February 25, 2025

Video: Healing the Soul of America

firecracker-801902_640Join me in this meditation to Heal the Soul of America. I discuss how countries have souls, take participants through a healing, and discuss Preseli Bluestones, the foundation stone of Stonehenge.

This video is from Facebook Live, OM Times Magazine page, 8-22-17.

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© 2017 Robyn M Fritz


Meditation: Replacing Fear with Love. Preseli Bluestones

Fallon sitting on the Big Guy in the WoodsIn a time where fear dominates, this meditation will find where fear resides in our bodies, clear it out, and fill it up with the healthy energy of love. Plus: a look at Preseli Bluestones, the foundation stone of Stonehenge.

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© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

Intuition and self-care: FB Live

nature matches technology 6-11-14Intuition supports self-care. An intuitive reading on career guidance and on health. Information on webinars on animal communication and past life regression.

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Facebook Live: Psychic Readings, Soul Growth, Crystal Auralite

rainbow leftoversOM Times Expert Robyn M Fritz and OM Times Magazine. We started and stopped a few times with FB disconnects, and finally got a chance to talk with people, do a few psychic readings, and chat about soul growth and soul clearing and the crystal auralite, which carries grounding crystals like hematite and is stronger than its cousin, amethyst.

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© 2017

Birthdays and Soul Purpose: A Dog’s Life

Oliver Alki 7-24-17Happy birthday, Oliver Alki (July 28, 2017)! This beautiful boy is 2 today. Impeccable breeding, beautiful, healthy, a delight to be around, fun-loving and settling into the work he came to do. Many thanks to his breeder who gave up his top show pick because he believed me when I said this was the soul I sent to him to be born. It was a huge sacrifice for something he admitted he didn’t quite understand—he only knew he wasn’t going to get between us!

As little Ollie steps into his work of ushering in an era of peace and compassion and collaboration between beings of all dimensions–a job he insisted he could only do in a dog body with me by his side, so I said, yes, come back and go here to be born, I’ll find you, somehow!–let us all be grateful that we can grow our souls together, that sometimes we can recognize when another soul needs a boost from us, and that this conscious evolving planet we all share as equals is thriving and will continue to thrive because love is all it takes. It really is.

Robyn and AlkiToday I hope you share this post with others to remind us all that a human body is only one of many forms a soul can take to do its work in, and that some of the most profound and most critical work on our planet is being cheerfully and bravely undertaken by those wise old souls who have taken other bodies, some of them animal bodies, because that is the form they decided was best for their work. And that the human families they sometimes live in do their best to protect and nourish them so they have strong bodies and sound minds to do their work, grow their soul, and, of course, have a great deal of fun at the same time!

E-book now available! True stories animals and the afterlife!

E-book now available! True stories animals and the afterlife!

Today I am grateful that Ollie had the most wonderful, loving start any dog could have from a top breeder who cared about great health and temperament and knew exactly how much he was giving up to send his best show prospect to a pet home because deep down inside he knew something truly magical had happened.

And to my beloved Alki, my tri-colored boy who died too soon and leaped right back into another body to complete his work, I love you and miss you and, yes, I see your soul looking back at me through Ollie’s eyes. Just as I have seen that soul in so many other bodies since I was a small child. You do get around!

The world is more amazing and remarkable than we sometimes realize. I challenge each and every one of you today to embrace the magic and mystery that is all around you. To never give up, to keep moving forward, to embrace your soul’s work. You matter. Peace. Love. And good humor, always!

And, yes, souls reincarnate. Here’s my e-book on how this beloved soul came back to me, and how it can play out in your family.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

FB Live: Psychic Readings, Soul Growth, Lemurian Seed Crystals

Fallon sitting on the Big Guy in the WoodsJoin me as I do a few free psychic readings and discuss soul growth and Lemurian seed crystals.

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© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World

The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real WorldLINKS TO INDIVIDUAL SHOWS BELOW! Join me weekly for my radio show at OMTimes.com. OM Times is a dynamic, ever-growing community of conscious, compassionate, spiritually minded listeners. The OM Times Experts offer radio shows, Facebook Live events, live and archived webinars, all to support the growth of consciousness.

Please join my weekly radio show, The Practical Intuitive: Mind Body Spirit for the Real World.

PodBean will take you right to it!

June 5, 2017: Debut.

June 12, 2017. What’s Up with Spirit Guides? With sponsor Rosie Gremmert of ICanDoHeartThings.com

June 19, 2017. How Do We Live with Animals as Families? With sponsor Terri Kent of Amberstone Pets.

June 26, 2017. How Can We Boost Our Physical, Emotional, and Spiritual Health? With sponsor Aubrey Wallace, ND, naturopath and medical intuitive.

July 3, 2017. What Does Citizenship Mean for Intuitives and Healers?  Growing in love and service to ourselves and our families, countries, the planet.

July 10, 2017. What Is Planetary Citizenship? A Conversation with Mount St. HelensWhat does it take to be a citizen of the planet, how can it boost our daily lives, and what do volcanoes do, anyway?

July 17, 2017. Soul Progression Clearing: Intuitive Insight, Essential Oils, and Energy HealingA clearing and balancing technique that combines intuitive insight, shamanic modalities, the assistance of spirit guides and divinities, and energy healing. With sponsor Rosie Gremmert, Certified Essential Oil Therapist, on oils that support clients and healers.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

FB Live: On Soul Progression Clearing, the crystal Columbite (7-18-17)

columbiteSoul Progression Clearing is a technique I developed after extensive training in intuitive, shamanic, and energy healing techniques, including Reiki. It can assist in clearing blockages and issues that go back earlier in this life or in past lives and clear attachments from entities to thoughtforms.

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Learn why you might consider a session, and what it means.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

FB Live: The Table of Life, Meditation on Gratitude, Crystal Apatite, Energy Healing (7-11-17)

Fallon sitting on the Big Guy in the WoodsOn today’s FB Live at the OM Times Magazine page we discussed the Table of Life. This is where all beings on the planet meet as equals to discuss their work in support of our conscious, evolving planet. And that the only empty chairs at the table are those reserved for humans. We also did a guided meditation on gratitude with Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz, discussed the crystal apatite, and did an energy healing technique.

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© 2017 Robyn M Fritz


FB Live: Ghosts or Time Travelers?

DSC01838There’s so much to learn about the afterlife that sometimes we just stumble onto things we didn’t suspect.

Here’s the story of a space clearing I did back in 2011. A tiny old miner’s cabin in the northern California mountains was being haunted. Except the ghost thought the person living there was a ghost. And that I was, too.

Then it turned out the ghost I was trying to clear from the place was, well, not a ghost. Not yet.

Here’s what happened next.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz