February 26, 2025

Don’t Stop Believing that Spaying and Neutering Your Animals Early (or at all ) Is Wrong

murphbday11Nearly every week for the last two years I’ve received emails thanking me for the article I wrote about taking my beloved Murphy to the veterinary surgeon to discuss treating the cancer that would inevitably kill her. Most of these emails are private; many are also here on the blog site. Today I am remembering Murphy, who died on March 8, 2012, and the story that has helped so many families deal with their own tragedies. Check it out: The Real Life Crappy Choice Diary, Entry 13.

Now, what are we going to do about cancer in our animal family members? Start by refusing to adopt any animal that has been spayed and neutered against your wishes (and those wishes should be to take your females through at least two heat cycles so that they are sexually mature, and there is almost NO reason to neuter a male dog). The science is there, people. The common sense should have been there long ago. Nature gave us hormones to help our bodies grow and develop; depriving our animal companions of those hormones for political reasons, and not a serious medical emergency, is barbaric.

Right now we’re listening to political ranting and bad science. We know better. Stop the madness: refuse to adopt spayed or neutered animals in the animal welfare system.

Refusing to continue to harm our animal family members by refusing to adopt these mutilated animals will shut down the current shelter and rescue system within a year. Why? Because they won’t have any money and will have to listen to the truth, not the pandering. Help rebuild our families’ health.  Take charge. 


© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

What To Do When Your Vet Is Haunted

Robyn M Fritz and MurphyEven though I talk with the dead, both people and animals, I never once thought about my vet being haunted. I guess because I’m usually there on personal business, meaning one of my animals is ill, and practicality rules: I’m interested in dealing with the illness, not in looking for dead things.

So I was surprised one day a month ago when I was at the vet with my Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Alki. My poor boy and I are both recovering from a vicious dog mauling early in the year. In the aftermath he suddenly developed severe heart disease, lost a lot of weight from stress, suffered extreme pain from being beat up, and his gastrointestinal illness, IBD, is quite severe after being under control for nearly a year.

So we’ve been at the vet a lot in 2014. Still, Alki loves his vet, and doesn’t mind being at the clinic, so I was surprised when we were waiting in the exam room and Alki was acting both distraught and scared. He was whining, pawing at me, and pacing. When the vet came in the room Alki would have nothing to do with him. He sat rigidly beside me, shivering, eyes wide in fright as he stared at his vet and refused to move. No matter what the vet or I tried, Alki refused to have anything to do with him. The vet finally moved us to another room and Alki calmed down, although his heart rate was through the roof and it was several hours before he was completely himself again.

What was wrong with him? I thought back—the only other time Alki was afraid of the vet was the first time we were back in the clinic after my beloved Cavalier, Murphy, died there. That time, too, Alki was nervous and shivering, clearly worried about dying. I talked him through it, which reminded me, yet again, that we need to talk to our animals about what is going on. They do understand us even if we don’t understand them. Alki knew very well that Murphy had died just down the hallway, and I had to reassure him that he was not dying, too.

But a month ago Alki’s fright was a mystery, one I pursued with him that evening in a conversation. It turns out that a big black dog had died in that exam room within the last few weeks and had been roaming the clinic halls as a ghost, and that room in particular, since it had been euthanized. So this ghost dog had literally been standing there yelling at Alki to “Run for it, they kill you here!” After hearing that I could hardly blame Alki for being frightened, and I felt bad for the dog who had died.

Bad enough to do something about it.

How We Helped a Dead Dog Move On

My friend and I sat down together to talk with the dead dog. I asked it, “Were your people with you when you died?” When the dog said yes, I asked it if they were crying. He said yes. I then told the dog that I was sorry they had not explained to him what was happening, but I was sure they were crying because they loved him very much, there was nothing they could do to save his life, and they euthanized him so that he would not suffer any more. I’ve been through enough situations like that with clients to know that it was true, although I didn’t know the exact circumstances.

The dog understood then what had happened to him, and was comforted by the simple knowledge that he was loved and not randomly murdered; instead, he was dying and his family loved him too much to let him to suffer anymore. My friend and I then helped the dog to move on to be with my dad at his Way Station for Dead Things on the Other Side—yes, one of the places the dead go to rest up before moving on to review their lives and choose their next adventure.

The next day when our vet and I discussed Alki’s condition, I told him about the dead dog. He was silent for a moment, then said, “Well, I’ll do know Alki clearly wasn’t himself.” I told him about telling animals what is happening as they prepare for euthanasia, and that he could silently tell the dog in his head and not verbalize it out loud if he didn’t think the family was open to it.

Some people are still not on board with animal communication, including the concept that animals can and do understand us and do have feelings and concerns of their own. Others are, like many Japanese, completely silent on death, and do not even tell human patients that they are dying, a mindset that I simply do not understand, but there it is.

How To Act When Your Vet Is Haunted

So the ghost dog has safely transitioned and I learned a big lesson, which is that someone like me who works as an intuitive is sometimes on the job whether they know it or not. That does not mean we are supposed to be wide open to anything all day long, but when you see a reaction like Alki’s you need to pay attention to what is happening in case there is something that you need to do, or at least can do.

Here’s the thing. Every veterinary clinic is potentially haunted because animals die there, just like people die in hospitals and care facilities, which are also frequently haunted. (Believe me, even self-professed skeptics who work in those places will tell you that they are very aware of ghosts, and will avoid being alone in certain places, even though they don’t like to admit it.)

So what do you do when your vet is haunted?

  • Make sure you are well grounded at all times, especially when you first go into your vet’s clinic.
  • Explain to your animals that you are going to the clinic with them and why.
  • Assure your animals that they will be fine.
  • If you are going in for euthanasia, then by all means explain it to your animal, and take someone like me along with you if possible, or at least arrange a consultation so that you and your animal are completely clear about what will occur. For more on what to do in the dying process, consult my article, How the Human-Animal Bond Meets, and Survives, Death.
  • Make sure that your vet and vet technicians working with your animals understand and respect the ‘spiritual’ or ‘intuitive’ relationship you have with them by participating in a discussion with you and the animal about what is occurring, why, what will happen, and what it means. Many vets are open to animal communication, and certainly respect the human-animal bond, so if this sounds strange to your vet I suggest you find another one.
  • Because you are occupying that veterinary clinic space, you are free to ask the space to be clear and healthy for you and your pets, and use whatever clearing remedy you need, particularly a pinch of sea salt in the room with you, or crystals, or whatever works.
  • Suggest to your vet that the clinic hire someone like me who clears traumatized spaces to routinely clear the space and help ghosts move on.
  • Make sure to ground and clear yourself after a visit to a place where animals and people die, so you don’t carry that stuck, heavy energy home with you (this is a routine daily care practice for everyone, but here we’re talking specific places).

Of course you can’t force a vet to clear their clinics, but you can clear the space around you, and maintain an open line of communication with your animals. You may not hear them, but they do hear you, so make sure you tell them what’s going on; animals, like people, can easily get confused about a situation, particularly an emotionally intense one like death, and need reassurance and an opportunity to ask questions. I’ve seen enough confused and frightened animals, alive and dead, that are suffering emotionally simply because they don’t understand what is going on. Please don’t do this to your animals, or yourself.

If you don’t do these things, odds are someone like me will meet your deceased animal in a very sad way. At least you hope they will, so they can help your beloveds completely, and safely, transition.

Unfortunately space clearing is not as routine in our society as it could be, so it’s up to you to make sure that when your vet is haunted you aren’t haunted, too.

Have you ever noticed that your vet is haunted? What would you do to make your vet’s clinic a healthier, happier experience for you and your animal family?

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz







My Favorite Crystals: Arfvedsonite

arfvedsoniteThis black crystal, arfvedsonite, is a great choice to support you in becoming your best self by partnering with your past lives and your hopes and dreams. It’s a great stone for grounding and balancing as it helps you take charge of your life through deep insight and direction.

Let go of preconceptions and see clearly with this stone. Use it to deepen your intuition, speak your truth, dig deep to explore your beautiful, awesome self, and stay safe on your psychic journeys. Be strong, be aware, be connected to all that truly matters with arfvedsonite.

Yep, I can’t pronounce it either, but it doesn’t seem to care. This is our arfvedsonite, purchased at Earthlight Rock and Gems in Kirkland, WA. It is quite opinionated and sleeps next to us at night, promoting safe astral journeys and a sense of humor.

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

My Favorite Crystals: Columbite

columbiteThis is our columbite crystal, which calls itself Columbite. I believe this type of crystal is the strongest protection and grounding crystal there is. Clients are always trying to buy it from me (no, I do not sell family members, and even if I wanted to, Fallon would have a fit, but I have a larger piece available for a bargain price of $200, and a few small pieces for around $30).

High grade columbite like this is expensive. It is a heavy crystal, immediately ‘thunking’ you back to the planet, providing firm and clear-cut grounding. It also offers protection, so if you do serious energetic or intuitive work, you should consider it. I find it gentler than obsidian or jet, and stronger than all of the protection crystals, including black tourmaline.

If you’re lazy like me, or even if you’re not, columbite also rapidly clears chakras. No muss, no fuss, and all in a flash. What’s not to like about that?

If you’re serious about using crystals for grounding and protection, consider columbite. I believe it is one of the most important crystals you can have in your collection. However, some people find it too strong for them, so try before you buy.

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

My Favorite Crystals: Kyanite

kyaniteKyanite is the best clearing crystal I know. I met this large blue/white raw piece in the same workshop in which I met my crystal partner, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz, back in spring 2009. I had actually been “seeing” this piece of kyanite for two days, and when I held it I asked it how much it cost: it said “$120.”


It was right, and it came home with me that night. (Shown sitting with some crystal friends.)

Kyanite is fragile when it’s raw, so this piece stays home. You can also buy polished pieces to tuck in your pocket for the day. It also comes in a dark green color (spendier).

Kyanite clears everything. Our visitors routinely take off their jewelry while visiting and place it on top of the kyanite. Their jewelry is vibrantly clear when they’re ready to leave. It’s also great for clear-thinking, intuitive insight, rapid thinking, and easy balancing. Yes, a perfect match for my get-it-done-with-as-easy-as-possible philosophy. Get some and bring it to one of our workshops!

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

What Pushes Your Intuitive Energetic Boundaries?

AlkiIf I ever doubted the need for firm energetic boundaries, the last month would have clinched it. I watched clients deal with trauma, I developed shingles, and on Jan. 8 my dog Alki and I were mauled by a neighbor’s loose dog and severely injured.

I’ll tell you about my inspiring, and harrowing, month, but first, how are your energetic boundaries?

Checking Our Energetic Boundaries

We all experience times when our boundaries are shaken by people, events, family, work, the news. Here are clues to whether yours need attention:

  • You feel overwhelmed in public, oversensitive, irritated, or just tired.
  • You have low self-esteem or self-worth.
  • Clients and family drain you or make you doubt yourself.
  • You feel you do not deserve prosperity or abundance.
  • You give everything away: your energy, spirit, time, money.
  • You never put yourself first.

If you can relate to this, sign up for my free newsletter or check my website  for our upcoming workshop on energetic boundaries.

In December Fallon and I used intense space clearing and personal energy work to help clients and their homes and businesses deal with abuse at the same time as I faced it myself. Then, within two weeks, I suffered stress-induced shingles and my Cavalier King Charles Spaniel boy, Alki, and I were mauled by the neighbor’s loose Kerry blue terrier. I have been in scary situations before, but I’ve never been more terrified than I was that night, when I knew I was fighting for Alki’s life, and my own, and that we were not coming out of it intact.

Yes, life throws you curve balls: so how do you catch them?

Stress and Energetic Boundaries

We are so used to stress in our busy lives that we tend to think of it as an emotional reaction to daily demands at work and home, something we just live with. But stress has physical and psychic consequences that can damage our lives for years if we don’t properly handle them. As more of us experience the expansion of our intuitive abilities, the effects of stress reverberate in our bodies, souls, psychic lives, and home and business spaces. We deal with that, and become our best selves, when we create firm boundaries—when we learn to say “no” and how to reinforce that “no” energetically.

In the last month I watched beautiful, suffering clients stand up and said “no” to old forces that both disrupted and impaired their lives. Two things happened: they courageously, firmly, and gracefully claimed their unique power and healthy, beautiful futures for themselves and their spaces, and they learned to develop and maintain strong physical, emotional, and spiritual energetic boundaries. What a new year these brave, loving people are greeting!

But there’s more.

I know about boundaries, I teach them—very few intuitives actually understand, let alone teach, boundaries—and yet on Dec. 26 I woke up with stress-induced shingles. Yes, crap happens, I’m sorry to say, but I knew exactly what had happened, so once the medical solutions were in place, I re-examined my boundaries.

That led me to claim a love that put my integrity and choice first. It’s deeper, richer, better than I could have imagined just days earlier. However, it excludes things I thought were necessary, firmly ending one long chapter in my life. Just like my clients, I said “no” to energetic violations, because our deep, loving hearts need effective boundaries to get along, and ahead, in life.


On Jan. 8 those boundaries were challenged again as I fought to save Alki’s life, and my own, during a vicious attack from a loose dog intent on killing both of us.

Alki and I were both severely injured, but I am grateful to say that we survived, and that many wonderful people, including strangers, have stepped in to help us, as I cannot drive for a long time—besides bruises and a crushing injury to my leg that bled for 12 days and is still swollen and deeply bruised, I have a torn thumb ligament, my hand is splinted for at least a month, and even if I do not need surgery, I will have long weeks of recovery and therapy ahead of me.

Wonderful people, some strangers, some people I am only beginning to know, have provided both physical support (transportation, errands, computer advice, essential oils, among others) and emotional support, which I badly needed. As many know, I have been handicapped for more than 25 years, and, just as I was finally thriving, I am now facing a long recovery.

Worse, we learned that Alki’s life has changed completely. He turned 12 on Christmas Day (82 in human years), is mostly deaf, and had mild heart disease. The morning after the attack (and my urgent, middle-of-the-night trip to Swedish ER in Seattle) his vet discovered puncture wounds inside his lip, a loose tooth, and physical trauma from getting pounded and torn at by a dog twice his size (and vicious). When his soreness worsened I had him X-rayed: we learned that he has mild to moderate spondylosis from his neck to his pelvis, swelling from trauma has made him stiff all over, and he still cannot raise his tail.

But it gets worse, much worse: his mild heart disease has suddenly escalated. On Jan. 20 an ultrasound done by his cardiologist confirmed a Grade 4/6 mitral valve and Grade 3/6 tricuspid valve disease, up from a soft Grade 2/6 and 0/6: overnight, his heart disease escalated into a severe, disabling condition that will shorten his life and forever rules out his beloved long walks, even as he is too traumatized to even want to go outside, and too battered to move comfortably.

I am devastated: my family has been robbed of time together, plus whatever time we have is compromised by Alki’s severe disability.

Making Energetic Boundary Choices

Here are the energetic boundary choices I had: to ignore my neighbor’s responsibility, essentially forgive and move on, or take action.

While I refuse to linger in bitterness and resentment (although I recommend setting a buzzer for 20 minutes and screaming, yelling, crying, whatever you need to get it out, which relieves stress and strengthens your boundaries), I am figuring out how to  go to Seattle City Council and advocate for a change in the city’s dog laws so non-aggressive dogs and their loving families don’t need to arm themselves to safely navigate their neighborhoods. That includes figuring out how we can all live together in a city where ER visits for dog bites happen on a daily basis (as it now does), how to get people to adequately train their dogs, how to more easily remove aggressive dogs (and breeds) from the city, and how to properly support the victims of crime instead of the aggressors. We need calm, compassionate dialogue and real answers: status quo is not working. In over 15 years with dogs on Alki Beach in West Seattle my dogs have been attacked 3 times, other neighborhood dogs have been attacked, and it seems that the majority of dogs on the street represent breeds with known aggression problems and clueless owners.

In the meantime, life goes on. We are going to make it magnificent at our house while I continue to work with families as an intuitive, animal communicator, and articulate advocate on what it means to live the human-animal bond. No matter what. We are grateful to simply be here, and to know we have community.

That is the mindset that supports energetic boundaries. Practical applications, of course, include forgiveness while demanding (and getting) responsibility from the aggressors, effective energetic work, calmness, recovery time, and  humor.

Now to those energetic boundaries.

We all experience times when our energetic boundaries are shaken by people, events, family, work, the news. Don’t delay learning how to manage them for yourself (they are different for each of us just as our intuitive abilities are different). Our boundaries always need attention. Stay vigilant, because we all lead busy lives, and it’s easy to get blind-sided. I’m living proof of getting knocked off  track, and of reclaiming my life and my family’s.

Ready to shore up your energetic boundaries?

In the weeks ahead Fallon and I will be offering a workshop on energetic boundaries. Watch my website and email for the notice, and for other upcoming events, including workshops on intuitive communications, space clearing, mediumship, and animal communication.

Cheers to a new year, and firm energetic boundaries!

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

Five Reasons Not to Exercise

not exercising is good for youYou see people out running, biking, chasing their dogs, skateboarding, and you just have to wonder. Why are they doing that? Don’t they know there are five good reasons not to exercise?

The weather is … weather. It’s rainy, sunny, cloudy, dark, windy, snowy, hot, cold or just right. Exercising indoors? You have to go through weather to get to the gym (or air out the house). Easier to modify a yoga stretch in your recliner while hoisting a good e-book.

You get sweaty and tired. That means you’ll need to clean up and rest, which take time. Better to stress out while earning more money to buy toys you can play with over lattes. Or wine.

You can get hurt. People always get hurt exercising. They break wrists while biking and rollerblading, fall over curbs out walking, play sports and get hit by falling balls, go hiking and get bit by mosquitoes or chased by bears. Exercising is dangerous. Stay safe. No one’s ever been injured by a latte or recliner (unless, of course, they move).

You might miss something important that isn’t on a mobile device. What would that be, exactly? Find out: that’s why they make recliners.

There’s always chocolate. Wine and beer have cardiovascular and anti-cancer properties, coffee has antioxidants, and now we have chocolate! Yes, the new über solution for good health is dark chocolate, which reduces blood pressure and cholesterol, improves hearts and attitudes, expands waistlines and …

Wait, expands waistlines?

Is that what everybody’s doing out there, discovering that exercise is actually something we should do? Push-ups, running, biking, dancing … all create healthy, fit bodies.

That have room for chocolate.

Who wouldn’t get out of a recliner for that?

© 2014 Robyn M Fritz

TRIUNE AMERICA: Female, Left-handed, Handicapped

PonderingI was female right out of the box, indubitably, irrevocably. Never wanted to be anything else. Ever. Still don’t. Could do without the boobs, but there you go.

They didn’t figure out I was left-handed until about fourth grade. I was a girl in rural Catholic America, and they didn’t pay any attention to us as long as we kept the house and our mouths clean. They apparently didn’t realize that clean minds might have been a smarter thing to try to entangle us with. But that was like being left-handed: we were girls eventually women, and we didn’t matter, so why notice?

What always surprised me about that was the women acted just like the men: they were convinced women didn’t matter. I often wondered why they bothered to live. I also wondered if anyone else had those thoughts. Did you? Today I wonder  if something of that “born inferior” didn’t carry over into foreverhood. Okay, I don’t wonder, I know. Don’t you?

The other thing about that is the boys were shortchanged, too. Why? In Catholic grade school the nuns were too busy drilling us in how to become free-form artists to “The Flight of the Bumblebee” blaring out of a cheap stereo to actually teach us anything. What, did they figure, farming community, all these kids need to know is dirt, or did they just not know better? I don’t really want to know the answer to that question, because I think I do (dirt), and that makes me feel bad for those kids whose minds were limited by prejudice.

Then, too, those nuns who taught us were preoccupied. By nuclear war, of course, it was that time when it seemed very real, when we cringed in our beds at night whenever a plane flew overhead, because a bomb might come whistling out of the sky. I remember many drills, the nuns showing us the proper way to survive nuclear war—by crouching over a milk carton in the school hallways. I remember that as one of my first open rebellious moments: as Sister Whozit passed, her black robes swishing around her ankles and her rosary bouncing off her apparently ample hip, I sat up and peered at all the kids’ butts pointing skyward and wondered how sane adults really were. We would never make it through nuclear war on one small carton of milk, and why would I radiate my body to protect it in the first place? Who were these people who had my butt in the air and my free-spirited rebel heart’s nose to the grungy linoleum?

They weren’t my people. My people loved life, relished it, dealt in kindness. Mostly they were animals, and trees, and mountains, and my salvation the ocean, and one or two who might have thought me strange (my father) but who got me nevertheless (my earth mother). They are all still with me today, in one way or another.

At some point I actually became an adult, and just as I was ready to break free at last I became handicapped. Ironic, isn’t it? Free to run, and I couldn’t walk or stand for long. Still can’t, all these years later. But I learned to run and walk in different realms, instead, to cross time and dimensional borders as an intuitive, to write about those journeys, to invite others to explore with me. But still, physically, I’m handicapped.

Names live, they have power: female, left-handed, handicapped. Everything they tried to do to disempower me simply made me stronger. Eventually. The power of three, Triune America. Where everything wrong comes out right, in time, where memories serve as thoughtful reminders of how small-mindedness can harm, where disability is a workaround.

Mindset matters. I just didn’t give up, no matter what label got attached. I would still change some of the circumstances. Would you change yours?

© Robyn M Fritz 2013


Embracing Gratitude on the Holidays

sun dog afterglowHave you noticed the rush of complaints at the holiday season? It starts with people moaning about joining the family on Thanksgiving, and it continues. What gives?

I know the holidays are hard on people, expectations and all that, but I always thought holidays were hard on those of us who didn’t have families to complain about—and to embrace. This year I consciously choose to emphasize what I call the rush of gratitude.

I’ll be clear—I desperately miss my beloved dog, Murphy, who died last year, and family members who are gone. But here are the things I am loving and cherishing right now.

  • A friend who invited me to Thanksgiving dinner.
  • Friends who joined me at my own holiday celebration, and who remarked on how easy and fun it was to choose to create community (like eating turkey with me).
  • A friend who fell in love with fleece sheets—in a strange leopard pattern—knew I was often uncomfortable and cold, and gifted me with my own strange leopard pattern set. They don’t fit my house—and they make me laugh every time I see them, smile at the bond they represent, and feel grateful for the coziness during the recent cold snap! (Grace the Cat is even more grateful!)
  • A friend who noticed that my treasured chair, with crewel embroidery by my beloved grandmother, matched a stool embroidered by her grandmother, and gave me the stool. Do you think our grandmothers ever imagined their granddaughters would meet over business and share their art? I know my grandmother would be smiling right now, and I bet my friend’s would, too.
  • People who appreciate me and Fallon, and invite us into their communities.
  • A group that hasn’t appreciated me and Fallon, and made me realize that nothing inspires gratitude like learning to avoid those who have none!

Each of these events, and many more, fill me with a rush of gratitude—that despite our busy-ness and worries, we can choose to find joy, contentment, and amusement in everyday life. Every time I feel a bit off, I think of the little things that make me smile. Because they aren’t little at all—gratitude is a lifestyle, a choice, that affects everything.

Yes, I have complaints—I want my beloveds back again, which I know won’t happen. So I’ll settle for gratitude—that we were family, if only for a short time, and that it mattered.

Here’s to your rush of gratitude! Happy holidays, however you celebrate!

© 2013 Robyn M Fritz

A Real Estate Space Clearing: Selling a Difficult Space

orb in cleared home

an orb trio–it’s a clear space!

People think that because the real estate industry is picking up again, they don’t need any extra help selling a property. Maybe ‘move them on through’ is the American way, or maybe people just don’t realize what a benefit a clear space is to both sellers and buyers.

First, doesn’t everyone want to get the best deal they can when they’re selling (or buying) property? Of course, because it’s one of the biggest financial decisions we ever make. And we all like money.

But it’s more than that. Having a clear space to live in makes you healthier, because it soothes and nourishes you. That helps you get through the day better. That adds to the bottom line, regardless.

In addition, more people these days are sensitive to the unseen energies that are always around us, which means it’s harder to maintain your privacy. Yes, as odd as it may seem, when you sell a space, particularly a home, bits of your energy get left behind. That means sensitive people can learn things about you, whether they, or you, like it or not.

There’s enough about us on the Internet. Why complicate it by leaving bits of our energy signatures behind us?

So, you’re saying, what?

Here’s the thing. Everything is made of energy, and energy leaks. So as we go about our day, bits and pieces of what we’re thinking, feeling, and experiencing get left behind in the spaces we visit. Plus, the spaces themselves have feelings, and bits of those go with us. See how complicated life really is at the energetic level?

Well, it’s even more complicated at home, because we spend intimate time there, and because our homes are emotional beings who are very protective of us. Their jobs are to nurture us, and most of them take that seriously.

So, more on this in upcoming articles. For today, let’s explore a space clearing I did for a young man who was selling his condo in Bellevue, Washington. Here’s his testimonial, followed by more details:

Robyn worked with my home this fall and completely changed the vibe of the entire house. When I purchased this home in Bellevue about 3 years ago as a foreclosure I noticed some definite negative energy in the place. My partner and many of my friends got a spooky feeling when they were around the stairs or in the upstairs hallway. This led to an overall uneasiness for guests when they would come over.  Now I’m trying to sell the home but that negative energy seems to be keeping people away. Robyn came over and walked through the home room by room and cleared all of the negative energy. There was a very noticeable change in the home when I came back next and my friends and Real Estate Agent completely felt it too: they were blown away. If I had known about this when I first purchased my home Robyn would have been hired on day 1. The home is more pleasant to be in and I’ve gotten 3 offers on the home within 2 months of hiring her. I also feel much better now that I know I’ll be providing a warm and inviting place to live for the next owner. — Zack in Seattle

Now, this man loved his condo, but had decided to leave his job in the high tech industry and move to Seattle, so he needed to sell it. At the time I cleared it, he had two young men renting it.

The problem was, it wouldn’t sell. He had purchased it as a foreclosure during the recession. The previous owner had literally disappeared, leaving several properties behind.

Now, I work by first discovering what the owner of a property needs and wants in a clearing (it can be anything from selling a property to creating a more vibrant space to live and work in).

Then I actually speak to the property itself, to find out what it needs and wants. In the case of a sale, it’s sometimes sad, as the property doesn’t always want its people to leave. Then it becomes a matter of gently explaining what has to happen (it’s an imperfect world, and none of us always gets what we want) and helping the space to call a new owner in.

This process includes vibrational, or energy clearing.

Much as dusting and vacuuming clear the physical space, space clearing clears the vibrations.

I call my modality Space CooperatingSM because I get the humans and the space to cooperate. It goes beyond traditional space clearing, way beyond feng shui.

With this condo, I insisted on going through it only with the owner, because clearings tend to be emotional events and privacy is key to both the owner and the space.

After I arrived, the owner and I talked about what I learned from the space: that it wanted him to stay, it was prepared for a new owner, and the previous owner seemed to have experienced violence of some sort there. I became more concerned about that as we went through the space. No wonder people were having trouble living there, and the young man was having trouble selling it! As he explains in the testimonial above, people noticed something off about the place, no matter how wonderful the young owner was: I noticed that the previous owner had left a lot of chaotic, violent energy behind.

A deep cleansing was in order. We cleared out the previous owner’s trauma, and the condo’s trauma around that. Then we cleared the current energies. I used incense (copal works great for deep cleansings) and did alchemical energy clearing with my crystal partner, Fallon, the Citrine Lemurian Quartz, moving from room to room. The owner, the condo, and I talked and used alchemical energy to release negativity and heal the space.

At the end of a clearing I always go back through the space with my small (and trusty) Tibetan singing bowl; when I hit a space where the tone wobbles, I do more clearing work.

That’s how we uncovered the owner’s deep feelings for a broken relationship—a reason why I ask real estate agents to stay away from clearings. Deep emotions surface and are energetically cleansed, and healing can take place, here for the owner and the space. Without other people around, we can dig deep and help owners and their spaces resolve conflicts and move on, as was necessary here.

Did it work?


I asked the owner to have the real estate agent come back and take new pictures of the condo. When she did she said to me, “I do energy work, too, but this is different. What did you do?”

I cleared the space with my partner, Fallon, in cooperation with the owner and the space itself. Beyond that, I can’t explain it (just like science can’t always explain how things work). It only matters that it works, and no one is harmed by the process.

The condo sold. Everyone was happy. My work was done.

Here are pictures before the clearing:

Pre-clearingpre-clearing eating area


Here are pictures after the clearing:

cleared space

cleared living area


So how do you know what you want in a space clearing? Check out my article on finding a baseline for space clearing.

Also explore how to determine what you want in a space clearing.

Want a video? Here’s a video on Space Cooperating space clearing.

What have you experienced in a space clearing?

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© 2013 Robyn M Fritz