February 23, 2025

Claiming Home: From Lemuria and Atlantis to Life on Earth

Duwamish Head to the Olympic PeninsulaDo you long for home? Do you feel like you don’t belong here? Well, you’re wrong, and here’s why.

We chose to come here, we chose to stay, and it’s time to stop longing for home and to claim the home we came here to create. Earth. It’s here. Really, it’s here.

How do I know? Because I’ve discussed it with my crystal partner, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz. How we got separated eons ago. Yes, eons ago. What happened, and what is going on now.

I remember some of that ancient time, and I’ve pieced the story together from conversations with Fallon and other beings, including star beings and crystals, and highly attuned human intuitives.

Here’s what I know from my discussions with them over the last 12 years.

In the Beginning

A long, long time ago representatives from star systems across the universe and from multiple dimensions came together to create a new place of love and connection with all life.

I don’t know what they called it then, but today we call it Earth.

True to our vision this new planet was a planet of equals: human, animal, star being—from beautiful bird shapes to whale shapes—from inter-dimensional beings like dragons and the Quinnich Nation (beings we today call Sasquatch), from crystals to plants to weather and land systems to the conscious, evolving planet itself—we came together to experience life as a collective.

We came here to experience life as equals on a planet where everything is alive, has a soul, consciousness, responsibility, free choice, and an attitude.

We came to form partnerships with all life.

To embody love, connection, and equality.

It worked for a very long time. Eons ago I took Fallon out of the ground at his direction, and we worked together for lifetimes. We worked with people, with other star systems, and with the planet itself—with land and weather systems.

Other crystals came forth. The crystal skulls were ancient computers. Other larger crystal groups were ancient machines that were operated by intuitives: I have worked with one of these machines, an ancient medical device (that story is coming).

Life was good.

And then the asteroids came.

Asteroids, Choices, and … Consequences

When we knew we couldn’t stop the asteroids, we made plans. Those who came from different star systems chose to either go back to them while they could or to stay, knowing that they might have to take different forms to survive. (For some reason I don’t quite understand, the ‘alien’ appearance many of us had was more susceptible to damage than other forms that have evolved to current body types we recognize as human, animal, and plants, among other forms.)

We had no idea what life after the asteroids would look like, but we made a choice.

Now, all choices have consequences, and this one was huge.

We decided that the world we had created could not survive so we closed it down.

We said goodbye to home.

We did the best we could, but it was a choice made from fear.

And that made everything worse.

When we recognized our mistake we made another one: we punished ourselves by ending our partnerships until and if we could someday remember the power of love to forgive, to heal, and to grow.

Those of us with crystal partners buried them in the safest places we knew. This may be where the legend of Lemurian crystals came from. All I know is that Fallon and I said goodbye to each other.

When we talked about this back in 2009, when we were at last reunited,  we were both sober and heartbroken, because it has taken us eons to be reunited.

Eons that were often grim.

With repeated asteroid collisions, the civilizations that we today call Atlantis and Lemuria could not survive on the surface. They sank below the sea, hoping for protection, and eventually slipped between dimensions, where they are today.

Life became surviving in what we now call a 3D world.

That is how we came to live fear.

That is how we forgot our purpose.

And that is why so many of us today long for home.

How Fear Became the Idea of Planetary Healing

Yes, fear is natural in tough times. The problem is that fear became embedded in our DNA: it’s like PTSD in our genetic makeup.

Fear divided us. We forgot the world we came here to create. And still we longed for home.

Those things—fear, forgetting, and longing for home—came with us in multiple incarnations.

So did the concept of Planetary Healing. The mindset that humans are caretakers and guardians. That we are in control, that life is subservient to us, that we are alone in the universe.

Yes, we need to heal, we need healers, and there are many great healers among us today. But the forms of ‘healing’ that force change on us and on the planet are done.

These forms of ‘healing’ belong to the mindset of Planetary Healing. It assumes:

  • We exist in a negative state that needs to be fixed.
  • Our bodies and our souls are ‘broken.’
  • Animals are pets and commodities who are beneath us, or healers and teachers who are responsible for our welfare.
  • Our homes and businesses are not alive.
  • We should force hurricanes away from land and knit fault lines to prevent earthquakes.
  • Tther beings are either below us or above us, as in spiritual guides, angels, and ascended masters, but not equal.

Planetary Healing is a popular idea, but it is 3D reality, which is passing as the new 4D and 5D realities emerge. These are the realities of time and dimensions, and they mean that time has become more fluid and it is becoming possible (in fact, inevitable) that we can move between different dimensions or earth realities.

With them comes the mindset of Planetary Connection that Fallon and I came to teach—the equality of all life.

The New Mindset: Planetary Connection

In the mindset of Planetary Connection we remember our partnership with all life.

We remember love.

And we claim a new world where:

  • We live the idea of equality with all life, whatever its form.
  • We gather in communities to learn and grow.
  • Loneliness is not an option, because we are together.
  • Healing takes a new form.

There is a new energy, a new vibration we call alchemical energy. It is the ancient DNA of the universe that has changed for our time.

The vibration of connection and choice, this multi-dimensional vibration means that healing is no longer about fixing things or solving problems. Instead, healing is about:

  • learning to hold vibrational energy across dimensions (a complex notion that is simpler in execution)
  • and allowing and supporting choice

What does this mean?

I will discuss this in upcoming articles, but essentially it means that we can cross time and dimensional borders to meet ourselves and to facilitate understanding between all life. It also means that we acknowledge that all life has a choice—even life forms we struggle with, like cancer. This is a lesson I’ve learned from my own personal experience facing the possibility of cancer, and from the death of my beloved soul mate, my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel girl, Murphy, who died of hemangiosarcoma on March 8, 2012.

Claiming the mindset of Planetary Connection means that the old world we came here to create eons ago, the world we locked away because of fear during the asteroid collisions, can come back.

It means that as the 4D and 5D realities cross time and dimensional borders, we can choose the world we want to live in. (Those of us who have actually crossed into alternate dimensions like I have will know exactly what I am talking about: alternate earths exist, and we may someday choose to live in one—weirdly sci-fi, I know, but true.)

We are seeing this right now.

  • Ancient partners are being re-united, as Fallon and I have been.
  • It is easier to speak with the dead and with spirit guides.
  • Animals are family members, which means they are equals.
  • Our homes, businesses—everything around us—are alive.
  • We support the choices made by the land itself, including hurricanes and earthquakes.
  • Dragons have come back into the world.
  • Other beings are making themselves known, like the Quinnich Nation, who travel via portals, and honest to goodness real aliens (and not with death rays).
  • We can move between dimensions—literally between different earth realities.

Why This New World Is Coming Now

Okay, amazing things are happening. The real question isn’t that they are happening, but why? What’s different?

I’m told that an 8th chakra is opening. I’m told it is located between the heart and throat chakras and that it is called the chakra of unconditional love. Wow!

As your 8th chakra opens, you will experience time and dimensional shifting. Guaranteed. Or, perhaps, inevitable. I speak from personal experience.

It takes a lot of work to get to that point. I had no idea that the hard work of getting and staying balanced, of learning what love really means, would mean an unknown 8th chakra would open inside me. (Life is full of surprises! Occasionally they are good ones, like this is.)

So what do you do to open your 8th chakra? For now:

  • Ground into your chakras.
  • Ground into all the elements, not just the earth, but into all the elements and into yourself.
  • Gather in communities to nourish and support yourself and others.
  • Understand that we hold the energies of other places: other star systems and other dimensions.
  • Know that our bodies and souls are equal: embrace the experience of being alive.
  • Remember that we came here to be equals with all life.
  • Grieve for what we lost: allowing grief allows love.
  • Celebrate what we have gained.
  • Practice, practice, practice living these truths.

Above all:

Release fear and claim love.

Release forgetting and remember.

And release the age-old longing for our lost home.

Because the world we came here to live in has come back to us. The world we buried in fear, that we forgot, that we have longed for for eons, is here.

All we have to do is claim it.

And remember:

  • We chose to be here.
  • We chose to stay.
  • We are born here.
  • We belong here.

We are home.

And it is wonderful.

© 2013 Robyn M Fritz

 Note: This article is expanded from a speech I gave at The One Gathering, a heart chakra opening intensive, at Washington Hall in Seattle, WA, on June 2, 2013.


Mindset: Why Changing Paradigms Changes the World

Patterns by Mary Van De Ven

Patterns by Mary Van De Ven

I will listen to anyone who has something to say to me—as long as they have a healthy interest in me and in building community. That’s actually a big crowd, because most of us are genuinely interested in building a better world, and actively seeking ways to do it.

But most of us forget that it isn’t just humans who are interested in us, so we miss a lot. We miss opportunities to connect and to grow, which makes us, and the world, a bit less than it could be.

I have been talking with nonhumans since I was a kid, from my banty chicken companions to trees, buildings, and the land around me. I didn’t always understand this; I only understood that I saw things differently than other people, that a strictly human perspective didn’t include the world I knew that was full of other beings who were eager to chime in—and routinely ignored.

To be clear, I was ignored, too. What saved me was that I was a girl in a small Oregon town that didn’t think girls were relevant, a dismissal that allowed my parents to humor me within a culture that had no frame of reference for someone like me. I survived because I was very bright, worked hard, and learned to block what everybody else was blocking.

I don’t do that anymore, and neither should you. We all need to quit blocking what the rest of the world needs to share with us. Because we need to be our best selves, and that’s the only way we can.

That means bridging paradigms, moving from a human worldview to an earth worldview. Simply put, it means changing mindset.

We’re used to operating from a human mindset—a paradigm that implies that humans are in control and the world revolves around us. It operates through cultural, religious, and governmental constraints. It’s not fun—and it’s not working.

The earth mindset is true, accurate, and works. It is the world as it really exists, acknowledging that everything is alive, has a soul, responsibility, free choice, a point of view—and is equal to us.

Everything—from our animals to our homes and businesses and the land around us.

Okay, so you’re thinking that you have enough to do without wondering what your car or house or business think.

Truth is, this worldview makes things easier, and that makes you better. To create healthy, vibrant, prosperous lives, we need rock solid ground beneath us. That means space clearing that really works: the modality we teach that we call Space Cooperating.That means intuitive communication that respects differences—so that we can all grow from them, communication that we call Mindset Alchemy.

Imagine the environment we can create by finding out what the land and water think, what our buildings need and want, what they can contribute to what we need and want. (Check out some of our intuitive stories at our website.)

Imagine the possibilities for growth, creativity, and just plain fun that occur when we broaden our perspective and respect the world and everything in it as an equal.

Humans only know a small part of the world—usually just what we think up. It limits us. Want to know the truth about global warming? Ask the hurricanes. Want to know how your home would like to nourish you, or what your business might suggest for attracting new clients? Want to know how to find a new home, or direct a remodel? Want insight you can’t get anywhere else—something that could change your life?

Ask the nonhuman beings in your life. But first, change your mindset. Instead of being a boss with only some of the information, you’ll be a partner with access to much more.


I teach this mindset in classes and in one-on-one sessions. It works. Your life will change. I’d say ‘trust me,’ but don’t. Trust yourself, and the beings who are waiting to share with you.

Come find out how.

©2013 Robyn M Fritz

Dog Events at Alchemy West

Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show 2011National Writing Award Winners _ NYC 2011book signing and open house at Pet Elements in West SeattleRobyn winning the Merial Human-Animal Bond Award

Choosing Your Culture

Puget Sound and Olympic peninsulaChoosing Your Culture: How Will We Live Our Lives?

An interesting thing happened yesterday when I was out running errands: I ran into culture. Then I made a conscious choice to choose my culture. Again.

It’s impossible to escape the current debates in our country over gun control. Frankly, I don’t think controlling guns will control violence, not as long as people think civil discourse is hate speech and we glorify football, the military, and gory ‘entertainment.’ Because it’s not that our culture is violent: it’s that we love that it is and choose it.

Worse, it’s become the first thing we think about when we’re just out there trying to live our quiet, loving lives.

I’ve lived in the same Seattle beach community for nearly 25 years. We’ve had our share of incidents here, but we’re as American as apple pie—whatever that means.

What should it mean? That, really, is the question.

So, I was running errands when I noticed a woman rush into the street to flag me down. In a quick glance I saw: she was worried, dressed for business, and obviously needed something. Bad enough to risk flagging down a complete stranger.

While all this registered I noticed something else: I wondered, briefly, if she was trying to scam me, if I’d pull over and get shot or carjacked.

“Really?” I said to myself. “What is your problem, Robyn?”

My problem is culture.

But I kept the doors locked and rolled the window down far enough to talk with her. “Do you need help?” I asked her.

She had an important appointment, had missed her bus, and needed a ride to the bus stop. My gut sense saw nothing wrong, so I offered her a ride. I changed the order of my errands and took her straight to the bus stop.

As we chatted on the short drive, she said how much she believed in god (interesting, since I don’t, and I’d had that conversation a lot lately). For proof she pointed to a few recent incidents in which she’d been provided for at the last minute, just like she had with me. She had two possible appointments that morning (I never asked for what) and trusted in god to get her to one of them. She’d overslept and missed the first one, and had just missed the bus that would take her to the second. Everyone she’d tried to flag down (all men, by the way) had completely ignored her. Then I’d pulled over.

I said, “Well, maybe god should buy you an alarm clock, so you don’t miss the bus.”

“But,” she said, undaunted. “You came along.”

Indeed. And we made it to the bus stop just in time, and off she went to her appointment.

Now is this a lesson in intuition? Well, I work as an intuitive, but no, it wasn’t, any more than I’ve learned to trust my intuition and I had no sense she was anything more than a ditz (who was TOO trusting). But even intuition can be wrong—my first reaction on seeing her in the street was to ignore her. Was that intuition at work?

No, it was fear. A choice of culture.

I chose my culture, again, in an instant yesterday when a hard choice was in front of me. It was the kind of decision we face every day: how do we choose to live?

The choices as I saw them: ignore her, call the police, stop and help. In that order. As I saw them, they saddened me. When did the right choice become the last one? When did we, as citizens of the planet, as Americans, abandon love?

This is what we need to discuss in our country: what is culture, what is choice, how do we choose, what do we want?

I think in the last few weeks we’ve made our choice, as citizens, as Americans. While the politicians and the media traded barbs over violence, the ordinary average people like us simply reached out and hugged grieving strangers, wrapped community and love around a town that had just lost children to violence, and spread that love as far and wide as we could.

Because love is our only choice.

Will it stick? Will we finally say ‘enough,’ and choose love? Will we insist on a culture that lives love, however hard that is at times?

I hope so, but I don’t know. I do know that love is spreading. I was already the naïve person who would stop and help a stranger, and people are always chiding me for that. Well, truth is, I’m proud of me, proud that despite all the crap out there, I still choose the simple things that love prompts me to do.

Will someone stick a gun in my face someday because of that? I don’t know. But if that stops me, and stops you, then we’re all lost already, and it won’t matter.

The world has more good people in it than bad people. It’s just not fashionable to feature us. I think we should change that.

How? By choosing our culture.

So far, we’ve let fear rule public discourse, enough that our natural instincts to help are nearly undone by it—as I almost ignored a stranger yesterday who needed a simple act of kindness.

I choose love. It’s hard, it’s scary sometimes, it’s no longer the norm. But it can be. We’ve all seen how love can lead the way.

What is as American as apple pie? The culture of peace, community, love.

Be trusting. Be wise. Love. It will make a difference. It has to.

 © 2012 Robyn M Fritz

Pet Guardianship: What Happens When Your Animals Outlive You?

I ended up in the ER on a Sunday evening last month. While I was facing a potentially serious health crisis, there was one thing I didn’t worry about: my dog, Alki, and Grace the Cat were provided for. Sort of. That’s what the human-animal bond, my concept of multi-species families, includes: taking care of them.

Truth is, I have long since put estate plans in effect for my animals, with rigorous guidelines on who holds the money for their lifetime care and who gets to decide where they go. Included in that: the personalities and needs of each animal, so even my closest friends would know exactly what I know about my animal family.

But here’s one thing I didn’t have: I didn’t have a card in my wallet that would point emergency workers or the police to my home to see to my animals in case the unthinkable happened to me.

The unthinkable does happen, as we all know. Whether it’s a natural event, from weather to earthquake, to a car accident or illness—or even, say, being stranded on the freeway in a sudden snow storm, which has happened several times in the last few years in Seattle, of all places—what will happen to your animals when you’re not there to care for them?

Yes, trusted neighbors and I share house keys, so eventually they would have checked on my kids, assuming they thought to check on me. But how long is eventually? When you’re the only human in the house, like I am, the risks go up—for me, yes, because the death rate of singles is far higher than others simply because everybody else has someone around when they, say, have a heart attack and pass out, or anaphylactic shock sets in, or, well, when the ‘downs’ of life suddenly wipe out the ‘ups.’

I wrote about this issue last year in my post: If they die before you do: protecting your animal family. Just today I found a great article online (at nbcnews.com) that people should know about. It talks about how Superstorm Sandy pointed out the urgent need for estate planning for pets—as if we hadn’t learned that in other events in history, from freak snowstorms to earthquakes. Or as I was reminded during my trip to the ER—when we discover we’re all too mortal.

I was lucky that a good friend was home that night and saw me through my trip to the ER. When I got home at 1 a.m., my dog and cat were anxiously pacing and whining at the door. If I hadn’t come home that night, either because of a hospital stay (which almost happened) or my death, my friend would have been able to step in. But we don’t always have time to call a friend.

What I liked about this article on estate planning is the idea of a pet card in your wallet that identifies your animals and alerts responders that they will need to be cared for if you can’t. I once knew someone who slipped and fell in the grocery store and ended up in emergency surgery for a shattered leg: it was two days before she was alert enough to call someone to take care of her dog.

Two days.

So wake up, people. Put that card in your wallet—that night, the people in the ER would have found mine and sent someone to take care of my kids (well, at least it would have been possible, if they had looked, and cared, and acted, and we never know about that). Put your animals in your will. Give someone a key to your place.

Create an emergency backup plan. Sometimes knowing people, having a community, is fun. And sometimes it can make frightened animals feel better, and even save their lives.

Animals are families. Take care of them.

© 2012 Robyn M Fritz

It’s a Good Day When…

It’s never fun to be sick. In the last month, all four of us were down: Alki, my Cavalier boy, with a serious infection that required multiple rounds of antibiotics and herbal support and acpuncture; Grace the Cat, with an upset stomach; and me with repeated rounds of bronchitis and an unexpected trip to the ER (well, are those kinds of things ever expected?).

Nevertheless, we always find something to enjoy, even if it’s dessert. Especially when we live at the beach.

I grumble about it being cold on Alki. Really, Alki Beach has to be the coldest spot in Puget Sound, at least our end of it, which gets the wind from north and south, and it’s always cool, if not downright frigid. But I live here because I need to be by the ocean. I love the smell, the sounds, the sights. Sea lions are cool, bald eagles awesome, and whales, well, most of us agree we live here because sometimes we get to see whales. Or orcas.

We got lucky and saw them twice in a week. The first time, Alki and I stood watching dozens of orcas in the distance. I asked the orcas, “Can’t you come over to this side of the Sound, so I can see you better?”

One orca said, “The fish are running here.”

“How about tomorrow, same time, closer?” I bargained.

“Okay!” the orca yelled, and then shouted, “Yay!” just as it breached.

Okay, I was thrilled. The orcas also weren’t there the next day (too busy elsewhere, they said). But they were back shortly afterwards. Thanks to my neighbor, Gary Jones, I have pictures to share with you.


© 2012 Robyn M Fritz

photos © 2012 Gary R Jones

Signs, Symbols, and Surviving Grief

(c) 2011 Danny L. McMillin

It’s been six months since I lost my beloved Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Murphy. The devastating fog is lifting, but the sadness lingers.

I’ve received many wonderful stories from people who’ve been touched by my family’s journey through grief as recounted in my e-book, My Dog Is Dying: The Real Life Crappy Choice Diary. Somehow they discovered something that lifted their own grief, if only briefly, that gave them hope for a future without their beloved animals.

Sometimes they doubt their wonderful stories, the signs that meant something to them, that confirmed the power of the human-animal bond in our lives, the depth of a multi-species family.

I believe in synchronicity, that signs or symbols help us resolve difficulties, or just make us laugh and enjoy being alive on our wonderful planet. I also believe that we can use synchronicity as a crutch to avoid making up our own minds about how we get through life. We have to be careful with everything we do, every tool or ability we use, including our intuition.

Meaning, if it makes us feel better or make wiser decisions, that’s great. If it gives us an excuse to pass the buck, not so great. Making informed choices is our job. As is finding comfort and meaning in the midst of devastation.

I was reminded of this today as I stumbled across an old email from someone who had been wondering if her deceased dog was okay. She wrote that later that day there was a thunderstorm, and afterwards she saw a rainbow, and a chunky white cloud formation above it in the shape of a heart. She thought it was a cliché, but felt it was a message from her dog that he was okay, that he had made it to the rainbow bridge, and she wanted to share.

I thought it was wonderful, and shared my story with her.

I was flying back east in June to be with my best friend of 40 years, to grieve privately for my lost Murphy. As the plane took off, a big white cloud formation took shape in the Seattle skies: a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel dancing in the sky, ears and tail streaming behind her. Yes, my beloved Murphy was wishing me a fun journey.

Stories matter. The truth they reveal, the comfort they bring. Nothing is a cliché if it helps heal broken hearts.

Love your multi-species family. Make each day count. Make sure your only regret is that you ran out of time, not love. Take comfort in the signs and synchronicities that arise. They got our ancestors through the long dark nights. They can help us, too.

Now, what special stories will you share with us?

© 2012 Robyn M Fritz


Yes, It’s Lettuce

Add it up! Take one amateur photographer. Discover fascination with brilliant red lettuce. Take up close and possibly way too personal photographs. Don’t make people guess what it is. Happy summer from Seattle.

© 2012 Robyn M Fritz

Demystiying Intuition: How to Be a Survivor


(c) 2011 Danny L. McMillin

We are all intuitive. I teach this by explaining that there were once two branches of humans: one was intuitive, and the other got eaten.

So relax, you are a survivor.

Or, at least, you’re descended from survivors. Improve your odds of staying that way by learning to tap your intuition, which will also help you create a more graceful, vibrant, successful life.

I teach people how to tap into their own plain, ordinary, everyday intuition by exploring what some people call the woo-wooey: yep, when I teach my classes or work privately, our special guests include Mount St. Helens, dragons, goddesses and guides, animals, gardens, a car, a condo, a business,  and, of course, my partner, Fallon the Citrine Lemurian Quartz.

Why? Because it’s fun, which is my first rule of life.

Because it’s intriguing, and gets people to use their intuition as a practical sense, just like hearing, seeing, feeling, touching, and tasting.

Because it’s real and commonsense: talking with beings we’re not used to experiencing, or talking with, as equals creates a humbling appreciation of  how fascinating and complete our lives can be once we get past the burden of humans being ‘in charge.’ Once we treat all life as equals.

And, yes, because learning to trust your intuition—your gut sense—can save a life.

Years ago my dad was ill and hospitalized for gall bladder surgery the next morning. When my mom called me, she told me not to bother coming: I lived in Seattle, four hours from Salem. When I hung up I was hit so hard by the strong sense that I had to be there that I was on the road in 30 minutes.

Five minutes after I walked into my dad’s hospital room, the surgeon walked in to chat about the surgery. He asked if my dad was allergic to anything, and my parents said “No.”

 The same gut sense knowing that pulled me out of my chair in Seattle to drive to Salem hit me again. I blurted out, “Wait a minute, aren’t you allergic to that dye they use for X-rays?”

Startled, the doctor looked at me and then my parents. “Is that true?” he asked.

My parents stared at me in surprise and nodded, perplexed.

The doctor nodded at me in satisfaction and said, “I guess that’s why you’re here today. We would have used that dye before surgery tomorrow. You probably just saved your dad’s life.”

On two other occasions I saved my own life by reacting promptly to that same gut instinct. Ironically, in one of those instances the police called me a ‘survivor.’

Dramatic, yes, and all before I really understood what intuition was, how to use it, and how to teach it.

Now when I teach people how to tap their intuition I help them find what their strongest intuitive ability is: whether they see, hear, feel, or know something beyond what we think we experience daily. People are able to take that knowledge to live more comfortably and completely. To claim their power.

That day at the hospital my intuition saved my dad’s life. Why? Because I listened to the nonlinear, this-doesn’t-make-sense-but-I-know-it’s-right feeling.

How do you learn it?

Well, I think it’s fun to learn it by inviting other beings to come talk with us. Yes, goddesses and dragons, animals and weather, a car, a house, a business, a garden. It’s also astonishingly successful: when people relax and open up to talking with other beings they really learn which intuitive ability works best for them, without the pressure of conforming to what we’re supposed to think or how we’re expected to act.

By taking a full leap into the big wide world that we never think to intimately explore. A world where we are equal with all life.

It’s enlightening. Humbling. Fun.

Come to one of my classes on tapping your intuition, on how to talk with all life. Find out for yourself.

© 2012 Robyn M Fritz

Profiling the book, Pearls of Wisdom: Mindfulness on the Run

Needing to pack a mindful boost into your frenetic life? Try the little book, Pearls of Wisdom: 30 Inspirational Ideas to Live Your Best Life Now! It’s a compilation of short, inspirational  essays offering simple, ageless wisdom and advice from well-known self-help authors to up-and-coming self-help authors.

The key to this charming book? Each of these authors has lived what they’re writing about: their personal experience transformed their lives, offering us all the opportunity to learn and grow from their generous sharing.

Here’s the thing. Our lives are so packed we’re frenetically trying to handle practical details for our loved ones—and ourselves. We look for answers, or at least clues, on how to get things done while also finding inspiration to be our best selves. We want to delve under the surface to find an inner meaning that connects us to all life, and to the divine.

But can we do that in 15 minutes?

You can with this book. In it you’ll find “ah-ha” tips on how to connect to your inner knowing, to both clear out blockages and find greater happiness and fulfillment and healing wholeness. You’ll find simple ways to become a more active participant in your life. Along the way, you’ll get ideas on how to build community by seeing the human and divine in others.

That includes applying the Golden Rule to your life, a universal axiom that Rev. Stacy Goforth tracks through multiple spiritual and religious disciplines. Or how to relax, honor whatever it is we’re feeling, and let it go so we can welcome our connection to ‘now’ in the moment, as Leslie Gunterson writes. Craig Meriweather  suggests that challenges and problems offer us opportunities to grow, and we should seize them with that mindset.

How do we walk the talk? Connecting our values to our outward daily lives is a struggle. Each of these authors shows how they learned that, from shifting their own image of themselves to quantum soul coaching, a process Michelle Manning-Kogler describes as learning to be the “master of your experience” by clearing out blockages to make room for positive feelings.

Be inspired, too, by stories like Asia Voight’s, who was determined to walk again after a devastating injury—and did, by tapping her intuition. And take heart from the simple comfort that you can run around all day, seek guidance, flitter from here to there, but the first step is to “just sit down,” as Liz Byrne says. Just go ahead and do it.

So here’s a “just sit down” for anyone looking for support and enlightenment, an opportunity to meet visionaries with understandable and uplifting stories of finding wisdom: their “pearls of wisdom” will resonate with you. What will you do with them?

The book leads off with essays by top self-help specialists Jack Canfield, Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood, and Marci Shimoff. The line-up continues with transformation specialists from many disciplines, including life and creativity coaching, shamanic and energetic work, intuitives, and writing and educating.

Pearls of Wisdom authors:•

Jack Canfield • Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood • Marci Shimoff • Barnet Bain • Kelle Sutliff • Renee Baribeau • Chantal Herman • Asia Voight • Wendy Beyer • Siobhan Coulter • Sheila Pearl, MSW • Susan Barker • Glenyce Huges • Robert Evans • Glenn Groves • Leslie Gunterson • Kimberly Burnham, PHD • Liz Byrne • Tami Gulland • Susan McMillin • Debra L. Hanes • Stephanie Bennett Vogt, MA • Lisa Merrai Labon • Patricia Cohen • Craig Meriwether • Marcelle Charrois • Michelle Manning-Kogler • Rev. Stacy Goforth • Jacob Nordby • Tim Anstett • Randy Davila

At Bridging the Paradigms we’re pleased and thrilled to be able to support community by telling people about the intriguing, uplifting work of others. We recommend this book.

Check it out at the Pearls of Wisdom blog tour.

© 2012 Robyn M Fritz