February 24, 2025

The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World

The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real WorldLINKS TO INDIVIDUAL SHOWS BELOW! Join me weekly for my radio show at OMTimes.com. OM Times is a dynamic, ever-growing community of conscious, compassionate, spiritually minded listeners. The OM Times Experts offer radio shows, Facebook Live events, live and archived webinars, all to support the growth of consciousness.

Please join my weekly radio show, The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World.

PodBean will take you right to it!

June 5, 2017: Debut.

June 12, 2017. What’s Up with Spirit Guides? With sponsor Rosie Gremmert of ICanDoHeartThings.com

June 19, 2017. How Do We Live with Animals as Families? With sponsor Terri Kent of Amberstone Pets.

June 26, 2017. How Can We Boost Our Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Health? With sponsor Aubrey Wallace, ND, naturopath and medical intuitive.

July 3, 2017. What Does Citizenship Mean for Intuitives and Healers?  Growing in love and service to ourselves and our families, countries, the planet.

July 10, 2017. What Is Planetary Citizenship? A Conversation with Mount St. HelensWhat does it take to be a citizen of the planet, how can it boost our daily lives, and what do volcanoes do, anyway?

July 17, 2017. Soul Progression Clearing: Intuitive Insight, Essential Oils, and Energy HealingA clearing and balancing technique that combines intuitive insight, shamanic modalities, the assistance of spirit guides and divinities, and energy healing. With sponsor Rosie Gremmert, Certified Essential Oil Therapist, on oils that support clients and healers.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz