February 24, 2025

Why Do You Bother? Choosing Love No Matter What

Seattle sun dog, 6-11-14Life changes are coming. Spiritual changes. Emotional changes.

Are you ready? Great! What’s your plan?

I know, you’re struggling with what you are “supposed to do” or what you “signed up for.” Guess what? Your worry and angst are fuel. Use them to keep moving, even if you don’t yet know what that looks like. Start by asking yourself: Why do I bother?

Here are my answers. I bother because:

  • My tough year is ending, I have a book well underway and new friends: perseverance matters.
  • I had to let go of beloved friends this year who couldn’t or wouldn’t release fear and love themselves, but I discovered who I really needed in my life: love matters.
  • My dog, Alki, is dying, I can’t stop it, but I’m helping him live the end of his life with grace, dignity, and fun: compassion matters.
  • The things I’ve learned, the ideas I have, are not mainstream, but they matter and will make a difference… someday: truth matters.

Why do you bother? Everything and everyone matters. Yes, that includes you. Never for a second think the universe doesn’t see you. It does. The question is, do you see yourself? Do you know, deep down inside, that you matter?

This is the work you were called to do: Learn to love. Show up. No matter what. You matter.

Be bold. Be creative. Banish fear and choose love. Banish the naysayers and choose yourself.

This is, again, the thing I learned this year, through trial by fire, through fear that cleansed, through perseverance. We bother because love is all there is. No matter what.

What is your plan? What will your life hold?

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz