February 24, 2025

Do Our Animals Reincarnate with Us?

The Fritz FamilyAll three of these beautiful animals are gone now. And two are back–the cat and the tricolor dog. In this FB Live video I talk about why our animals reincarnate with us. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t. It should be up to them.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Reincarnating Animals: Don’t Ask Them to Come Back

Murphy 7-16-1998 - 3-8-2012If we ask our animals to reincarnate with us, we may keep them from choosing to do what they really need to do to grow their souls. Instead, invite them to tell you what they are thinking of doing next, and wish them well.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Crystals and You

creediteCrystals are practical. They help us with mind, body, and spirit issues, from arthritis to grounding. Instead of thinking they’re ”woo-wooey” just play with one. Pick it up and see what connection you have. Make it fun!

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Crystals and You: Mind Body Spirit

kyaniteCrystals are ancient beings—Just like we are souls in human bodies, crystals are souls in crystal bodies. In my experience they are not devas or gods or anything but souls having an experience in a body. We work with them however our intuition works. In my work with planetary energies and beings, I need to be well-grounded and balanced. To remind myself to develop and maintain strong energy boundaries I sought out crystals for grounding and healing. Here are a few crystals I use: kyanite, white quartz with black tourmaline rods, kyanite.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz



An Easy Connection with Nature

DSC03508Use your intuition to connect with nature. Go for a walk, take the dog, turn off electronics, and discover what nature is up to. It will awe and inspire you as it reminds you that we are not alone and helps reduce stress and depression while deepening our connection to our home and work lives.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz


Connect with Nature: It’s Your Birthright

Spring is spring garden in the northwesta great time to take a walk, turn off your electronics, and connect with nature using your intuition. Flowers, trees, all of nature is eager to connect with us. It will help us feel less alone, reduce stress and depression, and boost our connections at home and at work.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz


Asking Energy to Help

energyThink how you would like energy to help you (remove a block, heal a sore knee?). Then ask it to help and spend a few moments concentrating on it. This is how energy can help you in your daily life.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Is Energy Sentient?

energy 2Recognizing that energy is sentient acknowledges that it is the DNA of the universe and that it can decide for itself how to work with other beings, including us. So working with it is a choice for us and for energy, a connection that can help us heal and grow.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

A Mantra for Adversity

adversityLife can be tough. It can break us, or come close. Here’s how I created a mantra to deal with adversity when I was faced with breast cancer. Some tips on how you can create a mantra to help you through a crisis.

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz

Saying ‘No’ to Cancer

pink ribbonLearning to say ‘no’ to cancer was something I discovered when a suspicious mass showed up on a mammogram back in 2007. Here’s how I dealt with it, and how you can create a mantra to deal with adversity. But first, what is the issue? What are you facing? Learn your options!

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© 2018 Robyn M Fritz