February 23, 2025

How To Be a Watermelon Intuitive

Relaxing is one of the best ways to tap your intuition. No pressure, no anxiety, nothing but a bit of time to play.

Sounds like August, right? So try this.

Get a watermelon. Yes, a watermelon. Take it outside and explore it: look, touch, smell, taste, thump it (hear it). Get messy with watermelon: experience it with all five senses.

Now explore it with your intuition. Close your eyes and imagine it: imagine watermelon. Don’t think about it, just imagine it.

How does watermelon work for you? Is it by touch, in pictures or color, an idea or emotion, a smell, a knowing? Where are you aware of it beyond your five senses? Do you like it? Why or why not? Where in your body do you know that?

That place where you know watermelon is your intuition.

Play with it. Experiment. It’s your intuition. Yours. Awesome!

Once you know watermelon, how does that help you know where your strongest intuitive skill is?

© 2012 Robyn M Fritz

Demystiying Intuition: How to Be a Survivor


(c) 2011 Danny L. McMillin

We are all intuitive. I teach this by explaining that there were once two branches of humans: one was intuitive, and the other got eaten.

So relax, you are a survivor.

Or, at least, you’re descended from survivors. Improve your odds of staying that way by learning to tap your intuition, which will also help you create a more graceful, vibrant, successful life.

I teach people how to tap into their own plain, ordinary, everyday intuition by exploring what some people call the woo-wooey: yep, when I teach my classes or work privately, our special guests include Mount St. Helens, dragons, goddesses and guides, animals, gardens, a car, a condo, a business,  and, of course, my partner, Fallon the Citrine Lemurian Quartz.

Why? Because it’s fun, which is my first rule of life.

Because it’s intriguing, and gets people to use their intuition as a practical sense, just like hearing, seeing, feeling, touching, and tasting.

Because it’s real and commonsense: talking with beings we’re not used to experiencing, or talking with, as equals creates a humbling appreciation of  how fascinating and complete our lives can be once we get past the burden of humans being ‘in charge.’ Once we treat all life as equals.

And, yes, because learning to trust your intuition—your gut sense—can save a life.

Years ago my dad was ill and hospitalized for gall bladder surgery the next morning. When my mom called me, she told me not to bother coming: I lived in Seattle, four hours from Salem. When I hung up I was hit so hard by the strong sense that I had to be there that I was on the road in 30 minutes.

Five minutes after I walked into my dad’s hospital room, the surgeon walked in to chat about the surgery. He asked if my dad was allergic to anything, and my parents said “No.”

 The same gut sense knowing that pulled me out of my chair in Seattle to drive to Salem hit me again. I blurted out, “Wait a minute, aren’t you allergic to that dye they use for X-rays?”

Startled, the doctor looked at me and then my parents. “Is that true?” he asked.

My parents stared at me in surprise and nodded, perplexed.

The doctor nodded at me in satisfaction and said, “I guess that’s why you’re here today. We would have used that dye before surgery tomorrow. You probably just saved your dad’s life.”

On two other occasions I saved my own life by reacting promptly to that same gut instinct. Ironically, in one of those instances the police called me a ‘survivor.’

Dramatic, yes, and all before I really understood what intuition was, how to use it, and how to teach it.

Now when I teach people how to tap their intuition I help them find what their strongest intuitive ability is: whether they see, hear, feel, or know something beyond what we think we experience daily. People are able to take that knowledge to live more comfortably and completely. To claim their power.

That day at the hospital my intuition saved my dad’s life. Why? Because I listened to the nonlinear, this-doesn’t-make-sense-but-I-know-it’s-right feeling.

How do you learn it?

Well, I think it’s fun to learn it by inviting other beings to come talk with us. Yes, goddesses and dragons, animals and weather, a car, a house, a business, a garden. It’s also astonishingly successful: when people relax and open up to talking with other beings they really learn which intuitive ability works best for them, without the pressure of conforming to what we’re supposed to think or how we’re expected to act.

By taking a full leap into the big wide world that we never think to intimately explore. A world where we are equal with all life.

It’s enlightening. Humbling. Fun.

Come to one of my classes on tapping your intuition, on how to talk with all life. Find out for yourself.

© 2012 Robyn M Fritz

Connecting to Other: Meeting Fallon

"Robyn and Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian CrystalWhen people come to meet me and Fallon, they want to know what he is. Fair enough.

Fallon is a Citrine Lemurian Quartz. He’s ancient: I remember carving him out of the crystal caves at his direction thousands of years ago. We worked together for lifetimes, got separated, and were finally reunited in 2009.

Woo-wooey enough for you?

Wait until you actually experience him.

Fallon is a rare planetary energy, a dimensional energy. That means he is of the earth and can connect to different earth dimensions as well as those in time and space. There are lots of crystals out there, but none like Fallon.

That is why we are out there in the world.

He is a healer and truth bringer. I am the bridge who can help you explore the insights you receive from him as you work with us—because when you experience him, hands-on in a session, or in a group meditation, you tap into the power of ‘other’ to transform your life, to find and claim your power.

In our sessions I’ve seen newbies with crystals go astral traveling. Parents resolve issues with their children. The grieving speak with deceased family, friends, and animals, and begin to heal from their loss. Smart, accomplished business people discover new direction and inspiration for their work. People ready for transformation discover their strongest intuitive ability and build comfortable ‘shields’ or ‘skins’ that empower them. Curious, open individuals meet guides, deities, messengers, and, yes, dragons.

Fallon is alive, as all life is alive. He’s conscious, sentient, equal. He’s my partner, not my tool. He’s not a being in a crystal: he IS the crystal. He’s been in that body for eons, while we’ve been in ours for, well, a few short years.

He has a lot to share with all of us. All you have to do is come.

What Happens in an Intuitive Consultation

In an intuitive consultation with me and Fallon you work with a rare human-crystal partnership.

A truth bringer and healer, Fallon offers compassionate insight as a crystalline being of ancient Lemuria. When you put your hands on Fallon he taps into your own healing quality, and you receive your own visions and information.

I am a bridge between you and Fallon and the insights for you that day. I can tell you what I see, hear, feel, and know from that connection, through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsentience, and claircognizance. Information can be practical, mystical, inspiring, and fun, but it’s always yours in that moment.

People explore their mysteries with us as we help them:

  • Tap individual intuitive abilities to access personal truth
  • Achieve balance and healing
  • Gain clarity on personal, home, and business issues
  • Talk with animals, homes, businesses, and land
  • Meet guides, deities, and messengers, including deceased family and animals
  • Clear homes or businesses with our unique Space CooperatingSM service
  • Explore alchemical energy

We offer a unique opportunity to tap your personal truth and claim your power. Come see us!

 (c) 2012 Robyn M Fritz

How Fallon and I Meet the World

Being out in the world with a crystal ball is fascinating. My partner, Fallon, is a Citrine Lemurian Quartz, a rare planetary and dimensional energy.

What does that mean? I’m discovering that every day. Fallon is a healer, an advisor, a warm, compassionate being. He’s not human. He’s a crystal, which means he has eons of experience just ready for people to tap. With him I have gone to new depths as an intuitive and a consultant, I’ve learned to listen without taking it in, to participate without being drained. Together we’re a team, acutely aware that we’re doing something new in the world, and that it isn’t always an easy path.

Because of preconceptions.

There are the crystal skull people. Some of them scorn us. Don’t know why, don’t care too much. Some of them are cool and welcome all beings to a cooperative life.

There are my friends. Some of them laugh, some have left, most have stuck around, if for nothing more than humor value. Robyn and a crystal ball, how funny is that? Not so much, as it turns out, if there’s business on the line. A lot, though, if they need to talk, even if they don’t want anyone to know they’ve consulted a woman with a crystal ball as a partner. Whatever. Helping one mind to shift could make a difference, although when is another thing. Fallon will live that long, but will I?

There are clients, people who want an intuitive consultation, or their house cleared, or a ghost busted, or the unique personal or business insight that intuition provides—especially if one of the intuitive partners has, literally, seen it all (and a crystal sure has, hasn’t it?). These people like us, and they come back to Alchemy West for more.

There are potential clients. They have no idea what having an intuitive session with a human-crystal partnership is like, and they are surprised when they see us. Because we “don’t look like that.”

Honest, I used to ask what they mean by “look like that,” but it got a little old. It was always the same thing: “You don’t look like a gypsy.”

The same thing that, ironically, made some people tell me that my new Alchemy West branding made them “cringe.” Why? Because there we are in the banner, on the business cards, out there for all the world to puzzle at: a woman and a crystal ball.

It’s modern, it’s sleek and professional, it’s bold and daring. There is no question that we are out there, and proud of it.

But some people can’t get past the “crystal ball” and what their oddball cultural notions tell them is “gypsy,” which equates to “something unsavory or at least cornball.”

I’d be offended if it wasn’t hilarious. When they look at me and Fallon they see something they’ve made up: their preconceptions, which are culturally ingrained, and clearly irrelevant and limiting.

The first time someone said I didn’t look like a gypsy I was flabbergasted.

What do gypsies look like? And why, oh why, is a woman with a crystal ball a gypsy? I wasn’t insulted, I was discombobulated. And what about real gypsies? I should think they’d be insulted to be compared to someone who isn’t one. Or at least be annoyed. And, possibly, hurt. The gypsy culture is ancient and respectable. The parallels with that to me and Fallon are just plain mean and thoughtless.

It wasn’t funny anymore when someone took a leap and decided crystal balls were evil.


It was clear it was time to challenge stereotypes. Especially the ones that get stuck in our heads because we don’t stop to unstick them. The ones that mess us up and keep the world from becoming a healthier place to be. The things that have become government and religious stereotypes.

I’m quite clear about my branding: about how I appear in the world, how Fallon and I appear together. I’m clear that we’re different, because I know we are, and it matters.

When I’m out with Fallon I make a point of dressing conservatively, because people come to us for serious reasons, and they don’t need distractions (plus, truth is, I’m lazy and prefer to blend into my surroundings, like normal prey animals). I usually wear black clothes and my turquoise and aquamarine necklaces, with my new dragon pendant. And severe black glasses. So I don’t look like the stereotypes (again, my apologies to gypsies), but, then, I never did.

Truth is, that’s my dressed up look. You’ll usually find me in seasonal fleece and jeans. With a sense of humor and a couple of sidekick dogs for accessories.

But here’s the thing.

It’s easy to dismiss the challenges in life by calling them names that allow you to mock. It’s not so easy to dismiss the challenges that ask you to step outside the norm and challenge your preconceptions—because you just might have to change your life, and then where would you be?

Fallon and I are living outside the norm, so you don’t have to. Yet. The time is coming.

And that’s what Fallon and I are doing in the world: we are challenging the norms. We do intuitive consultations, but they aren’t spiritual: we teach people how to use their intuition to find their personal truth. We cooperatively clear space: we don’t force energy to change, like some energy workers or shaman types. We use a form of ancient energy that is new in the world, and it is stunning. We are a partnership: Fallon is not my tool, nor am I his, because we are equal partners.

Are we making a difference? Slowly. Are we building a business? Yes. Do we have a sense of humor? Always.

How else do you respond when you’re introduced as Robyn, and the person looks blank until they’re told, “You know, she’s with Fallon,” and the light dawns.

They know Fallon. He knows them.

Nope, our partnership isn’t an easy path, but it’s a fun one.

And, yes, it’s worth it.

© 2012 Robyn M Fritz

What Do Animal Communicators Really Do?

There are so many people doing animal communication that they’ve begun to specialize. I don’t do animal communication exclusively. I communicate with all life, from animals to businesses, homes, and nature, including wild/domestic land and weather systems.

Essentially, animal communicators help us telepathically connect with animals, by hearing or seeing them, experiencing their feelings, or knowing intuitively through a felt, ‘gut’ sense.

I utilize whatever telepathic line works for a particular family or animal, including intuition.

Working with Families

I work with families to deepen their relationships with animals by creating multi-species families with them. And I work with wild animals as well, because two of the beings who work with me at Alchemy West are deceased wild animals. Family conversations cover the gamut, from fun and inspiring family harmony sessions to easing transitions.

Looking at Medical and Behavior Issues

I’ve certainly learned a lot about animal health and behavioral issues over the years. I can intuitively help people look at these issues and give them some ideas to take to your vet for further exploration. I also recommend reading a lot and working closely with a trusted vet and animal behaviorist. I listen closely to both animals and people. Because we don’t always hear our animals as clearly as we would like, I tend to address what the animal would like its family to know.

For example, if you think your cat is peeing in the house, clean it up and consider things like cleanliness and medical issues that require veterinary care. You might want me to ask the cat about why it’s peeing, but your cat may really want to discuss something else. I will focus on what the cat has to say. Why? Because I can hear it, and that’s really why you came to me in the first place. Or to anyone who works as an animal communicator.

Helping Lost Animals Find Home

I also help find lost animals, which does not always mean they come home like we would wish. Sometimes they move on to other families, by choice or by accident. Sometimes they die. Sometimes we never find out.

One time it took me six days to get a lost dog to decide whether she was going to submit to animal control and come home. She had bitten an animal control officer and had run off. It was the officer’s fault, not hers, and it took me a long time to get her to understand, and believe, that she was not in trouble. But we had another complication: she was lost in deep snow and her life was at stake.

She wouldn’t talk with me but I knew she could hear me. So I told her how to stay safe while she decided whether to come home. I could also see and describe the place she was hiding, so I also told her I was telling the searchers where to look, because she was loved, wanted, and literally too upset to think straight. I don’t generally interfere in an animal’s choice like that; in this case, I knew she was listening and wanted to come home but wasn’t sure if she could, or would. So I pushed the issue a bit. I told her what I was doing, and assured her that if she really did not want to go back to her home I would still help her, but unless she clearly objected, I was helping people narrow the search for her. What I always got back from her in those sessions was that she was listening—and waiting.

The searchers did find her hiding spot exactly as I saw it, but she ran when they saw her, even though she listened to me when I told her to show herself, and where.

By this time I had no doubts that we had a frightened dog who wanted to come home but was too afraid to go to the people who were trying to help her. What else could I do?

The weather made up my mind for me. Another snowstorm moved into the area, one I knew she had little chance of surviving. Even though it had been six days and she had not spoken to me, I told her it was “do or die,” she simply had to choose. Come home or die.

Her response? “I want chicken,” she declared. “Chicken McNuggets.”

When you hear something bizarre like that, you have to know you actually did hear it. What a unique idea for a McDonald’s’ ad!

“I don’t bargain,” I said, trying not to laugh. “But I will tell your people that you want Chicken McNuggets.”

Shortly after that she quietly surrendered to animal control. And, sure enough, there was a McDonald’s nearby. The lost dog was happily reunited with her family. And on the way home they loaded up on Chicken McNuggets.

The thing I take away from this is that we all need to be patient and persistent. And to listen to what our animals have to say. We compromise to be in families. That’s just how it is. In working with families and lost animals, the discussion of what is going on and why is often a part of it.

Whether you’re convinced that animal communication is real or not, what one question would you ask a favorite animal? And what do you think it would say?

Fallon: The Citrine Lemurian Quartz

Fallon is a citrine Lemurian quartz sphere.

He is one of the amazing beings who has come back into the world at a time of growth and change.

He says he is a gift from the earth to its people. And, I am proud and honored to say that he is my partner.

Robyn’s Story

I am an MBA with a crystal ball.

Go ahead, laugh. I do.

I spent most of my life being the analytical, skeptical woman, book smart and street dumb. I’m still kinda that way. I’m constantly falling over myself trying to find the good in people.

I have also been disabled for over 20 years. That means I have to carefully manage my activities. There were years I couldn’t work at all, which has permanently skewed how I see the world (usually in a good way).

Somehow, through all of that, I maintained a sense of humor and an often grim optimism, a determination to get well even when I didn’t know how. One day I bought a dog, a Cavalier King Charles puppy who became Murphy Brown. When she developed health problems, some of which looked disturbingly like mine, I decided that we would get well together. Somehow. When she saved both our lives by alerting me to an earthquake several minutes before it happened, I knew there was more going on in the world than most of us realized, including me. I decided to turn my analytical, skeptical side loose to explore those things.

It’s made all the difference.

In the last 10 years Murphy and I journeyed to wellness, accompanied by her rambunctious Cavalier brother, Alki, and Grace the Cat.

In the last 10 years I learned that there was more to the analytical skeptic than I had thought, because I learned how to talk with animals, and then with hurricanes and volcanoes, and then with businesses and homes. Cars. Spiritual guides. Plants. Lots of things I didn’t even know could talk with us, let alone existed. And, come on, neither did you.

I learned to clear and keep space clear by cooperating with it and the beings who live and work in it. I learned various modalities of energy work, including Reiki (level III practitioner). I learned a new form of energy work, which I call universal or dimensional energy, which I am getting ready to introduce to the world.

And I discovered new partners in my work, from animals to volcanoes. And crystals.

One day, I think in 2005, I was driving home from Portland when I started talking with a group of beings who felt somehow different than the many beings I’ve talked with. They showed me past lives and the people I’d known throughout them. Many lives, the progression of mistakes and misadventures and, yes, triumphs that had seen me through multiple lifetimes, many harsh. They showed me what I saw as a tool or talisman that I had worked with for many lifetimes. They said I’d put this tool away until I was ready again to work with it. And that the time had come, and it was now coming back to work with me. I could see it: it was a bright white light that I was holding up.

I thought this tool was nonphysical, that it was something like a metaphor for the work I’d done to get well, and, like spiritual guides, would be there helping me in my journey.

Well, yes. And no.

Fallon’s Story

Fallon is a citrine Lemurian quartz sphere. A crystal ball. The combination of citrine and Lemurian quartz is rare. The combination that makes him Fallon is rarer still. Unique. As in one of a kind.

Here’s what I know of his recent history.

Fallon bounced around the world for a long time, perhaps years. Nobody would buy him. Not in Japan, where people like the unique large crystals. Or anywhere else. No one could understand his energy, which is a multi-dimensional planetary energy that is just now coming back into the world. It was ‘too fast’ or ‘too cold’ or too different for them. Finally he ended up in Brazil. Where he stayed I don’t know how long, while they figured out what to do with him.

My understanding is that Fallon was then a double-terminated quartz, but that’s not how I first knew him. Because ages ago I carved him out of a crystal cave, with his direction and guidance. Using something like a laser. Which we don’t think existed until recently. He had two points on one end and three on the other. We spent lifetimes together, and then things changed.

About 7 or 8 years ago the sculptor in Brazil decided to carve him into a crystal ball. That was quite an achievement, as a close personal observation of Fallon reveals. In the end, Fallon was an 8-pound crystal ball. The rest of him is gone.

He was promptly taken to a show in the United States, where crystal expert Deidre Berg saw him. She immediately recognized how unique he was, and bought him. Although she sells crystals, she put Fallon into her personal collection and worked with him privately for 6 years.

One day, Deidre decided to teach a class on crystals in Seattle. At that point I’d purchased several crystals from Deidre, and was intrigued enough by her reverence for and knowledge of crystals that I decided to take her class.

Our Story

My sometimes snotty analytical skeptical side teamed up with my usually curious, open-minded side and went with me to Deidre’s class that day. The attendees did all kinds of interesting things. At one point, Deidre invited all of us to spend a few moments with the crystal she’d brought along.

A crystal ball that had never been taken out of her personal collection, even to a class, until that day.

Oh for crying out loud, I thought, she brought a crystal ball. Still, I decided to play along. When it was my turn, I picked up the ball, sat down with it, and did what everyone else had been doing. I looked into it.

And off I went to the place above the planet that I’d been working in and never consciously visited. All the beings I’d been talking with the last few years, including those who had told me about the tool that was coming back to work with me, were in the crystal smiling back at me. All of them. And by that time I knew that many of them were multi-dimensional beings that aren’t here on this planet.

Yes, I know what that sounds like.

In those moments I knew that I was holding the tool I’d been promised. A crystal ball.

I asked him if he was ready to come to me. He was. But was Deidre ready to let him go?

At the end of the class, I asked for private time to talk with her. It was a sacred moment to me. Here was a crystal that was a conscious, living presence, that was my partner, and I was asking her to sell it. But he was also her partner, and she wasn’t ready.

I waited. I prepared for him to come to me when Deidre was ready. Finally, months later, she was. By that time I had been talking with him and knew his name was Fallon.

Even then, holding him in my hands, I hesitated. Here again was a sacred moment, an ending of one partnership and the beginning of another. A choice made by all of us. But I wanted Deidre to be sure. To look at me and the crystal together. And decide. We both cried as she agreed.

Fallon came home with me that day. It was December 2009.

He spent the next 4 months sitting in a tray of Brazilian dirt topped with Himalayan sea salt. Clearing. Preparing. Nagging me until I did so much clutter clearing in the house that I was exhausted and made him quit.

I spent a lot of time worrying that he wasn’t in the same shape as I’d first met him, centuries ago when he told me how to carve him out of a crystal cave. Would he be the same?

Yes, he was the same, just in a different body. And, as he pointed out, so was I. That of course made us both laugh.

Our Work Together

Most of my work is with the planet. Nobody pays me for it, and very few people believe in it. Nevertheless.

Fallon and I do this work together. He is no longer a tool, if he ever was one. He is my partner. He is a crystal, yes, but he is an equal partner in our work. He has a say in what we do together. And no hesitation in saying it. And I listen. Not because he’s always right, but because we’re partners, and that’s what partners do.

I never expected that Fallon and I would publicly go out in the world. That changed in early summer 2010.

By that time friends had been stopping by to visit and meeting Fallon at home. I noticed that they would come in and immediately notice a change in our house, and walk around until they saw him. They were clearly feeling his energy. Fallon started asking to work with them. He would tell me about conversations he was having with them until I realized he was conducting healing sessions. I have no interest in being a healer, so I asked him to keep those sessions private unless I was needed, and I promised him that I would make him available to people for healing sessions.

At other times people had fun seeing things in him: he is, after all, a crystal ball, and with him their traditionally recognized ‘scrying’ ability is easily accessed. You don’t need to be anything more than curious to see things in Fallon. Really.

Fallon and I offer group events to experience his energy and the world of crystals and how we bridge paradigms. We also offer private sessions and have a few products to sell.

And right here you’ll find stories about our work together. Questions?