February 23, 2025

Is It Weather Worker or Weather Talker? How to Work with Weather

I call myself a weather talker, not a weather worker. There is a difference.

A weather worker changes the weather, usually because the weather worker wants to. The weather and the land around it, including the guidance forces that created it, are not always consulted.

While many of us can change the weather (yes, change it), it’s rarely a good idea. In fact, it’s usually stupid. Why? Because humans just aren’t smart enough to know more about nature than nature itself does.

Before you object to that, consider our food supply. We can’t grow crops that are genetically diversified enough to keep us all from starving, so why would we be smart enough to know more about weather than the weather systems themselves, or their makers?

Here’s another thing. Everything is on a schedule; if you want to change that schedule it involves a lot of negotiation with many different beings. And there are always consequences, many unintended, all tricky, multi-layered, complex … never simple, and usually not understood until they’re upon us and impossible to avoid.

Being a weather talker is much more in balance with an earth paradigm, which sees all of life cooperating to build a healthy, balanced planet. If I’m interested in a weather change, I talk with the weather, and find out what’s going on. That’s how both sides learn: human and other.

I learn a lot about weather and the land by simply talking with it. These beings are often eager to talk with us, and when they’re not, they usually say why.

Sometimes, though, the prospect of talking with some of them is, well, daunting.

Okay, take a deep breath …

What would you say to a hurricane?

In Defense of Hurricanes

Is the planet’s weather changing? If so, why? Is there something we should do about it? If so, what?

Humans don’t understand hurricanes, and we absolutely have to. Now.

Hurricanes are massive cleansing forces. When a hurricane comes to an area, every being in its path, from human to building to plant to animal, everything gets to choose whether it will live or die. Everything. Whatever things look like afterwards, and I admit it can be terrifying and sad and disrupting, whatever it looks like is what needs to happen for the hurricanes to cleanse the land and the sea. Without them, the planet cannot survive. I know, easy to say, hard to live through, but it’s the truth.

Hurricanes are carefully planned and sent out into the world by what I call guidance forces (who laughed when I slipped one day and called them gods, because I have a lot of trouble with the god concept). Hurricanes are also fully conscious beings and actively choose whether to do the work they were created for, just like all of life. The problem is, like all of life, they can be manipulated, changed, so that they don’t do exactly what they were intended to do. They then go off course. This affects all the hurricanes that come after them, because if a job is left undone, everything behind it has to alter to try to do that work. This happens to all of life, but few things have the large-scale effect of a hurricane.

So, when humans construct machines to deflect hurricanes, or actively use their intuitive abilities to deflect them from land or to mitigate their strength, or to eliminate them entirely, we screw things up. Badly. We’ve been doing this for eons, and it has to stop. The hurricanes are really trying to save the planet, just like all of us. We need to understand and help them do their work by letting them do it. And we need to stand beside them with love and purpose and refuse to let other beings, including humans, change them. Hurricanes have the right and responsibility to choose to do their work whether we like it or not.

Humans are not the only beings that interfere with hurricanes, but we’re the only ones that most of us can really do anything about. If nothing else, we can change our attitude towards hurricanes. Every time we get mad and want one to go somewhere else, every time we fear one, we affect its course.

The one thing that all of us can do with hurricanes is literally thank them for their work and bless them on their way. You can do this whether you live in its path or not. All it takes is a simple thought sent its way, as you’re going to work, as you stop to get coffee, whatever. Remember, it is true, we all hold the fate of the world in our choice. We can choose to love a hurricane, which helps it do its work, or we can make everything worse by hindering it.

It’s really that simple. The ramifications are stunning.

In future posts I’ll tell the stories of the hurricanes I’ve met, and of the other weather systems I’ve worked with. I’ll write about how we can work with weather systems.

So what would you say to a hurricane?

(c) 2011 Robyn M Fritz