Many wonderful, capable, intuitive people offer space clearing.
I don’t. At least not the way I hear it described by others.
Space cooperating is, for now, the most accurate description for what I do together with my partner, the crystal Fallon.
The difference is mindset. I do my best to operate from the earth paradigm, where all life is equal. Many people operate from the human paradigm, which assumes that humans know best. Regardless.
From my intuitive work I know that everything is alive. Everything. Whether we’re human, animal, plant, volcano, hurricane, oil, ocean—whatever we are—we all have this in common: we are alive.
We are not one with all life. But we are all alive together.
And all life, whatever its physical form, has a separate and distinct soul and personality, consciousness, equality, rights, responsibility, and free choice to do its work. Together, all life can collaboratively build a healthy world.
Starting simply, with our homes, our businesses, and the land around us. Cooperatively.
Is It Cleared Space or Cowed Space?
Humans are used to taking charge. We’ve done some wonderful things, but we could improve (including me).
One place where this is obvious is in what a lot of people call space clearing. Yes, we can manipulate energy, but should we? Under what circumstances? And who has a say in what takes place?
I sometimes see spaces that have been ‘cleared’ and in which people claim to feel great. These spaces are often quite dense and heavy. I’m not sure why they feel great, because the space’s vibrancy has been blanketed, essentially cowed into submission, empty. I suspect that’s partly why many people like them: because our lives are so busy and stressful we somehow feel that being in an empty, blank space is a gigantic ‘time out.’
But the space isn’t vibrant. Which means the ‘time out’ isn’t helping people—or their homes.
I see it on all levels, from people dabbling in clearing their own space to energy workers with years of experience. They don’t mean to harm a space or hinder its development. They simply do the normal human thing that comes from living in a human paradigm: they act as if only human intention mattered.
Still, these people do wonderful work because they do care and they are acting to make a difference in the world, in their lives and in the lives of the people they do clearing work for. Most of them treat the space and their work with great care and love, and I honor them for it, and the beings they work with. They’ve made great contributions to their communities and the planet with their work, from feng shui to clearing to soul coaching, and we’re all better off because of them.
It’s just not the work that I do. That’s why I use the words space cooperating to describe it.
How My Work Is Different
Accepting that everything is alive also accepts that everything has attitude. Opinions. Concerns. Rights.
We all need to be heard. Especially the beings we attempt to clear without directly and equally involving them in the process. Generally they are quite surprised to be asked their opinion and permission to work with them, and the results are memorable—and productive.
In space cooperating I open a dialogue with the space and its people, giving them the opportunity to express their needs and wants and figure out how to co-exist, if possible. Sometimes a sale or move is necessary, and my job is to ease the transition and help all parties search out a new relationship, to separate, grieve, balance, and heal. Each session is different, presenting its own challenges and opportunities.
We then proceed to clear the space, in cooperation with it, using whatever has stepped forth to work that day: certainly my crystal partner, Fallon, other crystals, incense, bells, my Fallon Lavender-Salt mixture, music. Each session is different.
The key is that it all starts with choosing a mindset that accepts every being as an equal.
What Kinds of Spaces Need Clearing?
All the spaces we live and work in need to be clean. And balanced. Just like we do. Here are some reasons why you’d want a space cooperating session:
- Create and maintain a harmonious environment to live and work in
- Establish a new relationship with your space or alter one
- Seasonal changes
- Real estate sales, moves
- Remodeling or rearranging space
- New business or re-direction
- Changes in life or business, from illness to new family members to new purpose
So are you interested in space clearing or space cooperating? Which mindset do you choose, and why?