Had a tough day at work? Groused at your dog? Zoned out and almost ran a stop sign? Came home from work so tired and drained you decided you never-ever-in-a-million-years want to see another human being?
Maybe it’s time you checked your energy boundaries. Yes, really. They’re invisible, and they matter.
Checking Our Energetic Boundaries
We all experience times when our boundaries are shaken by people, events, family, work, the news. Here are clues to whether yours need attention:
- You feel overwhelmed in public, oversensitive, irritated, or just tired.
- You have low self-esteem or self-worth.
- Clients and family drain you or make you doubt yourself.
- You feel you do not deserve prosperity or abundance.
- You give everything away: your energy, spirit, time, money.
- You never put yourself first.
- You’re not really a hermit, but you’d like to be.
If you can relate to this, sign up for my free newsletter at my check my website and check out my upcoming workshop at Bastyr University on October 3, 2015, Develop and Maintain Your Intuitive Energy Boundaries. It even carries CEUs and other credits for health care professionals, from MDs and NDs to nurses, psychologists, massage therapists, and social workers.
Stress and Energetic Boundaries
I recently had some intense space clearing and personal energy sessions with clients and their homes and businesses. From illness that rocked a family’s daily life to chronic lack of business, each client had problems. Yes, life throws you curve balls: so how do you catch them?
We are so used to stress in our busy lives that we tend to think of it as an emotional reaction to daily demands at work and home, something we just live with. But stress has physical and psychic consequences that can damage our lives for years if we don’t properly handle them. As more of us experience the expansion of our intuitive abilities, the effects of stress reverberate in our bodies, souls, psychic lives, and home and business spaces. We deal with that, and become our best selves, when we create firm boundaries—when we learn to say “no” and how to reinforce that “no” energetically.
Soul Progression Clearing and Energy Boundaries
One of the things I do in my practice is what I call “Soul Progression Clearing.” I use my crystal, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz, and our own form of energy healing to help clients dig deep to discover blockages that are holding them back. These blockages may be past life crap, even entities (from humans that haven’t moved on to all kinds of dimensional beings we can’t see), to thoughtforms (ideas that are held by enough people that they maintain their own presence, like “heaven” or “Reiki” or “devil”). Once we identify the blockages we actually speak with them (I am, after all, a medium, which means I talk with things like animals, the dead, trees, etc.) Then we can actually help these blockages lift from our clients to find their own way to love, or, if they are thoughtforms, to simply not dwell in that person’s soul. Energy healing continues to help our clients re-integrate without the blockages.
These blockages cause disruptions in our energy boundaries as well. Those can be handled by learning what they are and how they affect us.
Here’s an example. If you get sick, you deal with it medically, and then you look at your energy boundaries. Sometimes things just happen: saying “it’s meant to be” is really an example of someone with poorly developed energy boundaries. However, sometimes you can identify triggers: for example, a few years ago I developed shingles—four days after another deeply upsetting personal encounter. Yes, crap happens, I’m sorry to say, but I suspected this was stress-induced shingles, so once the medical solutions were in place, I re-examined my boundaries.
That led me to claim a love that put my integrity and choice first. It’s deeper, richer, better than I could have imagined just days earlier. However, it excludes things I thought were necessary, firmly ending one long chapter in my life. Just like my clients, I said “no” to energetic violations, because our deep, loving hearts need effective boundaries to get along, and ahead, in life.
Shoring Up Energetic Boundaries
See the “angry” setting sun here? It’s really smoke pollution over Seattle last month, but it’s a good visual. The sun is yellow, right? Pollution caused it to be red. In the same way, our energy boundaries are affected by internal and external things, even though we can’t see them.
We all experience times when our energetic boundaries are shaken by people, events, family, work, the news. Don’t delay learning how to manage them for yourself (they are different for each of us just as our intuitive abilities are different). Our boundaries always need attention. Stay vigilant, because we all lead busy lives, and it’s easy to get blind-sided.
Ready to shore up your energetic boundaries? When you feel stressed, tired, cranky, or just generally “off,” take a break. Sit down, close your eyes, and take a long breath in to a count of 4, hold it for 4, release it for 4. Repeat several times. You will begin to relax and calm down, which is the first step to getting back into yourself in a healthy, positive manner.
Try that, see how it works, and let me know. Coming up I’ll have more tips.
Curious to dig deep into your energy boundaries, especially if you’re a health care provider? Let me remind you about that class at Bastyr University on October 3, 2015, in Kenmore, WA. Certain professionals will get CEUs and other credits, but everyone will walk away with a firm understanding of how their energy boundaries work—and what to do when they get messed up. Questions? Contact me.
© 2015 Robyn M Fritz