February 25, 2025

FB Live: Intuition, Healing, and Spirit Guides

Courtesy Unsplash, Nicole Mason

Courtesy Unsplash, Nicole Mason

How do we become the best intuitives and healers we can be? One way is to learn to use our intuition and healing skills in partnership with our spiritual team, or spirit guides.

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In partnership with OM Times media and OM Times Magazine on Facebook, a weekly Facebook Live gathering, Tuesdays, 11 am PST.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

Intuition and Healing: FB Live #1

OM Times Experts badgeWe are all intuitives and healers. What does that mean in the constant battle between love and fear, especially in a troubled world?

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© 2017 Robyn M Fritz


Living and Working with Crystals: Creativity Crystals, Part 4

creediteOne of the most exciting use of crystals is for enhancing your creativity. Find out how this works in Part 4 of a series.

Living and Working with Crystals: Creativity Crystals


Crystals for Clearing and Healing, Part 3

kyaniteIn Part 3 of a series on working and healing with crystals I explore crystals for healing and clearing. This article was first published at The Wellness Universe.


Living and Working with Crystals Part 3

Grounding and Protection Crystals: Living and Working with Crystals, Part 2

columbiteCrystals aren’t tools, they are partners in our lives and our work. That means we have to be very careful when choosing our partners to work with. While it’s useful to begin by just experiencing a crystal at a trusted store or mineral show, it also helps to know a bit about them.

In this article on grounding and protection crystals, I discuss some of my personal crystals, including my favorite grounding and protection crystal, columbite.

For the article first published in The Wellness Universe, see Living and Working with Crystals, Part 2.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

Living and Working with Crystals: High-Vibration Crystals, Part 1

Murphy communicating with the Big Guy in the WoodsIn this four-part series on living and working with crystals, I discuss and show crystals that are useful for grounding and protection, healing, and creativity. But first, I discuss high-vibration crystals—what they are, how you might work with them, and what that can mean for you at home and at work.

You can find the original series at The Wellness Universe. Part 1 on high-vibration crystals discusses these powerful crystals.

The crystal shown here is a Lemurian crystal I call the Big Guy in the Woods. This is my dog, Murphy, experiencing a healing with the crystal.

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

Space clearing for Your Business, part 4

elements-of-a-clear-spaceIn the last article of the series I show how a business space clearing really works.

Find this article at The Wellness Universe, part 4 on space clearing.

Space clearing isn’t just for ghostbusting, although that can be useful. (Besides, ghosts just need a hand up, not a swat.) To boost your business, to keep employees and clients satisfied, to generally feel well at work (and at home), consider a space clearing. It really does make a difference.

Space Clearing for Your Business Part 1

Ville Magazine: Pets and People Issue, March 2017

Ville cover largeI’m the animal communicator in the “Pet Talk” column in this Seattle magazine’s Pets and People issue, March 2017. You can read the entire magazine online or find it at various locations around Seattle.

Publisher Charity Mainville devotes her magazine to Seattle events and issues. This month she features Seattle movers and shakers with dogs available for adoption. Check it out!

And thanks for the honor of being included.


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© 2017 Robyn M Fritz

David Frei on Purebred and Mixed-Breed Dogs

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As an animal communicator and writer about the human-animal bond, I frequently meet people who are adamant about the breeding of the dogs they live with, or think about living with. To them all I say go for your heart match. Choose a dog that calls to your soul—after you take a good hard look at your lifestyle.

Meaning, if you’re a couch potato, don’t get a Dalmatian, or any one of a number of dog breeds that require extensive exercise. You won’t be happy, and neither will your dog. I always suggest going to the American Kennel Club site and researching the different breeds. Talk to a good breeder—you should know by reputation, by the questions they ask, and answer, whether they are. They will help you determine if their breed is right for you.

If you choose to go to a shelter, I’ll make two suggestions: don’t adopt from a shelter that has a mandatory spay/neuter policy in place, and don’t adopt if they haven’t examined each dog, temperament-tested it, given an educated guess at the breeding if it’s a mix, and posted all that information for prospective adopters.

Why? We know more about early spay/neuter than we did forty years ago, and we know it leads to unhealthy and potentially aggressive dogs. So don’t do it. If enough people say “no” to this policy, then the shelters will change their position, and leave that decision for the families. Where it belongs. They’ll only change it if they lose money, which means not adopting from them until a healthy pet policy is in place: no spaying and neutering.

As for a close examination of the dogs available for adopting, that is just common sense. I think the biggest problem we have in the so-called “dog overpopulation” problem isn’t that too many dogs are born but that people give up on the dogs they adopt, whether from the shelter or a breeder, because they can’t handle them.

If you think I’m being cranky (I don’t care, really), then watch this video I filmed at the 2017 Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show where The Dog Guy, David Frei, answers a question about choosing between a purebred or mixed-breed dog. Frei was the long-time voice of the Westminster Dog Show and now hosts dog shows on NBC, including the upcoming Beverly Hills Dog Show on Easter Sunday night (April 16).

Frei is the ultimate diplomat and common-sense dog person (and agreed to the posting of this video). He says the best dog in the world is the one sitting on the couch with you. Of course he’s right. But in just a few minutes he talks about the differences between purebreds and mixed-breeds. Valuable minutes if you love dogs, want to live with one, and know other people who feel the same way. So go watch it already.

©2017 Robyn M Fritz

All Things Dog: 2017 Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show

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Ollie the Cavalier

Images from the 2017 Seattle Kennel Club Dog Show—all about people and dogs and … dog sports! It’s the human-animal bond in action.

Some dogs need help getting around: the pet carrier is every bit as useful as it looks!

Herding dogs demonstrating how they work with ducks, who are showing how easy it is to show the dogs they are doing just fine.

Flyball was a new sport demonstrated. It’s for dogs of all sizes (and abilities). They race the course, jump on the platform to grab the ball, and then race back. It’s a competition (as a dog would say, it’s a ball, let’s go!). And it’s quite safe: the jumps are scaled for the smallest dog in the two-team competition. Here the highlight was a champion flyballer: a fifteen-year-old Papillon, the tiny dog with flying ears.

Agility takes a dog through numerous obstacles at top speed (defined as whatever speed the dog choose to go at). It takes time and patience but builds a strong team.

A dog show is a place where people who love dogs can meet people just like them—and learn about breeds they might be interested in. Remember to research before buying a dog, purebred or mixed-breed. Purebred breeders will be up front with you: does your athletic ability match the dog’s? How skilled are you at handling a dog? What will you and your dog do together?

© 2017 Robyn M Fritz