a long life, and we’re still determined to make it a fun one! Here’s Alki reminding Grace that this is HIS get well card, and then wondering why he can’t eat it. Shyness is cute! Thank you to Cyndi O-neill Dady and SendOut Cards!
It’s nice to know that people and businesses care about just plain being nice.
Our animal companions are really very special to us and oftentimes, our pets become our healers.
Yes, our animal friends are special to us. We can be healers together as long as we don’t overemphasize it, right? Learning from all life, that is important! Thank you for your kind thought.