February 26, 2025

Soul Progression Clearing: Beyond Shamanism and Psychotherapy

cover 15I am not a shaman. However, I can offer tools modern shamanic practitioners and even regression therapists use, with the addition of alchemical energy and the unique vibration of my crystal, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz. We help you as you work to clear your soul, from previous lifetimes to the present. And claim a transformative new life. If I can do it, anyone can.

Energy Healing for 21st Century Lives

We all have roadblocks in our lives. They can be attachments, mindset issues, past life energies, even just residual crap from our busy modern lives.

If you’re ready to get rid of them, Soul Progression Clearing can help. Sometimes it happens quickly, in one session; often, however, a session reveals layers that we can resolve together in future sessions. Always the energy needs to percolate as your body, soul, and spirit adjust.

Soul Progression Clearing acknowledges that people need clearing just as much as their spaces do. While we’ve always offered energy healing in our work, Soul Progression Clearing is a specialized service that helps people clear issues that may be so deep-seated they go into previous lives, or that involve attachments, from entities to thoughtforms. These people often need complex clearings for their homes, from open portals to possession, and resolutions to spiritual or intuitive crises that can arise from deep-seated events, either in this life or previous ones.

Because my crystal, Fallon, is an ancient power crystal, with the ability to transcend time and dimensional boundaries, he can call in extraordinary support across time and space. Combined with our previous lives together and my intuitive insight, specialized training, and difficult life experience we can help people who are looking for support in their lives, from business to personal issues. I am not nor will I ever be a hypnotherapist, psychotherapist, or psychologist, so please consult medical providers for mental or physical health issues. However, if you’d like to examine and even resolve issues that keep plaguing you, please contact us to chat briefly about how we can help.

I have studied with Betsy Bergstrom in Seattle, who is known worldwide for her shamanic work called Curse Unraveling and Compassionate Depossession. I have incorporated Betsy’s profound techniques into my work with Fallon. They are an extraordinary fit for us, another tool in our toolbox to support you in your journey.

Here is our take on the work we do:

  • Soul Retrieval. The shamanic perspective is that this work retrieves a portion of your soul that has been lost because of trauma, in this lifetime or another. My perspective is that it isn’t important what to call it. What is important is that Fallon and I can help with this from the practical standpoint of how you feel and what is revealed in a session. Sometimes we can see when and how something happened, and explain it: the important thing is to fix it. Fallon is a healer and truth bringer.
  • Curse Unraveling. The shamanic perspective is that someone, maybe even you, somehow cursed you (or your family line) in this life or another, and that curse has repercussions now. My perspective is that something happened, we might be able to say something like “You were a Viking left behind in medieval times because you were considered weak, and now you’re over-compensating, so let’s just change the mindset and help you heal yourself.” The point is to get at the energy threads that keep you from being the best you can be—and eliminate them. After all, that Viking is dead—and should be gone. We’ll help “make it so.”
  • Compassionate De-Possession. When I noticed problems in complex space clearings and eliminated them by burning up the responsible entities (which some people call ghosts, or demons, or bad guys, or something else highly inappropriate, offensiv,e and unnecessary) I felt bad about it. No use killing something when maybe you can help it find love, right? So the shamanic perspective here is that we are all sovereign, or independent, beings, and no one and no thing should interfere with that. If it does, then you respectfully but firmly remove it. My perspective is that I don’t have to kill something, I can simply call on its spirit guides, Fallon, the goddess I work with, dragons, and other helping beings and decisively remove it and sending it on to its next soul experience.
  • Energy Healing. We use alchemical energy, a new energy that came into the world in 2007. It is beyond Reiki and any other system out there. It supports you where you are, from a newbie at energy work to someone ready for multi-dimensional exploration.
  • Intuitive Insight. Together Fallon and I can offer insight into your issues, from blockages to better connections with your spirit guides and healing team. This deepens your experience.

What Soul Progression Clearing Means for You

Consider our services if you:

  • Feel stuck
  • Are drained by family, friends, and other relationships
  • Can’t stand up for yourself
  • Feel something is in you that shouldn’t be and that you don’t want: yes, this can be entities but it can also be thoughtforms (ideas that become real because we collectively believe them, like “heaven,” “hell,” “good,” and “bad”
  • Want to get vibrationally, or energetically, clear and claim your power in your personal and professional lives
  • Want energy healing that offers real results, now (see Alchemical Energy)

Even one session can be an amazing support: when you see a lifetime of grief resolve in an hour, it’s, well, stunning and immensely satisfying.

Whatever you call it, it works. It’s all a reminder that love is all that matters.

Interested? Contact us for a session. Comments? Leave them here. Let’s talk.

© 2015 Robyn M Fritz